“What are you doing standing still?”

“Why don’t you come to the temple with me quickly?”

Su Yian’s voice echoed in the Li family’s mansion, and Li Ningzhi quickly accepted the tenth level spirit gathering bead.

He quickly suppressed his inner excitement. After all, the truth that wealth should not be exposed is not for nothing.

In the past ten days, since the Gods occupied the entire Shenxiao Star Territory, the name Star God Territory has become a thing of the past.

Today this city is the headquarters of the Protoss.

Liaoyuan City.

As the name suggests, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

One day in the future, the gods will surely dominate the heavens again and become the controllers of the endless heavens.

The appearance of the reincarnation of the gods rekindled hope in their hearts.

Liaoyuan City, Temple.

For the gods, the temple is their supreme place.

It was named by the former god himself.

Outside the gate of the temple, two strong men from the God Clan with cold faces were seen standing straight on both sides of the gate. When they saw the visitor, they immediately shouted:

“Stop whoever comes!”


Su Yian’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, and an icy chill swept over the entire place.

The murderous intention appeared, and the two cold-faced killing guards immediately exuded a huge aura from their bodies, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

How dare two mere ants from the King’s Realm call here?


“Blinded your dog eyes?”


“Get out of here, commander, and punish yourself with three thousand sticks immediately, do you understand?”

There was a muffled sound in the air, and two scarlet palm prints were immediately left on the faces of the two cold-faced guards.

The person who took action was a strong man from the Emperor Realm God Clan.

The guard couldn’t help but be startled, his mind went blank, why did the commander convulse?

Why did they suddenly give them two big dicks?

Just looking at the serious expression on the commander’s face made me think of this young man.

The latter identity is absolutely terrifying!

“I’ve met my lord.”

“Please forgive their offense, they are just two ants without eyes.”

“I hope you won’t take it to heart.”

The emperor leader of the God Clan nodded and bowed, showing a flattering look.

Su Yian nodded slightly.

He retracted his murderous intention, so to speak, he stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, and his own brother got involved with another god, so this little bit of face was still given to him.

His eyes were still cold and he said coldly:

“no next time.”

“Yes Yes Yes Yes……”

“Sir, please come this way.”

The emperor commander couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat, he was cautious and didn’t dare to exhale.

Be good!

The legendary ominous lord was standing in front of him, giving him a sense of oppression as if the sky was falling.

It wasn’t until Su Yian had left for a long time that the leader of the God Clan Emperor took a long breath.

With lingering fear in my heart, I couldn’t help but think silently:


“I almost died. The sense of oppression from the ominous Lord is really terrifying.”

“Fortunately, Mr. Su Chen is his biological brother.”

It’s no wonder that this powerful emperor was so frightened that even the Lord of Shenxiao Territory killed Lang Mie.

Let me ask, who is not afraid?


Stepping into the God Clan Temple, the place is heavily guarded. There is a guard standing guard every hundred steps. Their aura is so strong that it seems difficult for even a mosquito to fly out when you step into this place.

At the same time, they also received a message that a young man in white would come in.

No matter what, don’t mess with it.

You must show your face when you see him, otherwise the gods will not be able to save them.

“grown ups!”

“My lord…my lord!”

Wherever Su Yian passed, countless guards saluted respectfully.

Su Yian:…………

Pretty flowers!

Soon, he stepped into the temple. Already sitting on the first seat was a woman with a beautiful face and indifferent eyes, giving people the feeling of having been in a high position for a long time.

The reincarnation of the gods is Ji Ruxue.

The words of the gods matter to everyone.

In the seats at the bottom of the main hall, there were high-ranking officials from the God Clan with powerful auras.

The realm of some old men is actually close to the tenth-level star realm.

They all looked at Su Yian with doubtful eyes, and their faces were filled with solemnity.

The unknown lord!

Why does this terrifying being come to our God Clan?

Could it be that he is here to liquidate our God Clan? After all, that bastard Yimusuran had angered the unknown master at that time.

For a while.

The air was filled with a terrible sense of oppression. The senior leaders of the God Clan did not dare to speak loudly and deliberately, but were all cautious, as if the sky was pressing on their heads.

See it!

Su Yian was slightly startled.

No matter what the situation, I just came here to visit, and they seemed to be facing a terrifying enemy.

On the first seat, Ji Ruxue narrowed her beautiful eyes and said:

“The Unknown Lord!”

“I wonder what you do to come to our God Clan?”

Even someone as strong as Ji Ruxue is still very afraid of Su Yian.

Just because her cultivation has not yet returned to its peak.

“What can I do?”

“Of course you are here to find my brother, but you don’t know?”

Hear the words.Su Yian stood there with his hands behind his back, his expression calm, and a faint feeling of invincibility lingering around him.

The God Clan, which made people blush, seemed to be not worth mentioning in his eyes.


Ji Ruxue frowned. As soon as she dug out the Supreme Immortal Bone with her front foot, she found the door with her back foot.

Are you really not going to give Su Lang any way to survive?

“The Lord of Ominousness!”

“Could it be that you really don’t want to give people a way to survive?”

“He is your biological brother. No matter how deep your relationship is, the same blood flows in your body.”

“Blood is thicker than water, you want to kill them all?”

Ji Ruxue sat up in shock.

The whole body is surrounded by immortal energy, the immortal power is surging, and the air is filled with an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

It seemed as if he could launch a devastating blow at any time.

Su Yian:? ? ? ?

What’s the meaning?

I just came to see my own brother, but you said this?


“I just came to see him, and I didn’t mean to kill him.”

“What are you excited about?”

Su Yian was speechless in her heart, and couldn’t help but give Ji Ruxue a white look.


“Aren’t you here to kill Su Lang?”

Tsk tsk tsk!

Look how anxious you are, you are the reincarnation of the supreme god after all.

So rude for a man?



No, no, no, totally wrong.

Could it be that the licking dog brother has to eat it?

As expected of a son of destiny, he can even conquer the reincarnation of gods.


“Do you know what this is?”

Su Yian raised his hand and turned the page, and the spirit of a section lingered, and the great medicine with a flowing Taoist rhyme appeared.

The elixir of immortality!


Seeing this, Ji Ruxue’s pupils shrank sharply, showing an expression of extreme shock.

The scent of the elixir of immortality.

How could it appear in the body of the ominous Lord?

Perhaps other senior leaders of the God Clan don’t know about this thing, but through the aura of this elixir, they can judge that it is definitely a unique medicine.

“How could you…?”

Ji Ruxue was a little stunned. Even a god might not possess the elixir of immortality.

It is countless times more powerful than the elixir.

Just like the comparison between the light of a firefly and the bright moon, there is no comparison between the two.


“I am already the master of bad luck. Is there anything strange about the elixir of immortality?”

Su Yian sneered.

Ji Ruxue frowned and thought about it carefully, it was really like this.

The unknown lord exists only in legends.

If you want to become the Lord of Ominousness, you can only say that there are not many of them over the countless years.

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