"Copy [Gifted Transcendent] Orange. Lin

Xingyun secretly communicated with the system, and the card in his hand immediately flashed orange, and there was an extra line of orange handwriting on it - [Talent Transcendent] orange.

"This copy card is really convenient, and it can be copied successfully without direct contact!"

Lin Xingyun thought with satisfaction.

And after leaving the Sword Pavilion with An Miaoyin, he took the orange card and quietly swept it towards An Miaoyin.

"Does the host choose to paste the hit—[Gifted] Orange?"

After the order, a halo burst out from the orange card, which suddenly poured into An Miaoyin's body.

As the hit copy and paste was completed, the orange card quickly turned into flying ash.

"Huh?!" "

Nebula! How do I feel... It seems to..." An

Miaoyin suddenly looked surprised, only to feel that the mind of the divine soul suddenly became several times clearer, and the understanding of the exercises and magical powers suddenly deepened a lot.

But without waiting for her to ask, Lin Xingyun stepped forward and put his arm around her waist, grabbing Bai and interrupting.

"Do you feel better savvy, more deaf and clearer?"

How do you know?" An

Miaoyin was even more surprised, staring at Lin Xingyun with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Why, haven't you usually noticed that the rain of flowers that come down from my physique vision will be good for you women?" "

Hmph, of course I noticed, who doesn't know about the entire Yaochi Holy Land?!"

"But I used to bathe in the rain of flowers, how is the effect... Isn't it so obvious?" An

Miaoyin was reminded of the previous question by his rhetoric, and she was a little annoyed, but she still questioned.

"Gee, don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"Those flower rain essences must have been accumulating in your body, until you got better with me, and now it completely bursts out to improve your qualifications!"

Lin Xingyun flickered seriously, and stunned An Miaoyin again.

"How about it, you have greatly improved your understanding now, do you feel that the [Red Dust Dao Fruit] is complete?"

It doesn't seem to be much to enter the realm, but it's still a point behind..."

"However, the speed of cultivation seems to have increased a lot, and the absorption of spiritual energy is much smoother than in the past

!" "Finally, there is hope to catch up with you monsters and monsters

!" "I blame you! If you hadn't drawn so many cakes, I might have broken through the Divine Fire Realm earlier!" After

An Miaoyin sensed it, she happily hugged Lin Xingyun and pinched him coquettishly.

Lin Xingyun frowned.

An Miaoyin's talent destiny has been upgraded from the original [Talented] purple to [Talented] Orange.

However, it did not help condense the [Red Dust Dao Fruit] at all, only improving the speed of cultivation and understanding.

Now that the Dao fruit in her body has formed nine points, and it is too late for her to pursue this Dao all her life and want to repeat other exercises.

If she can't condense completely, no matter how fast her cultivation speed is, she will eventually encounter a realm bottleneck, and she will no longer be able to advance an inch, let alone preach immortality.

"It seems that even if you give her [Heavenly Resources] gold, it won't help..."

"Forget it, let's go see Senior Sister first."

Lin Xingyun shook his head, pulled her and went straight to the Peak Lord Pavilion.


A moment later, the peak was in the main pavilion.

As soon as the two entered the hall in the pavilion, they saw Liu Xinyan, sitting opposite a woman in a moon-white robe in the hall.

The woman wore a Dao crown on her head, and her Daoist robe was dignified and simple, but the irritating curve still made the Taoist robe difficult to hide, and her appearance was also mature and beautiful, and a pair of peach blossom eyes were like silky fog, as if they could hook people's hearts at any time.

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