In the outside world, Lin Xingyun had already sacrificed a bronze pagoda and continuously smashed it towards the Dan furnace.

Under the bombardment of the Great Saint Soldier, the aura of the Saint Soldier Dan Furnace quickly dimmed down.

Finally, when it hit the fifth time, the Dan furnace trembled violently, directly flying out

of the furnace! "Poof————!" The

four people of Jun Cangshan were directly seriously injured by the aftermath of this holy soldier's agitation, and they fell to the ground one after another, vomiting blood.

"You... What the hell are you...

"I am the Jun family, please let me live, I am willing to give all of..." Jun

Cangshan still wants to struggle to survive.

However, Lin Xingyun did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, he controlled countless sword grasses and cut him into a corpse.


Ye Shang was even more revenant, and he tried his best to summon a futon magic weapon to hold him up and flee away.

However, Lin Xingyun flipped his palm, the Tiangang sword box was in his hand, and he slapped it casually, but only a sword grass popped out.

But after that sword grass was unsheathed, it chased and killed Ye Shang with a thunderous momentum.

"No, ————!"

Ye Shang urged the divine fire and spiritual power with all his strength, and the talisman weapon resisted, but he still couldn't prevent the rain, and was penetrated by the enhanced sword grass that had been cultivated for more than a year!

The remaining Jun and Ye families naturally couldn't escape one.

In a few breaths, there were already corpses strewn across the field, and only seven Lin family members survived.

"He... He is...... Is it the

Second Young Lord?!" "The Second Young Lord also came to this secret realm?

!" "See the Second Young Lord!" "Thank you to the Second Young Lord for saving your life!" Everyone

in the

Lin family was pleasantly surprised, and they all came up to bow to Lin Xingyun and thank them.

At the same time, they can't help but start to doubt life.

In their perception, the cultivation breath of the Second Young Master seemed to be a complete realm.

But this combat power, those four divine fires are complete in his hands, just like chickens and dogs, slaughtered at will!

Although they know that their second young master has been reborn, they don't know that he can be fierce to this extent!"

"I still have something, since you are all injured not lightly, leave the secret realm on your own as soon as possible."

Lin Xingyun took the Blood Killing Sword and ordered at will.

Then he turned around and threw the Blood Killing Sword in the air, and it flew out on its own and began to devour the flesh and blood of these corpses.

In this Immortal Fire Secret Realm, it was a good place to slaughter blood, and Lin Xingyun didn't hesitate to let the Blood Killing Sword eat here!

That saint-level magic treasure pill furnace, after being ownerless, was also captured by him, and I saw that he took out the Da Luo Dao sword, quickly wiped out the spirituality in it, and then collected it into the Yuan Mansion for the Da Luo Dao sword to devour.

This time, there were many enemies in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, and Su Qianwu had not yet reached the Divine Fire Realm, so it was not appropriate to come, so Lin Xingyun took the Great Luo Dao Sword from her to defend herself.

And after Lin Zhi and the others took a breath, they all resigned to Lin Xingyun.

"Young Lord, take care, I'll wait to leave!" "

Young Lord, Jun Chengdao of the Jun Family, and Ye Yu of the Ye Family, are all in this secret realm, they all have a life-and-death feud with our Lin Family, once the Young Lord meets, be careful!"

Lin Xingyun nodded, just as the blood killing had already eaten all the blood and flesh all over the place, he put away the blood killing, led Bai Ze and Zhao Hanyi, and continued to step into the air.

And everyone in the Lin family looked at the back of their young master, and couldn't help but sigh again and again.

"The Second Young Lord is really...

"It's only been less than two years, and

the Second Young Lord has actually grown to this point!" "Even the Great Young Lord Lin Feng didn't have this kind of combat power back then, right?"

"And the Second Young Lord, the wind is still the same! The two girls next to him are really beautiful as heavenly immortals!" "

That's of course, the Second Young Lord is so heroic, a woman will want to follow him, even I often ..."

What do you say? often what?"

asked Lin Zhi, his eyes widened sharply, and his face was like pig liver, staring at his wife.

"Didn't... Oh, you heard me!" He

saw his wife look embarrassed and immediately turned away, and felt a burst of green on the top of his head.

He thought that he and his wife had been rescued and had no green hat worries.

Unexpectedly, the green hat is always one step ahead of him!



Two days later, at night, Lin Xingyun and the three had already arrived in a deserted valley.

They each converged their breath, condescendingly on the valley, and looked into the valley.

I saw that there were three or five hundred fire spirits, constantly coming in and out, collecting one after another fragments of heaven and earth divine fire into the valley.

In the very center of the valley, an exceptionally large fire spirit was sitting on a stone platform.

At his hand, a large number of Heaven and Earth Divine Fire fragments were piled up into mountains for him to take and devour at will.

Its cultivation was already equivalent to a cultivator who had attained the perfection of the Divine Fire Realm, and it seemed that it had already given birth to a lot of spiritual intelligence, knowing how to drive those low-grade fire spirits and collect Divine Fire fragments for him to cultivate.

I saw him holding a long whip made of flames.

But whenever a low-grade fire spirit moves a little slower, it will swing and whip as much as it wants, so that it is not awe-inspiring.

"Strange, why looking at that huge fire spirit, I feel inexplicably familiar. "

And there is an urge to slaughter it?"

Lin Xingyun frowned, thinking secretly.

Immediately patted Bai Ze's horn and ordered.

"Go Dabai, slaughter that huge fire spirit first.

"Huh, do you still need to say?"

Bai Ze snorted, and then once again transformed into the form of a Buddha-figure, swooping down and killing the lower valley.

Zhao Hanyi also followed closely and began to hunt down that large number of low-grade fire spirits, fusing them into the divine fire and enhancing the foundation.

Lin Xingyun, on the other hand, sat cross-kneeled, ready to summon the Heavenly Demon Treasure Bottle and devour those loot of the day.

However, he suddenly sensed that a group of uninvited guests were pouring out of the valley.

"Huh, there are so many fire spirits in this valley?"

"Exactly, save us from going around to find them!" "

Go! Give all these fire spirits..." A

group of dozens of people were rubbing their fists, intending to enter the valley and slaughter.

However, they did not wait for them to enter the valley.

Suddenly, from the top of the valley, thousands of lapis gold sword grasses emerged, slaughtering them at great speed

! "What?

!" "Hmph! He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to attack our Taikoo royal family!"

They are all ancient races that have bred from the most ancient era of the Immortal Domain, and they are naturally powerful and qualified and powerful, far superior to ordinary human races and demon races.

At this time, they all exerted their magical powers and divine fire, annihilating the countless sword grasses that struck them, and it was difficult to get close for a while.

However, in just a moment, the Nine-Leaf Sword Array took shape, and the attack power suddenly skyrocketed, trapping them to death!

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