"Master! You..."

"You are willing to accompany your disciples, naturally it is better!"

"Our Lin family, as well as the fourteen ancestors, will definitely welcome each other!"

Lin Xingyun replied in surprise.

My heart felt warmer and warmer.

He knew that his master should still be a little relieved about himself, so he asked to go with him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stare at Master Venerable, his eyes full of pure gratitude.

Liu Qiuyan was stunned by his burning and straightforward gaze, and quickly got up.

"Hmm..." "

I still have to go to the Origin Divine Palace and make some explanations with the ancestor."

"You guys also go and make some preparations, see you before the Sword Pavilion."

After saying that, her figure shook and left the room in an instant.

Lin Xingyun also led Liu Meng'er to get up, and after saying goodbye to Senior Sister, he went to Jianzi Pavilion with Yingqing.



In the Sword Pavilion, inside the hall.

Lin Xingyun sat on a painted bench with a somewhat unnatural expression, but he still introduced as usual.

"Miaoyin, Xiao Wu, Sister Hanyi, I explained it before I fell asleep."

"This is my fiancée, Liu Meng'er!"

"Meng'er, this is..."

Lin Xingyun just wanted to introduce them one by one.

An Miaoyin took the initiative to step forward and bowed.

"The sister is polite, and the concubine is Anmiaoyin."

"Uh-huh, no need to be polite."

Liu Meng'er nodded and smiled as kindly as possible on her face.

But look at the other party's enchanting face.

Even if Lin Xingyun had just lost his father.

She still couldn't help it, and secretly glanced at Lin Xingyun.

"Meng'er, I... I..."

Seeing this, Zhao Hanyi's face was embarrassed, and he was embarrassed to speak.

After all, she and Liu Meng'er were both disciples of the Sword Peak, and naturally they had known each other for a long time.

And Liu Meng'er started late, and she was not less cared for and guided by her master sister, and the two had a very strong relationship.

Although the actual difference is a few generations.

But Liu Meng'er is still worthy of her sisters.

But she was actually sleeping when the other party was sleeping.

Get along with Lin Xingyun............

And he repeated many times and severely suppressed the other party's fiancé!

Meeting at this time, it made her embarrassed.

They were a little afraid to face Liu Meng'er.

"Sister Hanyi, long time no see!"

"He told me about you and Nebula."

"I was also very surprised at that time, I didn't expect that the two of you met before me..."

Liu Meng'er got up with a smile, pulled her to her side and sat down, and took her hand and said in relief.

"But that's all gone, you don't have to worry about it."

"And from now on, we're still good sisters, aren't we?"


"Meng'er, Xie... Thank you! "

Later... I will try to compensate you!

Zhao Hanyi had tears in her eyes and agreed with emotion.

And Su Qianwu on the side, seeing that they had already introduced them, it was not good for him to fall behind.

I had to step forward a little timidly and say to Liu Meng'er.

"Hello sister Meng'er, I... My name is... Su Qianwu, it's Xingyun's brother..." "

Well, Xiao Wu is it."

"There is no need to be so restrained, we will all be a family in the future."

Liu Meng'er saw that she seemed to be quite nervous, so she took her hand and smiled and soothed.

"Hmm! Sister Meng'er... You are such a nice person! Su

Qianwu saw that the other party was so easygoing and amiable.

I was also moved by joy and relaxed a lot.

And Lin Xingyun saw that the four of them finally got along well, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, everyone will clean up later, and come home with me."


All the women listened and whispered in unison.

They looked at Lin Xingyun, and sympathy and sorrow appeared on their faces.

Even Bai Ze on the side sighed.

Although it has been a hundred years, they have just met, and they have not had time to gather and practice swords.

But at this time, this situation.

An Miaoyin, they naturally can't mention these children's private affairs.

After quickly finishing up, they quietly accompanied Lin Xingyun.

For fear of arousing his sadness.

"By the way, what about Cai Xuan? Why didn't you see it?

Lin Xingyun was lying on Liu Meng'er's lap taking a nap, and suddenly asked.

Bai Ze was stunned.

Then frowned and swallowed strangely.

"After Qin Di Yao broke out of the cocoon, he came to the Sword Pavilion as a guest."

"Who knew that she took a fancy to Caixuan's Chaotic Heavenly Snake

bloodline and wanted to draw some of its blood to taste..." "Caixuan lost her temper, and also detected that her biclan bloodline was extraordinary, and also said that she wanted to draw some of her blood to taste..."

"But the two fought, and Caixuan didn't fight."

"But for your sake, Qin Di Yao didn't hurt her."

"Finally discussed with

her..." "Every month after the agreement, the two will put some blood on each other to complement each other

..." "When Qin Diyao went to the border pass, Caixuan followed her and passed together..." After Lin Xingyun

listened, he couldn't help frowning and asking.

"This cat and snake bleed each other every month..."

Is it serious? "

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