“You are so brave, dare to stop my God Clan from doing things?”

“Are you seeking death?”

A cold and bone-chilling voice resounded through the sky, and a middle-aged dominator-level expert from the Protoss appeared in the void with a majestic aura, a tall figure, explosive muscles, and looked very powerful, with bulging veins.

His eyes were wide with anger, and his face was full of anger.

From ancient times to the present, the winner is always king. How dare a mere loser dare to resist?


The middle-aged ruler of the God Clan has indifferent eyes. His words are like controlling the lives of endless people. The supreme power overwhelms the heaven and the earth. The color of the heaven and the earth changes, and all things are prostrate.

A strong person in the domination realm, the pinnacle existence in the endless starry sky.

The space collapsed, and the mighty force suddenly appeared as if it was destroying all living beings, and all enveloped Li Ningzhi.

“No, a strong master in the dominion realm!”

Li Ningzhi frowned slightly.

A hint of dangerous aura hit his face, and panic flashed through his heart, but it was definitely not so frightened that he couldn’t move.

The Taoist charm flowed through her body instantly, as if there were countless avenues paving the way for her. The future was bright, and her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Escape into space instantly, as light as a fish in water.

The middle-aged master of the Protoss was slightly startled, with an incredible expression on his face.

In an instant, the terrifying power overwhelmed Li Ningzhi’s body in the blink of an eye.

But it can be seen that countless light spots continue to dissipate.

It was actually an afterimage that had condensed into substance, which showed that Li Ningzhi’s speed was extremely fast.

“Really awesome concealment method.”

“It’s just that in the face of absolute strength, there are countless conspiracies and heresy.”

“Extremely ridiculous!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the majestic power of the middle-aged ruler of the God Clan instantly enveloped the entire Li family mansion.

Immediately, the sky and the earth were locked, and an invisible force formed a circle, firmly sealing this space. Even if a mosquito wanted to fly out, it would be impossible.

The surrounding space is still calm.


“Ant! His character is quite good.”

“I don’t believe it, you can break through my space cage?”

“As long as you make the slightest move and expose your position, I can kill you in an instant.”

He was telling the truth, that’s how powerful a master in the dominion realm is.

Unless they are taboo geniuses, even the top geniuses cannot cross this mountain and defy the will of heaven to kill the dominant master at the early stage of the emperor realm.

“You’re not coming out, are you?”

“Don’t think that there is nothing I can do about it.”


“Space cutting, broken.”

The middle-aged ruler of the God Clan raised his brows slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and spoke cold words.

Suddenly, the supreme power surged crazily, and the terrifying power of the powerful ruler of the gods wrapped up this space and instantly twisted the space into countless fragments.

Li Ningzhi frowned and felt a breath of death rushing toward her.


“It seems like this is the only way.”

The inner secret is not good.

Just when she was about to use her ultimate trump card, regardless of the huge backlash, she completely activated the space body.


“Who do you think you are if you dare to act wild in front of me?”


In the air, a cold voice sounded, accompanied by an extremely terrifying power.

The words of annihilation are followed by the law.

Chaosing space and freezing time, billions of laws emerged like a mighty river, seeming to run through the past, present and future.


The middle-aged master of the gods groaned, and a shocking blood hole was visible in his chest.

The strong murderous intent shone across the sky, directly knocking him flying for countless miles, and his body hit the ground heavily, forming a deep ravine that filled the sky.

Until death, he still exerts great inertia.

“You dare to disturb my sleep. You really don’t know whether to live or die. Where is Li Ningzhi?”

“What are your orders, Master?”

“Destroy this group of ants who don’t know the heights of the sky.”

As soon as the words fell, Li Ningzhi’s delicate body disappeared again.

There was no trace of her breath in the air, as if she really didn’t exist, which made people feel numb.

How on earth did she do it?

We are in danger!

Without waiting for the strong men of the King-level God Clan to think too much, they saw a faint light flickering in the sky, crossing the sky, filled with an extremely cold aura.

Continuously passing by a group of people from the God Race.

“How… could it be so fast?”

Everyone’s eyes were about to burst, a feeling of extreme pain came over them, and then endless darkness enveloped them. Their eyes went black and they lost consciousness.

Not only that!

Their bodies split into two in an instant!

Fast, accurate and ruthless.

No one knew when she made her move, quietly and elusive.

[Li Ningzhi’s loyalty: 40%. 】

After killing these powerful gods, Li Ningzhi’s face changed.


Not bad, good, great progress. Let me train again tonight.

Keep your head up, LeeNingzhi’s beautiful eyes flickered with vigor, and when she looked at Su Yian again, she was no longer in sight.

“The Unknown Lord…”

“Who is he? Where does he come from? Why is he so powerful at such a young age?”

“What a mysterious man.”


The extremely distant and endless extraterrestrial starry sky.

A silver battleship broke through the darkness and shuttled continuously at extremely fast speeds.

Soon, this silver battleship came to the edge of the endless starry sky, and it was also the edge of the heavens.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the power of darkness here is extremely strong. Even if the emperor and the powerful are contaminated by it, it will be instantly assimilated and become part of the darkness.

In front of the silver battleship is a land of nothingness.

The land of nothingness, not even darkness, nothing exists, it is beyond the scope of “Tao”, it is really terrifying.

A place where “Tao” cannot enter must be so terrifying.

He saw a majestic figure walking out of the silver battleship, looking towards the void, and he took a long breath.

Step into it resolutely.

In an instant, endless nothingness was swallowed up like an abyssal beast.

Terrifying murderous intent spreads wildly.

If swallowed by nothingness, even a tenth-level star realm expert can be twisted into nothingness.

From then on, it disappeared between heaven and earth, and no trace of it can be found in the future.

The stalwart figure frowned, not daring to be careless at all. Immortal power surged from his body, surging around, stubbornly resisting the endless nothingness.

The terrifying and powerful man who dominates the heavens here!

The power of Wonderland!

The immortal level powerhouse was surrounded by immortal energy, covering his body with a silver-white halo of light.

Even with the protection of such terrifying immortal power, the immortal-level experts did not dare to be distracted in the slightest, and were always cautious and looking for the safest route.


“It is worthy of the power of the void. Even though I have been an immortal for many years, the feeling of fear still has not dissipated.”

“The ominous Lord…”

“You are too dazzling and powerful. No one in the world can rival you.”

“Even if I try all my means, I won’t necessarily hurt him at all.”

“Only the Immortal Palace can suppress it.”

The immortal-level powerhouse thought silently in his heart, I don’t know how long it took to cross, a month? One year? Or ten years?

What caught his eye was a golden spot of light.

Even though they are far away, the golden light still shines in the sky, and a ray of light is enough to repel countless voids.

In the center of the golden light, a majestic and extremely tall hall suddenly appeared. It stood in this land of nothingness and dominated hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe.

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