At this time, he let out a long sigh of relief, held two jade Janes in his hand, and turned around and handed them to Yingqing.

"Aunt Ying, there are two exercises here, you take it to cultivate, you can practice the first weight, until the limit, and then try to cross the saint robbery

!" "But you remember, you must be secret when cultivating, you will understand after reading the exercises, don't be detected by anyone!"

Well, the young lord... Don't worry, I'll listen to you!"

Lin Xingyun instructed, while Ying Qing solemnly agreed, while wiping the fine sweat on his forehead for him distressedly.

And those two exercises are naturally "Immortal Devouring Demon Skill" and "Divine Elephant Town Prison Technique"! These two exercises involve too much, especially "Immortal Devouring Demon Skill"

, which must not be revealed at will, and he has only obtained these two exercises for more than two years, and he has not thought of giving them away easily.

But now that it is to let Yingqing

survive the Saint Tribulation safely, he naturally has no reservations and teaches them all! He believes that with Ying Qing's cultivation, as long as she practices these two exercises for a few years, after she succeeds, she will definitely be able to easily survive the Saint Tribulation!

In the future, when the time is right, he will still pass on these two exercises to Su Qianwu and Zhao Hanyi.

Even in the future, when the time is completely ripe, you can let Xiao Qianluo and Qin Di Yao also have a share!

His red face, when everyone will be standard with "Divine Elephant" and "Devouring Immortals", the Immortal Domain will not let him run amok?!" "

Aunt Ying, and you accept all of these, these two exercises consume a lot, your realm is high, and the cultivation resources required must be a lot."

Lin Xingyun immediately took out nine 10,000-year elixirs from the Qiankun Ring, and dozens of bottles of holy pills, all of which Lin Rong had given him in the first place.

"Young Lord, don't be like this, you give too much, so what should you do with your own cultivation?"

Yingqing was taken aback, and quickly refused.

"Oh, I'll just do it!" Lin

Xingyun smiled and waved his hand, but he didn't explain.

His master is still waiting for him, it is much stronger than any elixir or holy pill!

"Young Lord, this is too much, you still receive..." Ying

Qing wanted to resign, but was gently covered by Lin Xingyun.

"Aunt Ying, don't say those discouraged words. "

You've been gnawing me for seven days, it's time for me to gnaw you

..." "When I return to Yaochi this time, it is estimated that I will have to retreat for a long time, so..." Lin

Xingyun's eyes were already blazing, and he didn't say more, and then as soon as he raised his hand, he skillfully carried Yingqing onto the bed............



Seven days later.

Lin Xingyun walked down the pavilion with a pleasant face, brought down the six-colored light cocoon, and was preparing to return to Yaochi.

I saw Shen Yueru, in the shop on the first floor, holding a box of incense powder and sniffing with interest.

"Aunt Shen is also interested in these mortal figures?"

Lin Xingyun asked casually with a smile, but Shen Yueru was stunned, quickly closed the incense powder, and reprimanded with a straight face.

"You're just interested in these things, smell it yourself, how fragrant you are!"


Yaoyao knew, I am afraid that she would be so angry that she would jump out of the light cocoon in advance!" Shen

Yueru's face was resentful and ashamed, and she couldn't wait to take a wicker to draw Lin Nebula hundreds of times.

She really didn't expect that Yingqing was hundreds of years old, Lin Xingyun still called her Aunt Ying, and actually slept in a room with her

! And in the past few days, inside and outside the attic, the sky has become a treasure land for checking in and planting grass in Yaochi City!

She couldn't help but guess these days, who disciplined this child, what has he learned since he was a child?!"

"Then before Yaoyao grows a supreme bone, trouble Aunt Shen to take care of this place and keep it safe."

"I'll thank you in advance.

Lin Xingyun didn't care either, and said with a smile.

"You better take good care of Yaoyao.

"I live here and naturally look at everything here.

Shen Yueru said angrily, and stroked Qin Di Yao's light cocoon, and looked at it reluctantly.

Then he flicked his sleeves and turned around and went up to the pavilion.

Lin Xingyun no longer delayed, and returned to the Yaochi Holy Land with a light cocoon............


Not long after, in the Yaochi Holy Land.

Lin Xingyun took Qin Di Yao back to the Sword Pavilion, put down a light cocoon, and after warming up with Su Qianwu by the way, he went straight to the Peak Main Pavilion, intending to meet Senior Sister first.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, he saw the front hall, Liu Xinyan was sitting cross-knee with Zhao Hanyi, explaining with her the mystery of cultivation after breaking through to the princely realm.

At this time, Zhao Hanyi's complexion was completely restored, his expression was radiant, and a blue divine fire in his eyebrows was shining, and his power was even far superior to the original divine fire of Jun Chengdao, Wang Teng and others!

Just refining a part, it made their divine fire foundation almost strong to the point that no one had ever seen it before

! And the stronger the innate divine fire, the better the effect of refining the divine soul, flesh body, and spiritual power at all times, and it would be of great benefit to the cultivation of all realms in the future!

"Well, back?" Liu

Xinyan saw Lin Xingyun return, and his face showed surprise.

But at this time, the apprentice was present, and she quickly recovered as usual, deliberately calmly asking.

"Han Yi said, you went through a fierce battle this time, took the immortal fire, and was besieged by the Quasi-Emperor..."

"No, unscathed, and rewarded

!" "This is all thanks to Senior Sister!"

Lin Xingyun replied with a smile, and pretended to throw his hand at Liu Xinyan.

Although he could succeed in the secret realm even if he relied on the forbidden rune.

But Liu Xinyan's connivance made him particularly moved.

"Hmph, just your little flower intestines..."

Liu Xinyan snorted coldly, still seemed a little angry.

After all, when the other party saw the stitches and needles, he was actually with her apprentice in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm............

But the wood was already done, and at this time she was ashamed to mention it.

"Division... Master..."

Zhao Hanyi was embarrassed, and after calling, he was already a little embarrassed to look at Liu Xinyan.

Lin Xingyun directly stepped forward to pull her up and said goodbye to Liu Xinyan.

"Senior sister, let's talk about it today, I'm going to take Sister Hanyi to practice swords." Don't

tell me this, who knows what you're going to do..."

"You just remember, you are not allowed to bully the winter clothes in the future!"

Liu Xinyan looked irritated and turned his face sideways to lecture.

"Senior sister, you think too much, I have always been bullied by her before. "

Right, Sister

Hanyi?" Lin Xingyun smiled playfully and shook Zhao Hanyi's arm.

"Nebula! Don't... Let's go quickly..." "

Master, the disciple retreats!" Zhao

Hanyi heard him say that he was bullied by himself, and immediately remembered the scene when he enjoyed and suppressed him in the cave before............

Qiao's face was suddenly full of shame and expectation, and he took the initiative to pull Lin Xingyun to leave.

And Liu Xinyan looked at the same virtues as the newlywed couple.

On a hot day, she was so angry that her fingers were shaking!

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