Lin Xingyun was secretly guessing, and Bai Ze, who had already turned into a human form, followed Qin Di Yao to the village.

And the surrounding villagers saw Qin Di Yao return to the village, and brought outsiders, and greeted them with smiles.

"Yaoyao is back, this time out for so long, didn't you get hurt

?" "I also brought guests back, Yaoyao, who are these two guests?" "

Wow, mother, look quickly, Sister Qin brought a man back!"

How energetic he looks!" Many

female villagers, large and small, looked at Lin Xingyun non-stop, wagging their tails and twisting their waist, unable to hide their interest and desire for him.

"Sister Qin, this brother looks so good

!" "Sister Qin, is he the husband you are looking for outside?" "

When will you two become married? I want to eat a big meal!" Several

little demon beasts also came over, jumping on the ground, and asked curiously at Qin Diyao and Lin Xingyun.

Qin Di Yao's face turned red when he was asked by them, and he immediately skillfully gave a violent chestnut and reprimanded in shame.

"Xiao Ling, Xiao Zhen, don't talk nonsense!" "

Uncles and aunts, this is Lin Xingyun Lin Gongzi, he is... It's mine..."

Qin Di Yao was just about to introduce it, but suddenly said nothing.

She remembered that when she went out, she became a follower of others, and with her arrogance, she was embarrassed to open her mouth for a while....

However, she was still hesitating, Lin Xingyun had already intimately hugged her slender waist and introduced everyone generously.

"Everyone, polite, I am Yaoyao's fiancé. "

Young Lord?!, why are you ——!"

Qin Di Yao was suddenly so shocked that he forgot to struggle, and looked at Lin Xingyun with a red face.

"Don't move, obediently cooperate with me.

"It's a rare trip, and you don't want everyone to know that you have become my follower, right?"

Lin Xingyun said with a bad smile, but his hand tightened, and he rubbed Qin Di Yao's lower abdomen.

"You... Hmph, I'm just going to cooperate with you!" "

And... Don't touch it anymore!"

said Qin Di Yao shyly and angrily, but he didn't struggle anymore, and a little warmth surged in his heart.

And Lin Xingyun had already looked around, smiled and flipped his hand, took out a large number of various elixirs, and slowly floated towards the villagers.

"It's in a hurry, I didn't prepare anything, there are some gadgets here, so let's think of it as a meeting gift."

"This... Is this a thousand-year elixir?!" "

This plant of mine too! It's so rich in aura, just smelling it, I feel like I'm about to take shape!"


That's it, young man, you're too polite

!" "You take back these elixirs

, and play with Yaoyao at Aunt's house later, and Aunt will make you something to eat!" "Yaoyao has really grown up, knowing that she has become a family to live a life, and she always fights and kills outside, how hard

it is!" "This young man is really good, Yaoyao will definitely be blessed in the future!"

One by one, the villagers were embarrassed to accept it, and they all returned the elixir with a smile, and then praised Lin Xingyun with satisfaction.

Lin Xingyun was also not pretentious, took back the elixir, took out a large number of various pastries and desserts, and gave them to those little demon beasts, making them excited.

Qin Di Yao was so embarrassed that he couldn't stand it.

She took the initiative to pull Lin Xingyun and quickly left towards the center of the village, causing everyone to laugh knowingly.

"It seems that they still don't know about the poisoning of your Aunt Shen?"

Lin Xingyun looked at the relaxed appearance of these villagers, and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, Aunt Shen is the only strong person in the village, she doesn't want everyone to worry, so she keeps hiding it, but... I can't hide it..."

Qin Di Yao's little face immediately appeared sad, and he replied with worry in his eyes.

"It's okay, didn't I come?" "

How much cold poison can she have in her body?

Lin Xingyun chuckled and said with relief, which made Qin Di Yao feel a lot relieved.

"Hmph, I know you're awesome, you..."


" As the two were talking, they suddenly heard a scream behind them.

I saw two women rushing towards the outside of the village, shouting at the same time.

"Xiao Fan, Xiao Hao, come quickly——!"

Outside the village, two young demon beasts in the shape of a black dog and a yellow chicken were running towards the village lifelessly.

In the mid-air behind them, a gust of wind was rolling down from the sky, and it was actually a golden-winged giant peng, swooping down from the air!

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