"Now in this world, the Tianji Town Demon Tower is still in my body."

"It's nourishing everything for me all the time!"

"That Chaotic Green Lotus Fire is still merging with my Origin Divine Fire day and night."

"This fusion process will also continue to refine my physical body, divine soul, and spiritual power foundation!"

"When I return from my dream, the Chaos Green Lotus Fire will definitely be completely fused!"

"By then, my foundation will definitely be enough to reach the ultimate of the Divine Fire Realm!"

Lin Xingyun was secretly full of ambition and confident.

In these ten lifetimes of dreams, he not only wanted to enjoy and experience with Liu Meng'er.

I also want to improve our strength with Liu Meng'er and plan for the future!

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate again.

With Liu Meng'er and Yan Yan, he quickly left the Tianxuan Holy Land.



A month later.

In the East Wilderness City, in an inn room.

There was a creaking sound of the bed shaking, half an hour later.

Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er ended their morning exercise.

The two washed up, then held the cigarette and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Come, smoke, be careful of the hot."

"Does this porridge taste good? No, I'll order something else. "

Hmm! Good...... Delicious!

Liu Meng'er carefully fed the meat porridge to Yanyan, and Yanyan also praised with satisfaction.

Looking at the intimate appearance of the two.

Although Lin Xingyun was a little envious, he did not dare to make a sound.

In the past month, this mother and daughter have completely determined their relationship with each other.

Sticking together every day is really a mother's filial piety.

But Yanyan was still very resistant to getting close to him.

Lin Xingyun did not dare to make a second attempt.

I can only be close to my adoptive mother who smokes!

At this time, the three of them were eating and drinking happily.

The comments of others in the inn gradually came.

"Have you heard? A while ago, the Heavenly Xuan Holy Land moved to attack the forbidden area!

"As a result, before entering the restricted area, I encountered a giant with red hair!"

"That red-haired giant used just one punch to knock away the imperial soldiers of the Holy Land!"

"Fortunately, that giant can't get out of the forbidden area, and those in the Tianxuan Holy Land can escape with their lives!"

"It's terrifying! Just to say that I am already afraid!

"I just said, there is no emperor sitting in the town, and you still want to attack the forbidden area?" Still fighting to become an immortal? "

It's a mess!"

"Eh, I also heard that before everyone in the Tianxuan Holy Land retreated."

"That red-haired giant suddenly faded his red hair and turned into a middle-aged man, and then..."

And everyone's discussion gradually faded away.

And originally ignorant and naïve, enjoying the smoke of Liu Meng'er's mother's love.

His expression was already a little sluggish.

She pouted, glanced at Lin Xingyun, and quietly transmitted the sound.

"Why did you arrange such a play?"

"And specifically for me to hear?"

"Master, the disciple passed... Maybe it's a bit of a difference.

"But the disciple also really wants to help you solve your problems!"

Lin Xingyun took one of Liu Qiuyan's small hands.

Sincerely reassured.

"Master, a disciple can strip you of the ominous, and your father's holy body is ominous, naturally it can also be solved!"

"Now the disciple is still weak, but wait for the disciple to succeed in cultivation."

"It is necessary to solve the ominous situation for your father so that you can be reunited with your father!"

"Nebula... You..."

Liu Qiuyan's lips trembled, and a pair of watery eyes showed emotion.

However, she and the apprentice looked at each other for a while.

Still sighed and shook his head, and continued to transmit the voice.

"Nebula, the ominous of the Great Eucharist, is not so simple to peel off..."

"My father... He was already delirious and violent and crazy, and it was already very difficult to control him from making trouble.

"It won't give you the opportunity to slowly devour and strip away the

ominous..." "And that ominous power has completely merged with his flesh, divine soul, spiritual power, and even the origin of the Holy Body..." "

I have also tried countless methods, but there is no progress."

"You can have this heart, I am already satisfied..." Liu

Qiuyan's face showed a little frustration.

For Lin Xingyun's anger, it was much eliminated.

"Master, the matter is man-made, and there will definitely be a way for the apprentice in the future!"

"Even if you don't believe in the character of the apprentice."

"Don't you still believe in your apprentice's abilities?"

Lin Xingyun said confidently.

Liu Qiuyan pursed his lips and smiled, and his mood was a little better.

"You kid! You still know that your character is deficient!

"If you had a better character, it would be more..."

Lin Xingyun took her from Liu Meng'er's hand and took her into his arms.

"Meng'er, let me feed the smoke."

"Hmm! Good!

"You should be closer to smoke, don't make a difference!"

Liu Meng'er nodded with a smile and handed the porridge bowl to Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun learned from Liu Meng'er and carefully and thoughtfully fed Liu Qiuyan porridge to drink.

"Master, the character of the disciple can be slowly corrected in the future

" "At least in this lifetime dream, you will indulge the disciple once!"

Lin Xingyun earnestly transmitted the voice while feeding Liu Qiuyan porridge.

"Alas! "

First of all, I won't... I won't call you daddy!

"This is the bottom line!"

Liu Qiuyan sighed softly, his face showing helplessness.

But in the end, he replied softly and ate the meat porridge.

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