"Lin Xingyun, for the sake of you being the second young master of the Lin family, I will give you one last chance to advise you to do it yourself

!" "Hurry up and hand over that woman, otherwise you will be good today!"

Qin Yiren threatened coldly, but suddenly felt a little frightened.

For some reason, this young master of the Lin family in front of him obviously only had the Yuan Mansion Realm in his cultivation aura, but he always had a feeling that the other party was already able to kill himself!

"Good, it's hard for you to end well today!"

Lin Xingyun sneered and mocked, which immediately provoked the anger and contempt of all the cultivators present.

If that white-haired divine beast said so, you would dare to be so arrogant in a Yuanfu realm, a fox fake tiger power, right?"

"Lin Xingyun, you are really still so arrogant and ignorant!" "

Today you are deeply encircled, see how you can escape again!" Lu

Min and Chu Yu stepped forward and scolded Lin Xingyun fiercely.

"Oh? You're here too, that's just right. "

But you are wrong, it is actually you who are deeply encircled

!" Lin Xingyun said playfully, the contemptuous and casual look made everyone present more and more annoyed!

"You Terran ant, what is it? Die!" Shi

Huang was also enraged, he had learned Lin Xingyun's strength once that day, so he was not a little afraid, and immediately made a first move.

I saw that he manifested the true body of the huge stone man, and slammed down towards Lin Xingyun with one punch.

However, this time, Lin Xingyun also smashed out with a punch, accompanied by a primeval god elephant howling.

Under the collision of the "————!"

, everyone only heard a thunderous explosion.

Then the stone man's arm and half of his torso were directly smashed into pieces by the divine elephant

! "Ah————!

" "How is it possible?! How can your strength..."

Shi Huang immediately screamed, his huge body fell backwards like a landslide, and at the same time he was terrified, looking at Lin Xingyun deadly.

However, the next moment, as soon as Lin Xingyun raised his hand, thousands of lapis gold sword grasses appeared around his body in an instant.

"Nine-Leaf Sword Domain!" he laughed viciously, casting the fourth magical power of the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique, countless sword grasses rushed out like thousands of troops, like a horse running in a circle, shrouding everyone present in it

! Then those countless lapis sword grasses evolved into fields in turn, like heavy pupils opening the heavenly power, forming a prison, completely sealing this small piece of heaven and earth!

But after obtaining Zhao Hanyi's Sister-in-law Treasure Body Origin, he not only had a higher level of foundation in various aspects such as physical body, divine soul, understanding, and spiritual power.

And now in the position of his head, the tenth Yuan Mansion has been completely shaped, which is the most extreme pure gold color! When

he broke through the limit and reached the ten Golden Yuan Mansions, he only felt that his combat power suddenly skyrocketed several times, and it was satisfactory, and there was no trace of defect!

The next moment, the sword domain was completely formed, and countless sword grasses turned into killing divine weapons, attacking from all directions, and began to quickly harvest the lives of the people in

the sword domain! "Ah-save me——!

" "This sword grass, this sword domain, this stepping horse is the Yuanfu realm?

!" "Don't panic, join forces to cut him off first!" Qin

Yiren saw that there were already several cultivators who were divided into corpses by the sword light, and immediately drank violently.

At the same time, the supreme bone light in his heart flickered, and a black light of robbery erupted towards Lin

Xingyun! "Heavenly Tribulation Light

!" The cultivators also woke up one after another, and began to attack Lin Xingyun with all their strength!

"Three Emperors Immeasurable Curse

!" "Jiuxiao Sealing

Demon Seal!" "Heavenly Mad Demon Dao!" "Heavenly Crazy Demon

Fist!" "Heavenly Cloud Breaking Holy Fist!"

The treasure art, like a meteor shower, bombarded Lin Xingyun in unison!

However, Lin Xingyun pointed to the sword, like Qin Di Yao, cutting out several mysterious sword qi.

After those dozens of divine powers attacked, it was suddenly like a mud cow entering the sea, and it was all dissolved into flying ash smoke by one after another of ten thousand sword qi!

"It's Qin Di Yao's sword technique!" "That's

one of the five great sword techniques of the Immortal Domain, it only took seven days, he comprehended that sword technique?!"

Qin Yiren was also shocked when he saw this, and the alarm in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The next moment, Lin Xingyun stepped on the wind and thunder, and instantly came to Lu Min and Chu Xin.

"I said that I could fight you without magic weapons.

"Make a move, you only have one chance.

Lin Xingyun smiled viciously and approached the two step by step.

Lu Min and Chu Yu were only stunned for a moment, and then without hesitation, they burst out all the divine fire and spiritual power in unison, intending to fight to the death!

"Heavenly Flame Burning Technique

!" "Thunder Pole Yan Luo!" With

one fire and one thunder, the two fierce god colossitars instantly appeared, like the God of Fire and Thunder descending into the world, and they all pressed towards Lin Xingyun.

However, Lin Xingyun's left hand also pointed out the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique, surging countless sword grasses.

The right hand also pointed to the Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Technique, and all the magical powers were dissolved

! The sword qi of both hands was slashed down, and in just a few breaths, all the Vulcan and the Thunder God Colossus were destroyed

! "No!

He has only been in retreat with the Palm Sect for a year, how can he be forced like this?!" Seeing

that he was easily defeated with all his strength, Lu Min and Chu Yu were already revenants, and their faces were like golden paper.

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