"Huh! I'm just your handmaiden. "

The young master has a confidant who misses Hong Yan, where am I?"

she snorted coldly and said with vinegar.

"Gee, young man, how can you be so unmotivated?" "

Even if you are just a maid, you can shine and contribute your part to the young master..." An

Miaoyin heard that he was going to draw bread again, and she couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately slapped his palm and angrily rebuked.

"Lin Xingyun, you have no end!" "You bad man! I was coaxed to Yaochi at the beginning, saying that he would help me condense the red dust Dao Fruit in three or five years!" "

Now it's been more than two years, the Dao Fruit has not been condensed, and you won't even let you touch it..."

Her eyes were red, and she was aggrieved, and she was about to denounce Lin Xingyun's

various inferior behaviors.

However, as she spoke, she was suddenly stunned.

Lin Xingyun, who only met him, untied his robe with his own care, revealing a body like a superb jade.

Then he sat on the edge of the bed and smiled generously.

"Look at you, you're still so anxious.

"My master knows that I am back, and I guess I will be in a hurry."

"Give you three days, if you get your wish, with your body into the red dust, it will be best if you can achieve the Dao fruit, if it still can't be condensed, I'll find another way."

An Miaoyin was completely stunned, and her coquettish face was full of disbelief.

"You... You... Seriously?" "

This time... This time it's true... Don't draw bread anymore?!" "

Why are you suddenly... Suddenly...,"

she was pleasantly surprised, but she still couldn't believe it.

The other party painted bread all his life, and today he actually grew a conscience?!"

Miaoyin, to be honest, you are in a hurry, I am more anxious than you."

"Look at your realm, it's still only the late Cave Heaven Realm. "

Your cultivation talent is limited, if I don't help you open a little stove, in the future, you will be left behind by us, and you won't even be able to see your back..." Lin

Xingyun sighed and made a worried look.


Miaoyin suddenly discovered that Lin Xingyun's cultivation in front of her had actually reached the Cave Heaven Realm Perfection, one level higher than her!

And the other party's foundation and aura were majestic to the extreme, far surpassing the Divine Fire Realm cultivators.

She even felt that with her current strength, she was afraid that the other party could press herself to death with one finger

, but when she first saw Lin Xingyun, he was only a complete Wheel Sea

Realm! And she suddenly remembered that even Su Qianwu, who had been getting along with her day and night and was in love with her sisters, was also peerless, and later came to the top, and now he has reached the late stage of the Cave Heaven Realm cultivation.

Although his cultivation speed is not slow, if he follows the steps like this, he will definitely be thrown away by two monster-like demons!

Lin Xingyun saw that she was already full of shame and anxiety, and she didn't move for a while.

Just put on a robe.

"Since you don't want to, then I'll go?" However

, before he could cover his body, a pair of slender palms pushed him directly down on the bed.

"You... You're a jerk!"

"It's all this time... Do you still want to run?!" An

Miaoyin's face was already full of heat, and she was panting with excitement, pressing Lin Xingyun deadly.

As if looking at a piece of fresh meat that was about to reach his mouth, he swallowed his throat fiercely, and reached out to tear Lin Xingyun's clothes open.

"Actually... It actually made me wait until today..." "

I am today... I must kill you today!" More

than two years of resentment instantly surged in her heart, she was fierce, and she bit in one bite............

(Omit 50,000 words first)



Three days later.

Did the Dao Fruit Condensation succeed?"

Effective is very effective, indeed much more complete than in the past, but it seems... It seems that it is still one point behind..."

An Miaoyin said lazily in Lin Xingyun's arms, without the slightest loss on her face.

Suddenly, she remembered something, a pair of white arms hooked Lin Xingyun's neck, and asked with bright eyes.

"Or... Three more days?" "

Ah this..." What if after three days, the condensation is not completed?" "

You think so much!



Three days later.

"Red Dust Dao Fruit... It seems that it is still one point away from completion..."

"Then forget it, I still want to do something else........."

"What are you in a hurry?! Three more days!"

An Miaoyin said annoyedly, pressing Lin Xingyun on the bed, and biting it again............



Three days later.

Outside the Yaochi Holy Land, an old man came with a wooden box in his hand, it was Lin Mo, the elder of the Lin family.

After informing the Holy Land Elder, he went straight to the outside of the Sword Peak Sword Pavilion.

At this time, around the Jianzi Pavilion, it was a rain of flowers.

"Huh, this vision?" "

The Second Young Master is immersed in enlightenment again, and his cultivation is really diligent.

"My Lin family has a promising future!"

Lin Mo looked at the vision that had been revealed in the Lin family, and couldn't help but marvel.

Seeing that Lin Xingyun was still busy with enlightenment at this time, he was not bothered, so he went to the peak lord's pavilion and handed over the wooden box in his hand to the peak lord Liu Xinyan, saying that it was a self-defense thing given to Lin Xingyun by his fourteen ancestors, and after bothering her to transfer it on her behalf, he resigned and left.

And at this time, in the Sword Pavilion.

"Still... It's still one point behind..." An

Miaoyin breathed a sigh of relief, sensing that the red dust Dao fruit in her body was still close to the last point to completion, and she couldn't help frowning, a little confused.

But she can feel that with the completion of the Dao Fruit for a while, her strength and foundation have become much stronger than in the past!

She took the "Red Dust Asking the Dao Sutra" as the foundation, majoring in the Red Dust Avenue for many years, trying to realize that the Red Dust Avenue became an emperor.

If we say that in the past, her cultivation path, due to the incompleteness of the [Red Dust Dao Fruit], was still as narrow as a single wooden bridge, and she needed to slowly explore and move forward.

Now her cultivation path has opened up countless times.

At least it was enough for her to cultivate to the Great Saint Realm with the Red Dust Asking Dao Sutra

! "No! Try again, come for another

three days!" "Are you finished? Three days and three days?"

"The last time!



Three days later.

Lin Xingyun looked at An Miaoyin, who was sleeping beside him, and couldn't help but shake his head.

The red dust Dao fruit is still not complete, and it is just one point away, and it is difficult to advance an inch.

In the past twelve days, they have also tried double cultivation exercises such as "Yin and Yang Harmony Method", although the effect is indescribable, but Yu Hongchen Dao fruit is not beneficial.

"It seems that with just double cultivation, it is no longer possible to complete the Red Dust Dao Fruit.

"If my physique origin is still there, there may be a chance..."

Lin Xingyun thought secretly, after all, his [Female Difficult Body] Origin was truly divine and could turn decay into magic.

However, after hearing about it, he did not regret giving the origin to Xiao Qianluo.

He looked at An Miaoyin's satisfied sleeping face, thought about it, and finally sighed.

"Let's draw a prize for her and see if you can draw the right treasure." "

System, consume villain value, open the intermediate draw once. "

Ding! consume 100,000 villain points! Open the intermediate lottery once!" Lin

Xingyun secretly communicated, and after a while, a familiar huge roulette wheel appeared in his mind.

The difference is that this time there is a line of gold characters floating out in front of the wheel.

"Host, you finally remembered that the system still has a lottery function

!" "No, the system you kind of send me an intermediate lottery every day, I promise to draw every day!" Lin

Xingyun couldn't help but slander for a while, waving his hand to erase the golden word.

I looked at my villain value again.

After the battle of the Immortal Fire Palace, plundered Qin Emperor Yao and Wang Teng, and killed Ye Yu, causing Ye Que to hate the sky, and a series of actions came down.

Plus Tang Yu, squatting in the prison of exterminating crimes, from time to time he will burst a villain value of a thousand children.

Now his villain value, after consuming 100,000, there are still more than 350,000 left.

If it wasn't particularly needed, he even wanted to save up to a million points before going to the advanced lottery.

At that time, if you can draw red lives and red treasures at one time, you will take off directly in place!

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