aircraft carrier.

One person, one mouse and one dragon stared at the dilapidated scene of the Desolate God Realm, and couldn’t help but frown.

War is extremely terrifying wherever it occurs.

Su Yian smiled: “A woman will only affect the speed of my master’s sword draw!”

Master Shu frowned and immediately opened a large distance and stared at Su Yian with cautious eyes.

He doesn’t like women?

Could it be that this kid has a habit of cutting sleeves and likes Long Yang?

This uncle is straight…

“Little dragon!”

(Any readers who know how to name, please give Xiaolong a name!)

“What are your abilities?”

Su Yian whispered at the corner of his mouth.

The real dragon cub’s expression showed dementia, and he didn’t know what Su Yian was talking about.

Just keep your head high.


Could it be that since he was just born, his intelligence is not that mature?

never mind.

According to legend, true dragon cubs are not supposed to be powerful and domineering beings that can suppress the heavens.

Why is it so cute?

Mr. Shu put his hands behind his back, showing an invincible posture, and said:

“Boy, who are you going to do now?”

Su Yian:? ? ? ?

No, what do you mean?

“I know how to fight every day. Do you know how I have lived in the past twenty years?”

“I never had a stable life.”

“Not on the way to a fight. On the way to a fight.”

Su Yian paused slightly and sighed.

“I have been fighting since I came out of Cangmang Ancestral Ruins. I wanted to have a good rest.”

“Take a good rest before we talk!”

Lord Mouse:…………

Is this still the energetic and fearless young man I know?

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yian’s figure flashed and flew towards the Desolate God Realm.

“Xiaolong, come in, I’ll find a good place for you then.”


“There are a lot of little dragonesses there.”

Lord Mouse has a sly eyebrow and a wretched look, holding an ancient bronze temple in his hand.

The light flickered and took the little dragon into it.

After all, the little dragon has just been born. Who wouldn’t be jealous of a real dragon cub?


Star God Realm, Xiaoshen City.

A young man dressed in white, with a tall and slender figure, an unparalleled handsome face, and an otherworldly feeling between his eyebrows, appeared.

He walked with steady steps on the dilapidated streets.

After the baptism of a great battle, the entire Star God Realm became dilapidated. The most serious situation was the Xiaoshen City, where the ground was dyed red with countless blood.

The walls were broken and various buildings were reduced to rubble.


“The building structure of this mansion looks like that of the Su family. It’s up to you.”

Su Yian stopped slightly, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and then made up his mind.

Stepping across the steps, we walked into this quaint and ancient mansion, but it had an indescribable feeling. It was filled with countless dust.

After experiencing the baptism of war, it remained intact.

not simple!


Su Yian’s whole body exuded a terrifying aura, and with every step he took, countless strong air currents stirred towards the dusty mansion.

“Buzz buzz-”

The next moment, the entire mansion immediately became clean and became extremely bright and spotless. Looking at it, it looked extremely comfortable.

“Who are you?”

“What are you doing breaking into my house?”

Suddenly, a voice from a man in black rang in Su Yian’s ears.

A woman’s voice was heard echoing in the air, but no one could be seen. If other people heard the sudden voice, wouldn’t they be scared to death?

After all, the unknown is the most deadly!

Hear the words.

Su Yian frowned, and immediately opened the ancient double pupil, and then discovered that there was a figure in black hidden in the space. If it weren’t for the double pupil, he would not have noticed it at the first time.

It seems that being invincible for too long can easily make people relax.


“Extremely hidden aura.”

The corners of Su Yian’s mouth were slightly raised, his expression was calm, and his heart was not shocked at all.

Even if the opponent is very good at concealing his aura, he can’t do anything to Su Yian.

You think you are joking when you become an immortal in the flesh?

“The Lord of Ominousness!”

Mysterious woman:? ? ? ?

What’s the meaning?

Do you really think that just pulling out a young man would dare to call himself the Lord of Ominousness?

Don’t you need to draft a lie?

The name of the unknown Lord is unknown to everyone in the endless starry sky.

His name makes people tremble and change their expressions.

The Lord of Ominousness is Taboo!

“Cluck, cluck, cluck—”

The mysterious woman tore apart the space and stepped out, smiling like a silver bell.

The woman was tall and tall, and her tight black clothes perfectly outlined her body, exuding a mature charm that was uncontrollable and charming.

She laughed heartily, and a trace of her beauty could be seen in the corner of her beautiful eyes.A small crystal.


“You said you are the Lord of Ominousness?”

“Sir, can you tell lies without drafting?”

Just as the woman was laughing, a figure came to the door. Its eyes were full of teasing and it stared at the woman with interest.

See this.

The woman’s pupils shrank into needle-like shapes, and the expression on her pretty face completely froze.

Lord Mouse…

Isn’t the Lord of Ominousness followed by a big rat over one meter tall?

Su Yian just stood there quietly, silent, just looking at the beautiful woman.



“My swan, this girl is too unlucky, right?”

“I met the legendary ominous lord just after returning home. Isn’t this completely over?”

“Please protect me from my ancestors and let my little girl survive this calamity.”

Countless thoughts flashed through the woman’s heart, and her pretty face became more and more frightened.

The Lord of Ominousness, the source of dark chaos.

Not only that, but also the terrifying existence that killed the domain lord of Shenxiao Domain.

Couldn’t she just crush a low-level emperor to death at will?

As if she thought of something, the woman immediately said:

“Lord of the Ominous Lord, my cat can dance!”

“I can also wash and cook, give you a bath, rub your back, and give you a massage.”

“I will take care of all the housework.”

“My aura of concealment is extremely good. I can serve as an invisible dagger in your hand. When necessary, I can stab your opponent in the heart.”

“There’s more!”

“I will still…”

Su Yian:…………

Lord Mouse:………………

After a long time, Master Shu narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Space Dao Body, Xiaonizi, there is something!”


“Boy, the space body is extremely powerful, and the concealment method is extremely powerful. You…”

Mr. Shu was afraid that this would immediately dig up someone else’s space body. It happened that they did lack a maid to serve tea and water, and this little girl was barely qualified.

Hear the words.

Su Yian nodded slightly and said:

“Become my lord’s maid, or die, it’s your choice.”

“I choose to be a maid.”

“Slave Li Ningzhi, I have met my master.”

The woman was relieved when she was granted amnesty. Compared with the maid, only a fool would choose to die.

Besides, she hasn’t lived enough yet.

Su Yian raised her eyebrows. Li Ningzhi always exuded a vague charm that was hard to control, and she couldn’t help but say:

“Just call me Young Master, I always think it sounds weird.”

“Calling the master in broad daylight is a bit…”

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