However, the next moment, a golden crow accompanied by the scorching sun, directly slamming Qin Di Yao into the desert, and at the same time, even the last incarnation slammed away.

Jun Chengdao, on the other hand, closed his eyes for a moment, and after grasping the opportunity, he suddenly opened his eyes, and two unprecedented terrifying

beams burst out from his eyes! "Destruction God Light!" After

those two beams burst out, they merged into one, carrying the power of boundless destruction and death, shrouding the already seriously injured Qin Di Yao in it, quickly depriving him of all life!

After performing this extreme move, Jun Chengdao couldn't help but close his eyes for a moment.

However, the battle situation has been decided, and everyone can sense that Qin Di Yao's life breath has weakened to the extreme, and he is no longer able to resist! .

"Whew... It's really too difficult to deal with

!" "Such a terrifying demon, or the Terrans, staying in the world is also a scourge, it's better to strangle it early

!" "Her precious blood, let's divide the four of us

!" "Qin Yiren, quickly help me grab the

Green Lotus Fire!" "The Green Lotus Tinder can only be mine!" "

Is she not dead yet?

Among the nine, except for Jun Chengdao, who was taking breath, the rest were completely bursting out of greed and rushing towards Qin Di Yao.

Among them, the corpse butcher is the closest and the most greedy, he is still fused in the corpse puppet, and he flew away in an instant.

However, before he could succeed, thirty-six lapis gold sword grasses suddenly attacked from the side.


The corpse butcher was caught off guard, and instantly the enhanced sword grass that had been cultivated for more than a year attacked all the key points in his body.


he was seriously injured, a gray sword qi slashed from the side and directly slashed at his head.

In the end, he and the corpse puppet were cut in two!

And with the sudden fall of the corpse butcher, a white-haired fairy beast carrying a pair of men and women landed beside Qin Di Yao on the clouds.

"Lin Xingyun?

!" "It's just right, I'll take your life today!" When

Ye Yu saw the white-clothed figure, he was instantly furious, and endless killing intent erupted in his eyes.

"Well, Lin Xingyun is also here?" Jun

Chengdao didn't care about pranayama, and immediately opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xingyun below.

"Good, good, I can kill you today!" he

smiled ecstatically, but before he could make a move, Wang Teng had already swooped down first.

"Do you really dare to come to the Immortal Fire Palace, die!" He

harnessed the five fierce beast divine forms, and without hesitation, he attacked and killed Lin Xingyun.

Jun Chengdao's eyes also flashed, and he released two divine rays of light towards Lin Xingyun, although it was far less powerful than the previous attack on Qin Di Yao, but it could still easily kill the ordinary Divine Fire Realm Perfection cultivator!


hurricanes and waves of spiritual power erupted again in mid-air

————!! Lin Xingyun raised his hand and took the delicate body of Qin Di Yao, who was lying quietly in the desert on the side, in his arms.

"Well, almost dead, but not completely dead.

Lin Xingyun saw that her beautiful and matchless face was as pale as paper, and there was no more blood color, and her petite body was even more injured, completely unconscious, and looked pitiful to the extreme.

He didn't care, knowing that the other party couldn't die at all, so he directly removed all the Qiankun rings on her hand first.

"Well, young master of the Lin family, that's the rebellion of my Qin family, what do you want to do?!"

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous, an ant in the Yuanfu realm actually wants to cut off his beard?"

"Quickly hand her over!" "

Lin Xingyun, today is your time to die!" Qin

Yiren, Long Ao, Feng Tian and the others were all furious when they saw this, and Ye Yu had long been unable to bear it, and suddenly attacked Lin Xingyun together!

Shi Huang's two giant monsters were also furious, directly waving their respective sky-shading giant arms and smashing towards Lin Xingyun!

At the same time, a punch was punched, and the dragon elephant particles in the body shone brightly, and the two primeval divine elephants rushed to meet the attack.

After a

deafening muffled sound————!, although the two divine elephants resisted the huge fists of the stone man and the golden ape, they could not smash it.

And above the mid-air, a series of powerful and horizontal powers such as the heavenly robbery light, dragon claw, phoenix feather, golden crow and scorching sun have already killed together!

Lin Xingyun flipped his palm again, took out the blood killing sword, and then held the sword in both hands, with thousands of lapis gold sword grass, cutting out a large piece of sword qi.


Leaves Sword Domain!" he shouted, and immediately cast the fourth magical power of the Nine Leaves Sword Technique.

The originally formed sword array evolved again mysteriously, faintly forming a small realm, blocking all the extreme moves of Qin Yiren and others!

However, after all, he only had the Yuanfu Realm to complete his cultivation, and his combat power at this time was obviously not as evil as Qin Di Yao.

Even if he shot with all his strength, with the sword heart and the sword domain cut out by the two swords, in the face of the siege of the five Tianjiao, most of it was quickly wiped out, and he saw that it would soon be breached!

The last soul chasing sword, after he thought for a while, the light of the soul in his eyebrows surged wildly.

As his divine soul power was greatly consumed, the spirit sword was also attached to a series of secret strange magic rings.

Then he urged this last soul chasing spirit sword and quietly attacked Jun Chengdao, who was fighting with Bai Ze.

I saw that Jun Chengdao and the others, either with a strong divine soul or a magic weapon to protect the divine soul, all of them blocked the Spirit Sword.

But the soul chasing sword is still pervasive.

While they were distracted and engaged, they quietly clinged to the vicinity of them............

And not far away, the cultivators who had hesitated before and did not dare to step forward to fight.

Seeing that Lin Xingyun, a little guy in the Yuanfu Realm, actually dared to come out and pick peaches

! Everyone was angry, calling this kid really long!

And without Qin Di Yao's deterrent, they were also a lot more bold.

"Big brother and second brother, let's also go and fight!

"I see that the Qin family Shenzi and the others are also very consuming, and that immortal fire doppelganger may not belong

to them!" "I wait for scattered cultivators, born between heaven and earth, how can I be depressed and live under people for a long time!" The three scattered cultivators

who had completed the Divine Fire Realm encouraged each other, and each of them exerted their magical powers, and also attacked Lin Xingyun, wanting to try to snatch the Green Lotus Fire.

"Ice River Water Stopping Sword!" Seeing

this, Zhao Hanyi immediately rushed out with his sword, slashing out a long river of sword qi to block the three scattered cultivators.

However, after someone took the lead, the other cultivators also rushed to move.

The next moment, three more cultivators turned into streamers and came out, and the six of them worked together, and their cultivation was all divine fire, which was higher than Zhao Hanyi.

Moreover, those who dare to covet the immortal fire are not mediocre hands, and the six people quickly came out of their own powers and shattered the long river of sword qi!

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