"Don't make trouble."

"Immortal, this trip to the Nether, you should take it as a warning, you need to know that there is a heaven outside the sky."

"In the world of the palm heaven pot, the Dao is lacking after all, far inferior to the Immortal Domain."

"Your cultivation is close to a saint, and after you become a saint, it is better than nothing to forcibly cultivate in the palm heaven pot."

"It won't be long before the Immortal Domain will be in chaos, and the five forbidden areas will be unbanned."

"It's not appropriate to go on a big move with immortal-level forces at this time."

"Let's leave it for now, let's think about it later."

"Cangtian, your Dao injury has not recurred lightly this time, come to me."

After the voice died down.

Jun Cangtian and Jun Wangu quickly bowed down respectfully together.

"Yes, obey the orders of the Yuan Ancestor!"

Jun Changsheng listened to the other party's meaning, obviously this time he did not intend to forcibly retake the palm heavenly pot for himself.

But the other party's seniority is terrifyingly high, even if it is him, he does not dare to rebel against him!

Although his face was gloomy at this time, he also had to bow down and answer.

"Follow the orders of Yuanzu!"

But in his eyes, there was still resentment.

"Lin Xingyun ——!"

"You wait! See him again, and I will be disgraced and crush you to ashes! "




Inside Yaochi City, in the clouds.

Lin Xingyun walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

He let out a long sigh of relief and walked slowly downstairs.

Ying Qing has been too enthusiastic these days, and he still feels numb and fluttering now.

But just as he slowly went downstairs.

Shen Yueru was already waiting in the corner, staring at him sideways.

In the past few days, inside and outside the attic, there has been continuous rain of flowers, which has become a check-in spot in Yaochi City!

She naturally knew very well what the other party did.

But it's not easy to break, just ask very unnaturally.

"Yaoyao... How's it going? Nothing went wrong, right?

"Aunt Shen rest assured, Yaoyao's metamorphosis has become very stable."

"My master usually pays attention, even when he is not by her side, he will leave a divine soul avatar to take care of it, and it is foolproof."

Lin Xingyun replied with a smile, and suddenly remembered something.

Just whispered to Shen Yueru.

"Aunt Shen, Master and I will soon be separated from each other, at least for years or decades."

"So we also specifically discussed Yaoyao's affairs."

"My master has already decided to send Yaoyao into the Origin God Palace in the Holy Land and ask another Great Emperor Realm ancestor to take care of it."

The Origin God Palace is the location of the Yaochi Holy Land, similar to the forbidden land of the Immortal Family.

Many of the Great Emperor Realm ancestors of the Yaochi Holy Land were sleeping in it.

It is said that the various source god springs in the Yaochi Holy Land, traced back, also flowed from the source god palace.

Among them, the Dao rhyme is mysterious, and the environment may even be more suitable for Qin Di Yao's transformation.

And listened to Lin Xingyun's explanation.

Shen Yueru also caressed her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good if Yaoyao is okay."

"Then you... Take care of yourself, go early and return early..."

she subconsciously snorted.

It seemed that he felt a little embarrassed, and did not wait for Lin Xingyun to answer, turned around and left.

"Well, Aunt Shen also take care."

Lin Xingyun answered with a smile.

As she turned around, he took out an orange card and swept it at her.

"[Good pregnancy] Orange, paste!"

He secretly ordered, and the orange card in his hand came into effect.

After sticking the number of lives on Shen Yueru, the orange card dissipated without a trace.


Shen Yueru's face was surprised.

Then subconsciously reached out and touched his flat lower abdomen.

I only felt that in the lower abdomen, there was suddenly some kind of unspeakable and unclear abnormality............

"Aunt Shen, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?

Lin Xingyun stepped forward and asked with a concerned look.

"Didn't... It's nothing..." Shen

Yueru's face turned red, and she didn't know how to explain it for a while.

He had to shake his figure and immediately fled back to his room.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun showed a satisfied smile of doing good every day.

Without paying attention for a while, he quickly set off and returned to the Yaochi Holy Land.



That night, in the Sword Pavilion.

Bai Ze lay on his side on a long bed, pouting, and his expression did not seem very happy.

She grabbed Caixuan and shook it around.

While looking irritably, he looked at the four people not far away, sticking together and crooked.

I saw Su Qianwu, Zhao Hanyi, and An Miaoyin, all of them were crying, hugging Lin Xingyun tightly, and whispering reluctance from time to time.

"Okay, don't be sad."

"In the future, we will preach eternal life, and we can be together for thousands of years."

"It's just a small farewell now, there's no need to be so sad."

Lin Xingyun said with relief.

Pecked lightly between the foreheads of the three people in turn.

But the three of them were still sad and still gloomy.

Seeing that the atmosphere is still so dull and sad.

Lin Xingyun had to sigh lightly and gently push the three away in turn.

Immediately made a relaxed look and asked with a smile.

"In three days, I will go to the appointment with Master Venerable."

"In the past three days, do you say that I should keep it to practice alone, or do I keep it to cultivate double?"

When Zhao Hanyi and Su Qianwu heard it, they instantly understood.

The eyes that were originally full of tears finally released a little light!

But An Miaoyin frowned.

I couldn't help but ask with a strange face.

"Nebula, I remembered what you said about it."

"After you returned from the Burning Flame Realm, since you and the Liu Palm Sect, you met for ten days."

"Then your seven days... Where did it go?

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but be stunned by the question.

Immediately, he looked a little embarrassed and coughed twice.

"Ahem... "

Miaoyin, look at you, the pattern is small again, isn't it!"

"In the future, we can stay together for thousands of years, why bother with this short period of ten days, or even seven days?"

And An Miaoyin's intuition was keen, recalling the smell on Lin Xingyun's body.

It was understood in an instant!


"Then I'll come first!"

She snorted with contempt on her face.

But he didn't break it, pulled Lin Xingyun up the attic, and returned to his room.

Zhao Hanyi and Su Qianwu took a step slower.

I had to stay downstairs with each other in disdain.

Both of them gradually turned red.

For a while, I don't know whether to push or compete for the lead

.................. ........................


An Miao sound room.

"Miaoyin... In the future...... You still have to... Practice hard..."

Can't... Because...... The qualifications are better than before... Just relax and slack..."

"What if... If you miss me so much... You can go find Xiao Wu... Accompaniment..."

"Ah! Pain! Pain and pain————!

Lin Xingyun gritted his teeth and screamed a few times.

An Miaoyin only then raised her head and pinched him his waist a few times.

"Lin Xingyun! You're biased, you!

"You returned from the Burning Realm for a total period of ten days."

"You accompany that old aunt for seven days and accompany us for three days for three days?!"

"Is this something that people can do?!"

An Miaoyin was so angry that she pinched Lin Xingyun hard.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, come

to Japan, come to Japan..." Lin Xingyun was helpless, so he had to hold her in his arms, smiling and soothing.

"You said it nicely, and let me practice hard!"

"If you don't accompany me, my Red Dust Dao Fruit will never be complete..."

If you leave for too long, my Dao Fruit may slowly break apart

..." "It is not impossible for cultivation to regress..."

An Miaoyin lay in Lin Xingyun's heart, half-threateningly instructed.

The body gradually softened.

"Miaoyin, don't worry, how to complete the Dao for you, I have already had a foolproof method."

"You just need to practice at ease and wait for me to come back."

Lin Xingyun caressed her hair and smiled comfortingly.

"You're going to paint bread again! Ghosts will believe you..."An

Miaoyin cursed angrily, and kept poking his heart with her index finger.

But the two hugged each other, and it was already difficult to suppress themselves.

An Miaoyin leaned for a while, and then couldn't help but get up.

Holding Lin Xingyun's face, he wanted to stick his lips.

"Don't, Miaoyin, it seems to smell like..."

You dislike me?!

"I haven't disliked you yet! The old lady counts to three!

An Miaoyin launched another temper, immediately holding Lin Xingyun's cheek, and scolded with a horizontal eyebrow.

"One, two, three."

"Or... Do you go and pour a cup of tea first and rinse your mouth?

Lin Xingyun counted directly and sincerely suggested.

An Miaoyin sneered, immediately opened two rows of silver teeth, and bent down.

"Ah! Pain! It hurts so much, it hurts————! "




A day later.

Zhao Han's clothes room.

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