The black light emitted by the two pieces of armor was also more intense than before, and it seemed to be gradually recovering.

But still not a trace of spiritual memory came out.

Lin Xingyun held it in his hand, and only felt that in addition to being heavy, there was still nothing strange.

"They are indeed getting heavier as they recover!"

"Put it away, there will be another opportunity in the future to kill a large number of foreigners so that they can be completely revived!"

Bai Ze explained while looking at Lin Xingyunhun's body.

It was found that the other party's physical strength was strong, but he was not actually injured.

She caressed her towering heart and relaxed a lot.

Lin Xingyun nodded and put away the two pieces of armor.

Then he let Bai Ze wait on the abyss, and he and Caixuan returned to the abyss.

I saw him wave his hand and summon the nine-colored immortal fire.

The boundless black and white flames in the abyss did not need to be greeted, and immediately gathered with great enthusiasm.

Lin Xingyun put Caixuan in his arms and sat on top of the nine-colored fairy fire.

The Immortal Devouring Demon Jar has already manifested, and it is full of force.

It also turned some of the black and white flames in the abyss into pure nourishment to supplement Lin Xingyun's spiritual power.

He controlled the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar and accompanied Master Venerable to practice hard for five years!

The original fourth-level Immortal Devouring Demon Skill had finally broken through to the fifth layer not long ago!

I saw that on the body of the magic jar jar that was originally without any texture, a strange ghost face appeared.

That ghostly face seems to cry instead of crying, seems to laugh and laugh, extremely strange.

But since that ghost face took shape, the devouring power of the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar had skyrocketed more than ten times compared to the past!

Now there is no one here, plus Bai Ze guards it.

Lin Xingyun naturally had no scruples and regarded everything in this vast abyss as food.

After helping himself to recover his peak state, he officially attacked the Divine Fire Realm!




Seven days later, the Burning Flame Realm, the land of the Far West.

Outside the old site of the Soul Sect.

A black-robed figure was terrified like a dog who had lost his family, and hurriedly fled back.

It was precisely from the beginning that he retreated because of insufficient cultivation and watched the battle situation from afar.

Genseki who finally escaped quietly!

"Damn it! Damn———!

"This little incineration realm actually killed seven of our brothers and buried three!"

"Fortunately, the fifth and sixth brothers did not go together, otherwise I am afraid that they will all be buried in that abyss!"

"That Lin family kid... What kind of monster the hell?! "

You can actually slash the prince with the Cave Heaven Realm?!"

"And that gray snake, it is actually the origin of the world?!"

"This fucking bunch of scraps! Wait... Wait! "

I'm a ghost clan, and I'm not done with you, ———! end"

Gen-shik cursed angrily as he hurried.

But he knew that the other party was now not only powerful in battle, but also controlled the origin of the world.

In the Burning World, it is already invincible!

Even if you pass through the alien demon pillar again, how many strong people are transferred over, they will be sent to death in vain!

But his eyes were still full of resentment and cruelty.

It seems that some kind of determination has been made!

"That Immortal Domain man, who killed my seventh brother, is always waiting there to reap the profits!"

"Hmph! Aren't you strong?

"I'll let you go and fight with that Lin family!"

"Let you two miscellaneous from the Immortal Domain, fight each other, and see who dies first!"

Genzhi's face showed his gloomy and cheerful, and he galloped up more and more.

In the blink of an eye, he swept up the sacred mountain and entered the Soul Sect.

However, he had just arrived at the Pillar of Alien Demons.

I saw a gray-robed young man with his back to him, standing with his hands in his hands, quietly looking at the Alien Demon Pillar.

It seemed that this magic pillar evoked some extremely ancient memories of him.

Seeing this, Genshi seemed to be shocked.

Immediately converged all expressions on his face.

He was still plotting and calculating just now, and immediately fell to his knees.

Asked cautiously.

"Great... My lord, you... You're out of customs?!

"Is everything done?"

The gray-robed young man did not look back and asked indifferently.

"Great... Adults forgive sins! Thing...... Some accidents have occurred..."There

is a person from the Immortal Domain Immortal Lin family who has disrupted our deployment!"

Yuan Zhi was already covered in cold sweat, trembling and recounting the good things Lin Xingyun had done.

"The Lin family? Congenital Dao embryo?

"Is he? He's here too? "

It's okay, let's kill it in this Nether."

After the young man listened, his words revealed a bit of a smile.

It seems to be easy and still relaxed.

"My lord, let me ask next..."

"My two younger brothers... How... Not seen?

After Genshi finished paying, he couldn't help but question.

After all, after coming here, he not only did not see the figures of Yuan Xiong and Yuan Xuan.

I couldn't even feel the breath of the two of them!

The gray-robed young man did not answer, but just pointed in the direction casually.

Gen-shi looked in the direction.

I saw a ruined temple hundreds of zhang away.

Two broken legs of different sizes are hanging on the beams and pillars in the temple............

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