Outside the starry sky in the Wild God Realm.

A vast expanse of stars squeezed out of the endless darkness, filled with extremely mysterious colors.

Suddenly, as if the stars had suffered some great terror, they were shattering inch by inch at an extremely fast speed, visible to the naked eye. Violent energy raged within the stars, as if they were about to twist everything into nothingness.

“Oh my God!”

“The unparalleled God of War truly deserves his reputation.”

“With just one strike, the terrifying starry phenomena can be condensed and shrouded in the opponent, like a cage.”


“The sword light filled with terrifying aura suddenly appeared from the endless dark starry sky, and the entire starry phenomenon collapsed inch by inch.”

“How powerful is the Unparalleled God of War to be able to do this?”

Countless people in the Wild God Realm are filled with enthusiasm. The stronger the Unparalleled God of War is, the prouder and safer they are.

Visible to the naked eye, Yimusuran’s terrifying dim light was shrouded by the star phenomenon, and as the stars collapsed, the dim light continued to collapse.

Not only that!

That stunning sword light reflected the heavens, filled with a desperate aura, and slashed towards the ruler of the Heavenly Evil Clan outside the territory. The sword light was just a trace of breath, but it could destroy the heavens and the earth.


Too strong!

The leader of the Heavenly Evil Clan outside the territory looked up at the sky, his face full of solemnity. The strong wind stirred his robes and long hair, and his figure suddenly retreated, trying to escape from the collapsing stars.

“Want to defeat me?”

“Do you really think that I am made of clay? You are really talking nonsense!”

The leader of the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Evil Tribe had a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he directly used his trump card. He kept whispering in his mouth, sending out obscure, complex and mysterious gray fonts one after another, and then disappeared into the void.

“Great God!”

“I sincerely invite you to come here, suppress those who block the endless starry sky, and exalt the majesty of our God Clan.”

The Tianxie tribe roared angrily, his hair was disheveled, and the energy in his body disappeared at a very fast speed, making him almost dying.

The ultimate resort for the extraterrestrial Tianxie Clan.

Call the gods!

The simple and craggy, obscure gray fonts disappeared into the void. The next moment, violent spatial fluctuations were seen in the endless dark starry sky around them.

A touch of nine-colored rays of light, full of a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

In the ethereal endless dark void, a majestic shadow gradually emerged. It exuded a mysterious and solemn aura, as if it came from an ancient existence.


“what is that?”

“It smells so scary. Could it be that a god came to this world?”

People frowned and stared wide-eyed, for fear of missing any detail.

The silhouette of the majestic shore is hundreds of millions of meters tall, and nine-colored rays of light illuminate the sky. Its face is blurry, but its otherworldly temperament can be felt. Its body is surrounded by a layer of faint brilliance, shining like a star.

The stalwart phantom waved its arms slightly, as if it was casting some magical spell. Every movement carried endless power and majesty, as if it could control everything in the world. Its existence made people feel small and humble, and at the same time inspired It expresses the inner desire for mystery and power.

“Oh my God!”

“It’s really a god, it’s really a god coming!”

The phantom of the god suddenly opened its eyes, and in an instant, time and space seemed to freeze. Countless people felt their breathing stopped, their bodies trembled, and they couldn’t help but crawl to the ground.

Even if it is just a projection, it is full of the feeling of being indestructible and invincible.

The Tianxie tribe outside the territory is really terrifying!

The moment the phantom of the god opened its eyes, the endless space collapsed, the laws collapsed, and an invisible, intangible, but terrifying and boundless power covered the endless starry sky.


The unparalleled God of War’s offensive immediately shattered into pieces, as small as an ant.

In front of the gods, countless people are like ants!


“I don’t believe it. How can a mere projection of a god defy heaven?”

“Come and fight.”

The fighting spirit rose in the eyes of the unparalleled God of War, as if a fire was burning. He frowned, and the long knife in his hand was filled with endless power.

“Today, I will use the mortal world to kill the gods.”

“Destroy the world and kill all the worlds!”

Angry roars resounded through the endless starry sky, and terrifying power surged. The unparalleled God of War raised the long sword in his hand high and slashed forward.

“call out–”

The sword in the sky is like a rainbow, and the dazzling rays of light illuminate the endless starry sky. The darkness continues to recede, creating a huge path like an abyss for this sword.

In an instant, the darkness continued to crumble, and the breath of the sword was terrifying, cutting the dark starry sky ahead into a long void.


But even so, the seemingly terrifying sword light of the Unparalleled God of War continued to shatter, turning into light and shadow that filled the sky, surging into the endless darkness around him.

“How can it be?”

“I don’t believe it, how can a projection be possible?Is there such a strong power? ”


The eyes of the Peerless God of War were filled with shock. The offensive he was proud of was actually broken. He roared angrily and struck out with the same attack again.


The projection of the gods was completely destroyed in one glance, and nothing could resist it wherever it passed.

He is too powerful, hopelessly powerful.

Visible to the naked eye, an invisible terrifying force came in an instant and struck the unparalleled God of War.

The Unparalleled God of War was coughing up blood crazily, his chest was sunken, and his body lost its center of gravity. Like a kite with its string broken, it flew upside down at high speed and slammed into the Desolate God Realm behind him.


A terrifying sonic boom sounded, and the entire Wild God Realm continued to tremble. Under the Peerless God of War, there was a shocking pit.

Not only that, the aura of the Unparalleled God of War was languishing, with only his last breath left to hang on. If it weren’t for the terrifying life-saving trump card, there would be a risk of falling anytime and anywhere.




Only the sound of countless heartbeats was heard, and the endless starry sky became completely silent at this moment.

At a glance from the projection of the gods, the unparalleled God of War, who claimed to defeat the invincible opponent in the world, was completely defeated like an ant.

This is God!

Indestructible, invincible!

“Cough cough cough cough~”

At the same time, the leader of the Tianxie Clan outside the territory was also frantically coughing up blood.

The energy in his body seemed to be unable to support the terrifying backlash brought about by this divine projection, and his vitality continued to disappear.

A strong person in the domination realm has become extremely small at this moment.

“Cough cough cough cough~”

“Men of the God Clan, go…”

“With my will, kill all these Star Warriors from the Star God Realm.”

“Restore the glory…of our divine clan.”

The leader of the Tianxie Clan outside the territory was coughing blood crazily, and the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing. He used his last strength to raise his hand with difficulty and pointed at the Desolate God Clan in front.

Then there was no breath left, and he died so hard that he could no longer die.

But his mission was accomplished.

The defensive formation of the Desolate God Realm was breached by the projection of the gods at a glance.

He was born to revitalize the Gods and did not care whether he died.

He has always been obsessed with revival in his heart. He believes that his death will allow the gods to rise again and return to the glorious era of dominating the heavens.

Singing and crying!

The body of this leader of the extraterrestrial evil tribe is like a majestic tower, standing in the endless starry sky. His eyes are filled with sparks of light until the end of his life, which can start a prairie fire. He is extremely great.

Although his body dies, his will will not die.

Countless people saw this!

Even as an opponent, he can’t help but feel awe in his heart.

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