> On the other hand, Bai Ze galloped all the way with the three of them, and he was completely away from the Immortal Fire Palace.

At this time, Bai Ze stepped into the sky, passing a secluded mountain range that was uninhabited.

On Bai Ze's back, Lin Xingyun was looking at Qin Di Yao in his arms.

I saw that her breath was weak to the extreme at this time, and the whole person was paralyzed like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, unconscious, and even her spiritual power could not be left.

"It's really hurt, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up in the short term, this little girl, the appearance is indeed pitiful."

"Alas, I am a good-hearted man and cannot see this.

Lin Xingyun shook his head and showed a look of pity.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he ripped open Qin Di Yao's blouse.

A black kitten-patterned belly pocket was casually thrown by him on Bai Ze's back.

"Gee, something, but not much. "

I'm afraid it's only worthy of competing with Zhao Binglan..." After

Lin Xingyun commented, he only felt that he was not very interested, and began to continue to explore.

The next moment, he found his position and held the Great Luo Dao Sword in his hand, directly penetrating Qin Di Yao's torso.

After he opened a wound, he saw the Dao Dao Yingbai Immortal Light shining and blooming, like a peerless immortal product that was covered, reappearing in the world

! It was Qin Di Yao's Flying Immortal Supreme Bone! Lin

Xingyun was unceremonious, reached out and directly forcibly held it in his hand.

I saw that the supreme bone was like the ultimate beautiful jade, and it was flawless and flawless, not stained with the slightest dust.

But it seemed to be extremely loyal to its owner, and after being held in the palm of Lin Xingyun, it immediately made a great immortal light, and wanted to shatter Lin Xingyun's palm!

However, that Flying Immortal Supreme Bone was still stubbornly resisting and refused to move half a point.

Like a sturdy girl, she is desperately resisting the plunder of Lin Xingyun's claws.

After all, Lin Xingyun's cultivation is still shallow, and Qin Di Yao is no longer a child, and it seems that it is difficult to forcibly take away her supreme bone like the head of the Qin family back then.

But seeing that brute force could not take the bone, the corner of Lin Xingyun's mouth evoked an evil smile.

Then with a pat of his own dantian, a pitch-black treasure bottle flew out of the sea of wheels.

The treasure bottle turned upside down, and a dark red evil bead that kept spinning fell from the inside.


Xingyun just moved his mind, he controlled the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle, split the evil bead in two, and then hit half of it directly on the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone


! At the same time, its resistance has weakened dramatically.

Lin Xingyun took the opportunity to exert his strength and directly dug it out!

"Heh, it is worthy of the ominous of the Dacheng Holy Body, even the Supreme Bone can be

eroded!" Seeing that the Supreme Bone was still resisting the ominous force, it was still being gradually eroded.

Lin Xingyun nodded in satisfaction, and immediately threw the Flying Immortal Supreme Bone, along with the other half of the dark red evil bead, into the Heavenly Demon Bottle.

After losing the Supreme Bone, Qin Di Yao's aura was even weaker, and he couldn't support it at the sight.

However, at the center of her eyebrows, there was suddenly a strange golden light flickering, firmly protecting her divine soul.

And began to emit a burst of mysterious aura, quickly repairing her physical body!

"Oh, starting nirvana?"

Lin Xingyun looked at her with interest.

However, according to the system prompts, she would not recover after at least seven days, so she didn't care about her anymore

, and Zhao Hanyi next to her, seeing what he did to Qin Di Yao, was already like a beast, and couldn't help frowning, pinching Lin Xingyun's waist a few times.

Three hours later, he instructed Bai Ze to find a secluded cave, and then asked Bai Ze to guard the entrance of the cave, while he took Zhao Hanyi and Qin Di Yao into the cave.

He casually threw Qin Di Yao into the corner, and then naturally grabbed Zhao Hanyi's slender waist.

"Winter clothes, I want you to help me practice!"

How do you want me to help you..." Zhao

Hanyi was stunned for a while, but looking at the other party's fiery and wanton predatory eyes, she instantly realized.

The other party is now, and he wants his own female treasure body origin!"

Now? right here?!" Although

she was shocked and ashamed, her eyes were already full of peach blossoms, her body was hot, and her heart was even more excited!

"The environment here is a little simpler, and I will compensate you later."

"You... What do you say these do... What Jane is not simple..." Lin

Xingyun was still smiling and comforting her, but Zhao Hanyi couldn't wait, muttering shyly, while reaching out and pulling on his clothes.

She waited too long for this day, and today is finally going to be a dream come true!"

I'm going to give him to..."

She bit her lower lip, rehearsing the scene she had thought about a thousand times in her mind.

And Lin Xingyun seemed to have seen through her thoughts.

Sitting directly on the ground generously, he chuckled at her.

"Come on, sister Hancoat.

Zhao Hanyi only felt that his heart trembled violently, and his face instantly turned red as blood.

Without hesitation, she stretched out her hand and pushed Lin Xingyun to the ground.

The next moment, this dead and empty cave was already by

.................. (50,000 words omitted first)

and Bai Ze, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, looked at the scenes in the depths of the cave.

I gradually felt dry mouth.

"Stinky boy, every time you do this in front of me, is there a little shame!"

she gritted her teeth for a long time before turning away in embarrassment.

After another while, she felt something was wrong and covered her ears again..........




Seven days later.

Qin Yiren, Long Ao, Feng Tian, and Shi Huang led the four people, gathered a group of Divine Fire Realm Perfection cultivators, and finally rushed to the periphery of this cave.

Most of the various cultivators were followed by Qin Yiren's promise of a holy soldier as a reward.

A small number of cultivators who had witnessed Qin Di Yao's shocking combat power were all superficially following Ying Promise, secretly coveting all kinds of secret treasures on Qin Di Yao's body.

And Long Ao, Feng Tian, and Shi Huang temporarily formed an alliance because they had to rely on Qin Yiren to guide them, wanting to wait for the opportunity to seize Qin Di Yao's precious blood.

Looking at this group of "followers" who were pregnant with ghosts, Qin Yiren's face also turned dark, but he had to endure it.

"It's all to blame that kid from the Lin family for looking for death, and he has to intervene horizontally!"

"It's not difficult for him to clean up himself, but that white-haired beast is too strong, and my injuries are not healed, so it's really not suitable to be a rival..."


Yiren's face was extremely gloomy, but he did not put most of the people around him in his eyes, and only guarded against the three of Long Ao at all times.

I saw Long Ao and Feng Tian, who were also angry and black at this time, not much happier than him.

Obviously, the battle of the Green Lotus Fire in front of the Immortal Fire Palace had been divided into winners and losers after several days of bloody battles, and they had not succeeded in grabbing it.

"That Wang Teng is really hateful, when he comes out of the Immortal Fire Palace, even if his strength increases greatly, I will work together to kill him

!" "Yuan Qiao is even more stupid, he is really so arrogant, he dares to break in without the green lotus fire, and he deserves to turn into flying ash!" Long

Ao and Feng Tian were both blue in the face, and they kept scolding angrily.

Before, they chased and killed Ye Yu tens of thousands of miles away, and severely injured him.

Among them, Wang Teng took a step ahead, and he actually grabbed the Qinglian Tinder

, and then he was even more unpredictable, broke through the encirclement, and broke into the Immortal Fire Palace, so that everyone could only dry stare!

To say that Yuan Punishment is indeed enough punishment, thinking that his physical body is strong, he directly followed Wang Teng and forcibly rushed into the palace.

Not long after, there was a wailing and screaming in the Immortal Fire Palace, and the breath of Yuan Punishment quickly disappeared, obviously he couldn't die anymore

! Everyone was also awakened by this bloody example, and they didn't dare to have the slightest luck, without the Qinglian Tinder, they could only look at the palace and sigh!

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