"Oh, thank you Sect Master Yin for your good intentions.

"In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely visit the Miaolu Immortal Sect."

"It's not far away.

Lin Xingyun replied with a chuckle, then bowed and no longer retained.

He also understood that the other party was a quasi-emperor, and his current cultivation was simply difficult to control her, and it was dangerous to touch her at will.

I can only wait for my cultivation to improve in the future and go to the Miaoluo Immortal Sect to meet again.

Coupled with the fact that An Miaoyin is now a [Talent Transcendent] orange qualification, with the Nine Points of Red Dust Dao Fruit, it is worry-free to cultivate to the Great Saint Realm, and there is no need to rush for a while.

"Leave!" Yin

Shuanghua seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, turned around and left the Yaochi Holy Land with a single step.

An Miaoyin saw that Master Zun had finally left, and she also relaxed her heart.

Immediately got up, pulled Lin Xingyun strangely and questioned.

"Nebula, shouldn't you... Is it really interesting to my master?!" She

had just seen Lin Xingyun staring at Yin Shuanghua for so long, and naturally became suspicious!

But my own master is more than three thousand years old, should the taste be so heavy

?" "Look at you, and stain people's innocence out of thin air!" "

She is your master, how can I be that kind of ridiculous person?" Lin

Xingyun smiled and took her in his arms, and was about to continue to flicker.

But suddenly a wooden box smashed towards him, and he had to quickly reach out and catch it.

"This was sent by your elder Lin.

"It's okay... Just get out of here!" Liu

Xinyan turned away and scolded impatiently.

But her blue silk was already rolled up in anger! The

next moment she took a step and disappeared as well.

Lin Xingyun shook his head and had to leave with An Miaoyin.

All the way back to the Sword Pavilion, he opened the wooden box.

I saw a blood-red jade bracelet lying inside, the bracelet was restrained, and there was no wonder at all, as if it was just an ordinary ornament.

But from the bracelet, he smelled a familiar fragrance.

"Like the smell on that strategy book, it should also be the personal object of the Fourteen Ancestors. Lin

Xingyun thought of his fourteen ancestors, and made his own personal things into magic weapons, and sent them to him for self-defense, and he couldn't help but be moved.

And the only way he could think of to repay the Fourteen Ancestors now was to fulfill the expectations of the Fourteen Ancestors!

But as soon as he put away the wooden box, An Miaoyin had already hugged his waist tightly, leaned on his shoulder, and said softly.

"Nebula, I just... Isn't it good?"

"This is the first time I've rebelled against my master... Now think about it... There are still some fears, you said what can be done..."

Lin Xingyun saw her pretending to be pitiful, but her hands were touching her body again, and he knew that she was a bad stomach again.

But remembering that she didn't hesitate before, refusing Yin Shuanghua's firm appearance, she still couldn't help but stroke her hair and praise.

"Well, it's really good, do you want the young lord to reward you?"

Stay with me alone for another three days!"

An Miaoyin slapped his palms and looked at him with shame.

"Hey, young man, you can't fit in, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity!"

"I don't care! I was dizzy when I saw her, I don't want to be with her..."

"Why, low self-esteem? Then later, let you and Yaoyao come together, you can regain some self-confidence." "

With whom? Yaoyao? Who is Yaoyao?"

Is that cocoon of light that you brought back?!"

Cough...... We'll talk about this later, three days for three days, let's go

.............................. ..................

Half a month later.

The deepest part of the Holy Land, outside the Cave Mansion.

Lin Xingyun carried the six-colored light cocoon, and as soon as he stepped outside the gate of the cave mansion, he suddenly felt that the surrounding heaven and earth changed.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived on the familiar jade throne.

Opposite him, Liu Qiuyan was still sitting cross-kneeled, looking at him with a helpless smile on his face.

"Meet Master.

"The disciple asked the master to wait for a long time, it is really unfilial piety, ask the master to punish."

Lin Xingyun naturally saluted and pleaded guilty, and there was a faint feeling of foreboding in his heart.

With Liu Qiuyan's ability, he must have sensed that he had returned to the Holy Land, and even sensed the "good deeds" he had done these days............

She had already arrived outside the gate of the cave mansion, and there was only a little way left, but she immediately moved herself in...

"It seems that Master Venerable is already in a bit of a hurry..."

Lin Xingyun was guessing, only to feel a soft spiritual power coming from him, helping him up and sitting up.

"Nebula, how can I punish you?"

"You were born with such a physique, it is inevitable that many women are involved in common things, and you can't be blamed for this.

"It's just that you don't want to be because of this... And if you abandon cultivation, you still have to preach immortal life in the future.

Liu Qiuyan sighed softly, still smiling and softly instructing.

"Division... Master..."

Lin Xingyun looked at his master, her warm and loving smile like a spring breeze, listening to her infinitely inclusive and considerate words.

I couldn't help but be obsessed for a while.

And Liu Qiuyan looked at his stunned look, smiled more and more, lightly covered the corners of his mouth, and began to change the topic.

"Nebula, your trip to the Immortal Fire Secret Realm this time has gained a lot. "

I see that your cultivation has entered the realm a lot, and your foundation is several times stronger than in the past, do you want to tell Master Venerable, what adventures do you have this time?" Looking

at Liu Qiuyan's affirmative and expectant expression, Lin Xingyun immediately returned to normal, cleared his throat, and said with a fluttering eyebrow.

"Master Venerable doesn't know something, the disciple's trip to the secret realm is really dangerous and scary step by step

!" "In front of that Immortal Fire Palace, the disciple provoked a large number of strong enemies, including the Qin family, the Wang family, the Jun family, the Ye family, the Taigu royal family, and a pervert of the corpse refining puppet!"

The disciple finally lived up to Master Venerable's teachings, and finally fought all the strong enemies and killed them all!" "And the disciple remembered that Master Venerable had taught his disciples to do more good deeds!" "

So the disciple not only killed her, but also saved a little girl and helped her heal her injuries..." Lin

Xingyun was particularly radiant at this time, as if he couldn't contain it, he wanted to behave in front of Master Venerable, and even wanted to get more Master Venerable's approval.

Liu Qiuyan also listened to the apprentice's narration with relish, and praised him with a smile from time to time.

The two sang and harmonized, and got along in great harmony.

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