"Huh?! What did you call me?! Gangko?!

Yang Fangang was already shocked to stand up.

Stunned, he looked at his apprentice.

"Gangzi, don't blame me for speaking straight."

"Your qualifications are like that, and I have fulfilled my promise to help you ascend to the Yuanfu Realm."

"All those present are princes, and your little Yuanfu realm can listen here."

"What else is not satisfied?"

Tang Yu was a little impatient and asked as a matter of course.

All the strong people present also nodded in agreement.

"Tang Yu! You...... You ungrateful beast, I have taught you for so many years, you actually ————!

Yang Fangang's face turned purple like a pig's liver, and he pointed at Tang Yu and was about to scold angrily.

But the next moment, he was so angry that he spat out blood and fainted to the ground.

"Come man, fork him out!"

"Let's move on."

Tang Yu ordered, ignored Yang Fangang, and continued to discuss tomorrow's war arrangements with everyone.




At this time, the Wuhun Holy Land was on the side of the coalition army.

In a handsome tent.

I saw two figures, going back and forth, entangled non-stop.

After an hour, the clouds finally stopped.

Liu Meng'er caressed Lin Xingyun's foxtail and fox ears with love on her face.

He said with a firm look in his eyes.

"Tomorrow's battle, I will definitely completely defeat those two imperial dynasties!"

"From now on, Li Min Cangsheng of the Tianluo Realm, and countless cultivators, will be able to regain their freedom without being harmed by them!"

Lin Xingyun also nodded in agreement and encouraged seriously.

"Hmm! Meng'er, then let's hurry up and continue the double cultivation!

"One more point of combat power, and one more point of certainty of winning!"

"Bah! You...... You raucous fox! Endless?!

"Tomorrow is a life and death battle, and at this time... You actually still have... Still pestering me for double cultivation!

Liu Meng'er complained with a red little face, and pinched Lin Xingyun's tail hard.

"Gee, Meng'er, when you lift your skirt and speak, it's tough!"

"I just don't know who it is, and I've been biting my ear..."

Stop it!

Liu Meng'er became more and more angry, and reached out to beat Lin Xingyun.

But Lin Xingyun held a pair of wrists, looked at her and smiled softly.

"When the war is over, let's take my father and daughter, and my Aunt Liu, and fly up together."

"I still want to live with Meng'er and continue to cultivate for thousands of years!"

"Nebula........." Liu

Meng'er listened to his loving words, and couldn't help but soften a lot, her eyes full of tenderness.

The two clinged to each other tightly, and they couldn't help themselves, and they practiced both for one night............



Early the next morning, the two set off refreshed.

Lead the side of the Martial Soul Holy Land and step onto the battlefield.

"Down with Tang Yu! The Martial Soul Holy Land will win! With

a burst of earth-shattering shouts, the final battle officially began.

With Liu Meng'er's current combat strength, and Lin Xingyun's help, the two of them joined forces with their swords and easily killed all the two dynasty powerhouses, including Tang Yu!

The Martial Soul Holy Land then won a great victory, uprooting the two great imperial dynasties!

One year after the end of the war, Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er also took their families and flew to the upper realm from then on..................




Tenth Dream.

Immortal Domain, Immortal Willow Family.

"Girl Su, you and I are daughters, why are you pestering?"

"Girl Xiao, I just invited you to eat a meal of grilled fish, you don't need to be obsessed."

"Mrs. Liu, go back, raise your children well, we really can't do it."

"What? Miss An, would you rather be my maid and get along with me?

"Girl Zhao, it's just morality that I saved you, forget me, just think it was just a dream!"

"Yaoyao, are you really going to be my pet? This is inevitable... That's outrageous!

"Everyone! We're all women!

"What's the point of you pestering me again?!"

Liu Meng'er looked helpless and politely refused at a bunch of women of all sizes.

However, those women did not adhere to it.

Be sure to stay by Liu Meng'er's side and practice with her!

Liu Meng'er had no choice but to call her own guard, Liu Qiuyan.

Leave Liu's house with yourself and take refuge in the outside world.

On the way, she also sighed.

I feel absolutely speechless about my innate physique!

Although she has a beautiful face and a beautiful figure.

From body to heart, she is a completely normal daughter.

But she was born with a strong and strange attraction to women of thousands of races in the world!

And her women's luck is even more exuberant to the extreme!

In the past eighteen years, she has met countless women by chance.

Among them, except for a widow surnamed Liu.

All of them are yellow flower girls waiting to be married!

Every time they met her, they couldn't help but fall in love with it.

Even if they are both women, they want to live with her for eternity!

Liu Meng'er is often puzzled for this, how can she be born with such an outrageous physique as a woman?!

Moreover, his own physique is not suitable for cultivation at all!

Now she is eighteen years old, but her cultivation has only reached the late stage of the Qi and Blood Realm.

Fortunately, her parents loved her extremely much and did not criticize her for cultivation at all.

But they are all the same, urging her to find a good match, marry early, and live a happy life.

However, Liu Meng'er has grown up to this day, and she is entangled by various women.

I didn't meet any man I liked.

The matter of marriage is naturally postponed again and again.

However, on this day, she asked Liu Qiuyan to take her and wander to a volcano in the north of the Immortal Domain, Jizhou.

After discovering a hidden natural hot spring.

On a whim, she undressed and went down to bathe.

The mist on the hot springs is quite thick.

She soaked for a while, and finally found out in amazement.

Just across from her in the distance, there seemed to be a figure............

I saw that the figure quickly got up.

But he didn't wear clothes, and directly attacked her with a sword!

"Den apprentice, look at the sword!"



After going down the volcano, the boy named Lin Xingyun followed her back to Liu's house.

When Liu Jinyuan and Lin Mo learned that Lin Xingyun was the young master of the Lin family.

Moreover, he is extremely talented, and he is the holy son of the Lin family and the Yaochi Holy Land!

Immediately surprised at the same time, the marriage of the two was decided!

On the night of the wedding, in the red gauze tent.

"Nebula, I was yesterday... Had

a dream............"Dreamed that I was lying on a bed, you and Aunt Liu, holding hands with me

............""There were some strange formations on the bed............"

"What a strange dream... How could we... How could it be in a bed..." Liu

Meng'er, who was already drunk with joy wine.

Holding Lin Xingyun, he smiled without saying a word.

"Po, that's not a dream, it's time for us to wake up."

Lin Xingyun caressed her back lovingly and said softly.

"Wake up... Wake up what wake up?!

"Let's also... I haven't had a cave yet!

Liu Meng'er muttered while tugging at Lin Xingyun's clothes.

I don't know if I was completely drunk or wanted to make up for past regrets.

"Alas! Well, let's talk about it first.

Lin Xingyun smiled helplessly, and had to let her tear off her clothes.

Even if the two have actually caved in the room, I don't know how many tens of thousands of times.

However, when this time the cave room session, it really began.

Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er seem to have returned to the day of their first wedding, and they are still enthusiastic to the extreme!

And at this time, the outside world, over the new house.

A vast pink cloud also floated with it.

Countless heavenly women fell from the sky, accompanied by thousands of flowers and rain, and began to dance in the sky.


A month later.

When the vision of the woman's body disperses.

The figures of the two also disappeared into the room.




In this world, the Immortal Domain, the Yaochi Holy Land, ask the peak of Jianfeng Mountain.

In the boudoir on the top floor of that small attic.

On the bed, Lin Xingyun and Liu Qiuyan finally opened their eyes together......

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