He had also heard rumors that it was said that in the deepest part of this secret realm, there was an ancient fairy fire palace that was ancient for tens of thousands of years, and the legendary fairy fire was entrenched in it.

But it is shrouded in terrifying flames all year round, no matter how high your combat power is, no matter how many magic weapons you have, stepping into it will inevitably burn inside, and after exhausting your spiritual power, you will completely turn into flying ash!

And legend has it that the immortal fire doppelganger is also the heaven and earth divine fire, but the appearance resembles a green lotus, and there are only three plants in total, all of which were left in the vast immortal domain, and no one has ever found them.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, no one has had the opportunity to subdue the immortal fire.

Lin Xingyun thought for a while, and from the Qiankun ring, he turned out a small fire in the shape of a lotus seed, which he had plundered from Xiao Chen.

It was shaped like a stone, and it seemed to be still in a state of slumber, and if it weren't for the system prompt when he plundered Xiao Chen's chance, he wouldn't be able to see the magic of this thing.

And because his own realm is not enough, he has been putting this thing in the Qiankun ring to eat ashes.

"It is worthy of being the daughter of destiny, and you know strange things, you can actually feed the fire with the fire spirit?"

"Then feed this lotus seed as well, and see if it can be turned into a green lotus tinder." Lin

Xingyun secretly made a plan, so he put away the Da Luo Dao sword and dispersed the sword grass.

When he looked back, Zhao Hanyi had been fed pills by Bai Ze and was sleeping deeply.

"Let's go, I want to continue refining spiritual power, you go to the Immortal Fire Palace while hunting the fire spirit.

"Also, from now on, the fire spirit you hunt will have to be divided with me."

Lin Xingyun also straddled Bai Ze's back and patted her dragon horn and ordered.

"Well, you are a Yuanfu realm, what do you want a fire spirit for, and you also need three fire spirits?"

asked Bai Ze with a pout.

"Thirty percent is yours, I want seventy percent."

"Ah, why don't you grab it!" Bai

Ze launched a temper, almost eager to throw Lin Xingyun away.

She suddenly felt that her master had a faint resemblance to the huge fire spirit she had killed before!



Twelve days later, the deepest part of the Immortal Fire Secret Realm.

A huge palace with a blazing white body, located in a desert.

From the palace, from time to time, a head of fire spirit emerged, with different cultivations, obviously this is the source of the birth of the fire spirit.

Outside the palace, many cultivators rushed here, but they were waiting in all directions and did not rashly hunt the fire spirit.

Just because there are many fire spirits here, if they are forcibly hunted, it is easy to provoke a large number of fire spirits to gather and besiege, and it will inevitably be dangerous at that time.

And on the periphery of this desert, an ancient celestial monument is standing majestically.

However, all the monks who came here, passing by the Heavenly Monument, all glanced at it, then shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and they all went around.

Because this is actually a heavenly monument specially for Yuanfu Realm cultivators to test, only Yuanfu Realm cultivators can test on it and leave their names and obtain the treasures in it.

When many people saw this heavenly monument, they couldn't help but curse and curse, saying in their hearts that they didn't know which beautiful boy had enough to eat, and put this thing in this immortal fire secret realm.

In this place, there is a great crisis of life and death in the early stage of the Divine Fire Realm, how can the cultivators of the Yuanfu Realm dare to come in?

What is even more hateful is that this Heavenly Monument is deeply spiritual, with their cultivation, they can't move half a point at all, they can't even take it away, they can only rudely bypass it.

At this time, everyone was looking for an opportunity to strike, preparing to hunt the fire spirits separately.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd.


?" "What kind of divine is that?" I

saw a petite black cat demon beast, flashing and stepping on the clouds straight into the fire spirit group.

As if she had entered a no-man's land, she went on a rampage, smashing those fire spirits to smithereens, and approaching the Immortal Fire Palace, seeing that she was about to enter the palace.

And she broke halfway, and suddenly a shattered divine light bombarded her.


the black cat just snorted coldly, and as soon as the long tail swept, there was a vast fairy aura that swept towards the divine light.

Under the collision of the "————!"

, a hurricane was set off, sweeping in all directions, and finally both were wiped out.

"Qin Di Yao, just grab it!" Qin

Yiren declared condescendingly.

At this time, after more than ten days of pill recuperation, his injuries had recovered a lot.

Behind him, six members of the Qin family were ready for battle, all of them were successful cultivators of the Divine Fire Realm, and they were obviously recruited by him to help in the battle.

On his side, Wang Teng held a golden gong and looked solemnly at the black cat demon beast below.

He frowned, as if he sensed an extremely dangerous aura from the other party.

"The last time you got away with it, you actually came looking for death?"

"Then stay!" The

black cat's face showed a cold expression, and then transformed into a petite black-haired girl.

It seems that because of the maternal bloodline, she still retains a pair of cat ears and a cat tail.

"Wanhua Sword Technique!" However

, she made a fierce and decisive move, directly pointing at the sword, and slashed out several mysterious sword qi towards Qin Yiren.

"Qilin roaring heavenly strike

!" Qin Yiren did not dare to keep his hand, and came out with all his strength with one palm, turning into a majestic dark green unicorn phantom, directly bombarding

Qin Di Yao! "Shocking Treasure Skill

!" "Eclipse Sun Finger

!" "Thunder Saint Map!" The

other six Qin family members also made their own unique moves, and for a while, countless divine powers attacked Qin Di Yao below.

"Chaotic Dancing!" Wang

Teng also pushed horizontally with a palm, turning into a large turbulent flow of spiritual power, but he was only resisting those sword qi attacks.

However, this large number of magical powers and treasure arts, after encountering the other party's sword qi, seemed to have been dissolved by some kind of esoteric power.

And Qin Di Yao was still dancing with his sword fingers, aiming directly at the six Qin family members, actually planning to pinch soft persimmons first

!" "Ah————!

" "Son of God save me!" Soon

, two of them could not resist, and were entangled by the Dao Dao Wanhua sword qi, and were dissolved to only half of their bodies in an instant!

The other four were also not happy, they were not opponents at all, and in a few blinks of an eye, they had all been dissolved and killed by the sword qi!

"Brother Wang, her strength is too strong, you and I must go all out!"

Qin Yiren saw that the few subordinates he brought were completely destroyed, and he was even more angry.

The divine fire and spiritual power around him surged madly, and they all poured into the mouth of his heart, only to see the black brilliance of the Dao emerge

, and the power was amazing! This time, he urged the supreme bone in his body with all his strength, and the divine light power released was much stronger than before!

Wang Teng also felt that the crisis was getting more and more serious, and immediately stopped hiding his privacy, and directly turned into ten fierce beast doors, and from five of them, he summoned five fierce beasts to possess!

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