Qin Di Yao turned around in embarrassment, causing Bai Ze next to him to have a black line.

"This dead girl, just acquainted with me, dare to get involved with me?"

"Hmph, you wait, follow this little ghost, you will have to be a mount sooner or later!"

Bai Zezheng gloated and thought, but Lin Xingyun stepped forward, reached out and took out an eighteen-petal green lotus, and shook it in front of Qin Di Yao.

"Huh? This... This is that immortal fire?!" Qin

Di Yao immediately showed a look of surprise on his face, and looked at the swaying green lotus in amazement.

"Let's go, accompany you and rescue your Aunt Shen." Lin

Xingyun just shook and withdrew the fairy fire.

"Well, thanks... Young Lord Xie!" Qin

Di Yao was also not good to lose his temper again, and quickly thanked him with gratitude.

She came to the Immortal Fire Secret Realm this time to subdue the Immortal Fire, and the strengthening of her foundation was secondary, and the most important thing was to rescue Aunt Shen, who raised her.

Now that Lin Xingyun is so faithful, she has finally let go of the big stone in her heart.

And Lin Xingyun checked the system and found that her loyalty only reached 30 points, which could not be regarded as a subducement at all.

"Hey, this little cat is really not easy to get.

Lin Xingyun raised his eyebrows, but he was not in a hurry.

To take advantage of Qin Di Yao, there are many ways in the future.

After resting for a while, the group took Bai Ze and headed for the exit of the secret realm.



At this time, in the sky outside the secret realm, thick black clouds were stretching for thousands of miles, shrouded in endless shrouding.

Among them, there are countless thunder and lightning arcs, which are flashing non-stop, but there is no explosion at all, and they seem to be accumulating strength.

And under such a fierce thundercloud, there are four people and horses, each driving a flying chariot and a Xuan car, waiting in strict formation, blocking the entrance of the secret space.

The Jun family, the Ye family, the Panlong Tai, and the Emperor Phoenix Mountain, each with a saint, were divided into four directions at the entrance of the secret realm, and everyone was full of anger, all staring at the spatial rift.

Not far away, on the Qin Family Immortal Boat, Qin Yiren was watching the fire from the other side, with a sinister smile on his face.

Three days ago, after he left the secret realm, he immediately found the ancient royal forces such as Panlongtai and Dihuangshan, and informed Lin Xingyun of all his killing acts.

The other party originally received a message from the clan, saying that the soul lamp of Long Ao, Feng Tian and others was extinguished, and they were all angry, and they were trying to track down the murderer and erase it in revenge!

After all, the Lin family is not easy to mess with, if they bully the small and attract the old monsters in the other party's family, it will really not end well.

Moreover, the Lin family also had Xianzhou and a saint present, and it was indeed not easy for them to kill Lin Xingyun.

But they didn't hesitate for long, and things took a new turn.

After only one day, the head of the Ye family, King Ye Ren, came here in person

! His face was as cold as Xuan Bing, and he did not explain a word, and after arriving at the scene, he directly used quasi-emperor means to completely seal this heaven and earth

! After that, no one was allowed to enter or leave, and no message could be conveyed by half a point!

However, after another day, the second quasi-emperor aura came, and after getting the permission of the Ye Ren King, he stepped into the ban.


communicating for a moment, the two quasi-emperors actually reached a consensus to completely lock up this piece of heaven and earth!

It must be the two young masters Ye Yu and Jun Chengdao, who died in the secret realm, and the soul lamp left at home was extinguished!

Instead, he secretly affirmed in his heart.

The death of Ye Yu and Jun Chengdao is estimated to be inseparable from

Lin Xingyun's demon head! "Lin Xingyun, it's good to let you be a miscellaneous and bad for me

!" "Now there are two quasi-emperors blocking here, and there are a bunch of saints squatting and guarding, the realm of heavenly Jedi annihilation, you can't die if you want to!" "

I just don't know if Qin Di Yao's supreme bone was taken away by him...," Qin

Yiren thought with a sinister smile.

Obviously, in his guess, Qin Di Yao had already been slaughtered by Lin Xingyun as a trophy.

And at this moment, to everyone's surprise, the entrance to the Immortal Fire Secret Realm should have been closed by itself for half a month.


Well, you see, the entrance is not closed? It's actually going to be shattered!"

"Could it be that someone got that immortal fire, and this secret realm is about to disappear completely?!"

"That's really unprecedented! What demon can have this ability?" "

I bet on five thousand spirit stones, it's the young master of the Jun family, Jun Chengdao!

Don't you see that the Jun family master is over there?"

"I heard that the Jun family master has a very small heart, let's still ..." Several

scattered people in the corner, whispering as they talked.

The next moment, they suddenly froze in place, unable to move for half a minute.

In the distance, above the sky, Jun Wangu glanced at them, and they were all twisted into a lump of meat mud, completely lifeless............

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