Origin Fairy!

The true strength of the red-haired man is indeed strange and ominous.

It’s so scary!

Others need to understand the endless heavens and the mysteries of the universe in order to step out on the road, transcend the mundane world, and achieve the status of immortality.

I’m just a fool, and I’m going against the countless efforts of others.

Let him remember a certain sentence from his previous life.

Why can you outshine my three generations of businessmen by studying hard for ten years?

“System, does the Lord of Endlessness also have the strength of the Origin Immortal like me?”

Su Yian couldn’t help but wonder.

[Ding, the Lord of Endlessness is just a strong virtual immortal. Even if he uses the entire endless starry sky, he still cannot reach the true immortal level strength and can only be infinitely close to the origin immortal strength. 】

[Void Immortal: With half a foot outside the avenue, he can barely use the power of an immortal. 】

Tsk tsk tsk!

No wonder this old boy didn’t dare to take action against me. It turned out to be because he was afraid of my strength.

Su Yian understood in her heart.

You must know that the legendary unknown lord is extremely terrifying, has unknown strength, and possesses strange powers. It is said that he can initiate strange and unknown turmoil with a single thought.

This strange and ominous turmoil is irresistible.

Because it cannot be killed at all, the weird creatures become stronger and stronger as they are killed, and they are immortal.

The strange power is so perverted and inexplicable that as long as it is contaminated by it, it will be immediately assimilated into a strange creature.

The soul was eaten away by the strange and unknown force, the will died, and finally it became a strange creature stained with strange aura, only capable of killing.

Unless the unknown master is killed, there will be no end!

World Warships.

Jiang Xie stood at the head of the golden hall, his gaze glaring at the heaven and earth.

And spit out coldly:

“Destroy the Shenxiao Star Territory for this Immortal Master.”

“Yes, Master!”

The Lord of the Endless Heavens nodded and bowed, fearing to offend this god.

With a thought, the domain lords of the entire Endless Heavens immediately received the message from the Lord of the Endless Heavens.


“Did you really come after all?”

“This domain master has been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

“Gods, Gods, do you think you are still as invincible as you were back then?”

“It’s a foolish dream to regain control of the endless heavens.”

“This time, no one can save you.”

After receiving the message, one after another the Endless Heavens Territory Lords’ eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Thinking of the time when they were suppressed by the Gods countless years ago, they couldn’t help but feel angry. They never wanted to live the days of obeying orders again.

In order to be free, the Protoss must be completely wiped out.

“Listen to the order of the Lord of this domain and immediately go to the Shenxiao Star Territory to destroy the Tianxie Clan outside the territory.”

“Listen to the order and go to the Shenxiao Star Territory with the Lord of this domain to destroy the remnants of the God Clan.”

“Sirius Guardian, are you here?”


“Send out immediately and follow the Lord of this domain to destroy the bastards of the gods in the Shenxiao Star Territory.”




In countless star fields, aircraft carriers rose up one after another, with powerful satellites standing on them, and then broke through the space, constantly shuttling through the darkness.

Rushing towards the Shenxiao Star Territory.

In an instant, the entire endless heavens were completely boiling.

From the moment the Tianxie Clan from outside the territory occupied the Shenxiao Star Territory, their anger levels had already been filled up, and they wanted to be the first to attack the God Clan’s station.

Now that they are allowed, how can they not be excited?

Visible to the naked eye, rays of light twinkled in the endless dark starry sky, illuminating the entire world.

“The remnants of the divine race in the Shenxiao Star Territory, you have forgotten your sins and returned to the endless starry sky, causing boundless killings.”

“I am the Lord of the endless heavens.”

“Those who are wise, come out and repent quickly, otherwise, you will suffer eternal destruction.”

The huge voice of the Lord of the Endless Heavens came out. The voice was like looking at the past and knowing the present and the future, with a sense of solemnity, resounding throughout the endless starry sky.

After enduring it for so long, can you finally sit still?


Ji Ruxue sat on the throne, her eyes were extremely cold, and a chill swept across the entire place.

Thinking of being stabbed in the back by these ants countless years ago, murderous intent surged in the eyes of the god.

Her beautiful eyes penetrated the void, looking out at the starry sky of Shenxiao Starry Domain, and said coldly:

“This time, I will not let each of you go.”


“Lord of the Endless, did the Origin Immortal give you the courage to bark like a dog?”

Hear the words.

The strong men of Endless Starry Sky became angry, roared and cursed:

“How dare a mere remnant of the God Clan be so rampant?”

“If God wants him to die, he will go crazy. Please cherish the time you have left alive.”

“After all, there will be no chance later!”

“The remnants of the God Clan, don’t be so arrogant. Do you really think you are invincible?”


“Without the gods, you are just ants in a group of ants.”

“QuicklyCome out and lead the neck to be slaughtered, avoiding the pain of flesh and blood. ”


At this moment, countless aircraft carriers appeared outside the starry sky of the Shenxiao Starry Sky. They flew from various starfields in the endless starry sky.

They were so densely packed that they formed a large circle around the entire Shenxiao Star Territory.

“How brave!”

“Star Soldiers of the Endless Starry Sky, have you forgotten what it’s like to be dominated?”

“Now that he is in power, he is so arrogant.”

“Do you really think that I am a god or the race that you drove out of the endless heavens?”

Countless powerful men from the God Clan snorted coldly.

In the past, the gods were so powerful that one race could suppress an entire world.

This shows how terrifying their strength is.

If those two stunning, taboo-level beings hadn’t passed by and the powerful God Clan had angered them, the God Clan wouldn’t be in this situation today.

The owner of the Chaos Divine Body, the existence of devious ways and taboos!

Two super invincible men, they killed the gods of the gods with just a casual blow.

Even such a powerful god of the gods still has no resistance.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Soon, the powerful men from the Endless Starry Sky Starry Territory boarded aircraft carriers and approached the Shenxiao Starry Territory.


“Remnants of the God Clan, have you ever thought that such a day would come?”

“Today, you remnants will be destroyed.”

A strong man from the Endless Starry Sky shouted angrily.


“Based on your cultivation in the Emperor Realm?”

“You dare to bark here?”

“When the war begins, I will be the first to kill you.”

The strong man from the God Clan fought back.



“I would like to see how you can destroy me.”

Just when everyone was scolding each other, the space was torn apart, and a middle-aged man appeared. He exuded a terrifying aura, lingered with fairy energy, and his face was blurred.

Lord of the endless starry sky!

“The remnants of the God Clan, I’ll give you another chance.”

“Hurry up and open your god clan’s domain-protecting formation and come out to repent.”

“Otherwise, you will definitely die!”

His voice was loud and clear, ringing in everyone’s ears.

The words just fell.

Above the Shenxiao Star Territory, the space was torn apart, and an old man’s figure walked out.

His breath is like an abyss, and his deep eyes can see the vicissitudes of the sea, the changes of the sun and the moon.

The Supreme God of the God Clan.

Tenth level star realm!

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