She was telling the truth.

Ordinary cultivators, cultivation to the Qi and Blood Realm is complete.

The strength of the flesh is at most one or twenty thousand catties.

Only those gifted demons.

Or a demon beast race with a strong physical body.

Only then can he cultivate stronger physical strength in the Qi and Blood Realm.

And with each realm, the stronger the foundation of cultivation.

The greater the potential for the future, the greater it is.

After breaking through the realm, it is naturally stronger.

But most of them.

Cultivating to 100,000 catties of strength is already the limit.

I want to break through again.

Unless it is a special constitution.

Or the true Tianjiao in the ancient royal family, it is possible to do it.

"Aunt Ying, I heard that my eldest brother, when the Qi and Blood Realm was complete, was 300,000 jin of strength?"

Lin Xingyun was not touted.

Instead, he asked with a smile.

Primordial Holy Body, that was the top ten Holy Body in the Immortal Domain.

The strength of the flesh is far beyond the ordinary!

[Innate Dao embryo], although it is also ranked in the top ten.

But in terms of physical strength.

On the contrary, it is not prominent.

It is not even as good as the first-class physique many times.

"Yes, the Primordial Eucharist does have great potential."

"But the young lord does not have to be presumptuous, the [Innate Dao Embryo] has the same future as expected, I believe, the young lord, you will definitely be able to come later!"

Yingqing nodded, still encouraging.

He has been Lin Xingyun's personal guard for many years.

She is already 100% loyal to Lin Xingyun.

and two hundred percent love.

"Aunt Ying, the limit of 100,000 catties of flesh, is there still a way to make another breakthrough?"

Lin Xingyun suddenly asked.

The Qi and Blood Realm was a full 200,000 jin behind Lin Feng's strength.

He doesn't want to stop there.

But when he just bathed, he could feel it.

After reaching 100,000 jin strength.

Then absorb those ordinary precious blood and elixirs.

It didn't work anymore.

Gotta find another way.

"This... Breakthrough can indeed break through, but it is very difficult..."

"In the entire Immortal Domain, there are only a few kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures that are helpful for this, even the Lin family has to spend a lot of effort to search."

"In fact, the young master, the strength of cultivating 100,000 jin is already ahead of most of his peers, and after advancing to the Wheel Sea Realm, he has a huge advantage."

"If you continue to spend too long in the Qi and Blood Realm, it is likely to be thankless..."

Ying Qing frowned slightly and gently persuaded.

"Well, don't worry, Aunt Ying, I have my own plans."

Lin Xingyun nodded, having already made a decision in his heart.

Breaking through the limits is not in a hurry.

Now I still have to go to the wool first.

He hadn't forgotten.

Today is another day for Xiao Chen to harvest opportunities!

Follow the third system prompt at the first meeting.

Today, Xiao Chen will

auction a golden-eyed blood at a low price in the auction hall in the city!

Can he be polite with Xiao Chen?

No, you can't!

But just grab the treasure with him.

How can it make his mentality explode?

The son of destiny has to be tortured repeatedly.

The more villain values you get!

The corners of his mouth drew into an evil smile.

Another brilliant idea.

"Aunt Ying, take Qianluo with you and accompany me to the palace."



This afternoon.

Xiao Chen came to the royal auction hall in the city again.

Since he resumed his cultivation and re-emerged.

Already in this auction hall, a lot of benefits have been obtained.

By the luck of his son of destiny.

and Han Feng's vision pointer.

Often you can get the best treasures at the lowest price.

There are also some enemies of the past.

It was also here that he was bloodied.

It was the same today, he was familiar with the road and entered the auction hall.

Change into a special black robe and bring a mask.

Enter the private VIP lounge and wait for the auction.

Soon, a beautiful auctioneer with an extremely curvaceous figure stepped onto the high platform.

I saw her holding a transmission note and announcing in a coquettish voice.

The voice is gentle and pleasant, touching the heartstrings.

"Distinguished guests, welcome to the Royal Auction Hall of the Apocalypse, I am the auctioneer of this auction, Enya."

"Sorry to keep you waiting, but I believe that today's auction will definitely live up to your wait."

"Now I announce that this auction has officially begun!"

Enya fell generously and finished her opening remarks.

Just knock down the auction hammer and win cheers from the audience!

Xiao Chen looked at Enya, who was a stunner in the world.

I couldn't help but feel excited.

Enya is the chief auctioneer here.

The appearance and figure are excellent.

The popularity has always been strong.

He had already been interested in it.

Now he has risen again, and he is a prince.

Are you afraid that you won't have a chance to get an auctioneer?

"When this auction is over, send someone to Joenya!"

"Although I'm not Lin Xingyun's kind of merry waste."

"But a confidante must still have!"

The corners of Xiao Chen's mouth rose, and he thought quite proudly.

The auction then began.

One item after another, it is put on the shelves for auction.

Among them are exercises, elixirs, magic weapons, refining materials, and even living creatures.

And Xiao Chen because of Han Feng's guidance.

I didn't care about the ordinary items.

Until half an hour later.

"Everyone, this treasure is a treasure blood taken from the demon beast of the Divine Fire Realm, and it is most suitable for refining the flesh!"

"The starting price is 16,800 spirit stones, and each price increase is at least 100 spirit stones, start shooting now!"

Enya showed a sweet professional smile and announced loudly.

"Apprentice, buy it, this precious blood is unusual!"

"Yes, Master!"

Only then did Xiao Chen raise his interest and hold up the special transmission note.

Bid with unrecognizable sounds.


"Okay, the guests in VIP Room 3 bid 16,800 spirit stones, is it higher than this price?"

"16800 once, 16800 twice, 16800..."

announced Enya with a smile, just as she was about to hammer.

"Twenty thousand!"

At this time, someone in VIP Room 7 called for a price.

The same special transmission notes are used, and men, women and children cannot be heard.

"Okay, the guests in VIP Room 7 have gone out to 20,000, are there..."

Xiao Chen did not hesitate and directly increased the price to 30,000.

"Thirty thousand and one hundred!"

VIP Room 7 also followed suit.

"Fifty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand and one hundred!"


"Where is the thing that doesn't have long eyes that dares to compete with me?"

Only one hundred spirit stones are added each time.

It was clear that he was going to bite him to death.

Xiao Chen frowned, and secretly cursed angrily.

If not inside the auction floor.

He really wanted to go over and see which bastard was having trouble with him!

Unfortunately, it is still auctioned.

If he reveals his identity at this time, he will press people as a prince.

It's too ugly to eat.

Especially now in front of Enya.

He didn't want to lose his grace and lose face.

"Hmph, I want to see how much wealth you have!"


Xiao Chen was fierce.

In one breath, he raised the price to 180,000 spirit stones!

Everyone present was amazed.

The bid price for this goods is more than ten times higher than the starting price.

It can be said that even if you buy it, it is a blood loss!

Where did this come from?

"Well, the number three guest has come out to 180,000 spirit stones, and his strength is amazing!"

"Are there any other guests bidding?"

Enya also looked excited and asked everyone with a smile.

Right at this moment.

VIP Room 7, the sound came again.

"180,000, 0100!"


The audience exclaimed again.

The heart said that it turned out to be these two distinguished guests.

Let's compete with each other!

This is much more exciting than an auction!

"You stepped on a horse..."

Xiao Chen was so angry that he almost burst into foul language!

"Apprentice, calm down! Don't follow the way of others. "

Yes... Master!

Xiao Chen barely calmed down.

But when he saw Enya, he had already begun to drop the hammer.

But the total number of spirit stones in his body was only 200,000.

It's about continuing to give it a go.

Or swallow your anger and give up the treasure to the other party?

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