
Chu Xiu passed through the boundary gate and arrived directly at his destination.

Years passed.

Coming to the Insect God Star Territory again, the scene here has changed.

It's all gray when you see it. The surface of the ancient star is full of pits and traces of battles can be seen everywhere.

This place was submerged by the tide of gray mist many years ago.

All the creatures that could escape fled, and those that couldn't were all corroded by the gray mist and transformed into mindless and disgusting monsters.

Chu Xiu, with his long hair flying lightly, walked in the gray mist. He was born with all kinds of strange and deformed monsters. From time to time, he passed by him, and he let out unconscious harsh roars from his mouth.

From time to time, they raised their heads and twitched their nostrils, as if smelling something.

They wandered around, trying to find prey that had not yet been deformed. They ignored Chu Xiu and passed him very quickly one after another. The fierce wind pressure they brought with them ruffled the corners of his clothes.

Chu Xiu had no intention of killing them.

The gray fog has almost spread to the Sky Continent at the edge of the universe.

There was no need to investigate. Chu Xiu knew that most of the starry sky and the universe had fallen.

The number of aberrant monsters in the gray fog is as large as the number of sands in the Ganges River.

Even if he is now a powerful emperor, he will not be arrogant enough to think that he has the ability to deal with all the gray fog monsters, because that is simply unrealistic.

Unless he has the power to destroy the entire starry sky universe.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to destroy all the aberrations.

Chu Xiu silently observed the deformed monster passing by.

It was discovered that their strength had become much stronger.

Compared with these aberrant monsters, the gray fog had just arrived not long ago, and the monsters born from the aberrations were much different in terms of aura and ferocity.

In a one-on-one battle of the same level, the current aberrations can easily crush the aberrations that were born when the gray fog first came.

However, Chu Xiu didn't care about these monsters.

He is confident that the sky-protecting formation can isolate the gray fog from invading.

At the same time, these aberrant monsters can be easily strangled.

As long as the monks don't go outside the starry sky to seek death, they are still very safe.

Of course, he didn't dare to look down upon the monsters in the world...

Between thoughts.

He has entered the Insect God Planet.

Back then, before leaving, he used means to seal the star.

It's a pity that the sealing formation cannot isolate the gray fog.

When the tide of gray fog comes.

The creatures on the Insect God Planet are restricted by the seal and cannot escape, so they can only deform into monsters in despair.

It can be said that the tragic end of the Insect God Star was all caused by Chu Xiu, but there was no fluctuation in his heart, let alone any guilt.

Too many aliens died in his hands.

In his eyes, there is no difference between the hundreds of billions of creatures on the Insect God Planet and the hundreds of billions of ants. If they die, they will die.

Chu Xiu actually swallowed the huge meteorite at the core of the Zerg clan.

When one's cultivation reaches his level, he already has a photographic memory.

Soon, I followed my memory to the entrance of the small underworld.

Decades have passed, but this place has not changed due to the arrival of gray fog. The chaotic mist in the cave is constantly surging, and from time to time, a ray of hair-raising imperial power will overflow.

Chu Xiu stepped in, and the chaotic mist quickly swallowed him up like a terrifying giant beast.


Kuafu pays homage to your majesty. May your majesty be blessed.

Sealed Altar.

The dark figure knelt on one knee at Chu Xiu's feet.

See Chu Xiu again.

Kuafu was extremely excited.

He really longs for freedom.

He has been waiting for countless years for today.

Finally saw the light of day.

I said I would come back to unblock you.

Chu Xiu lowered his head and stared at the human-shaped black shadow in front of him.

Kuafu's body trembled with excitement. He buried his head deeply and spoke awkwardly: Thank you...Thank you...Your Majesty...Long En!

Chu Xiu stared at this old monster kneeling at his feet and had lived for an unknown number of years with complicated eyes.

He is a suspicious person by nature.

Although Kuafu acted very sensible and loyal, he still did not completely let go of Kuafu.

Enemies may descend from the sky at any time.

Chu Xiu was in urgent need of a helper who could share his pressure.

This helper can at least protect the Sky Continent for him.

After much thought, Kuafu met his requirements.

Although Kuafu has been sealed away for countless years and his strength has declined severely, he is still a human being after all.

The realm is higher than him.

The strength is even more unfathomable. Chu Xiu, who has broken through the realm of the Great Emperor and experienced two physical sublimations, is not sure of defeating the opponent. www..net

Kuafu is undoubtedly a powerful fighter, but also a double-edged sword.

Chu Xiu was betting that this guy who had lived to this day in the mythical era would not stab him in the back.


Anyway, he has to face the whole world alone. There are too many lice and he is not itchy. Whether Kuafu betrays or not has little impact on him.

Might as well take a gamble.

If you lose, you'll get one more enemy, but if you win, you'll get one more powerful thug.

Chu Xiu's eyes gradually became firm, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he chuckled: Get up, I can feel that your loyalty is more passionate than the sun.

Now it's time to set you free.

Kuafu stood up.

He is just a separated soul now, his form is the same as a shadow. Chu Xiu can't see his expression clearly, but he can clearly sense his excitement at this time.

That desire for freedom has almost crystallized into substance.

how should I do?

Chu Xiu asked.

Kuafu raised his hand and pointed to the center of the altar, the statue full of time.

“The idol is the core of the seal.

It takes His Majesty himself to crack it.

Chu Xiu nodded and walked towards the statue in the center of the altar.

Your Majesty, be careful. The statue has been infected by the ominous curse in my body all year round. It is difficult for ordinary mortal immortals to approach.

It's better that I escort His Majesty there!

Kuafu said eagerly.

Chu Xiu did not stop.

The closer he got to the statue, the more ominous he could feel it.

At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by a terrifying existence.

The subcutaneous layer of Chu Xiu's cheek was itching unbearably, as if it had been bitten by countless small bugs.

He even felt red hairs piercing the surface of his skin along the pores.

Chu Xiu's eyes were cold and he sneered, It's just the remnants of a curse, but you want to corrode me?

As he spoke, he activated the power of the avenue.

All things will be unified, and the curse will also be swallowed up.

The Guiyi Dao is indeed the path to transcendence, and it is a perfect way to overcome this ominous curse.

The itching sensation on my cheek disappeared immediately.

Chu Xiu came to the altar and stood in front of the statue in the center of the altar without any obstruction.

See him fine.

Kuafu let out a long breath, his heart filled with shock and wonder.

How long has it been?

Your Majesty now has the power to overturn the source of the curse.

He is indeed one of the strongest men in our clan.

Kua Fu came forward in a hurry.

I want to witness with my own eyes His Majesty Chu Xiu unblocking him.


After waiting for a long time, Chu Xiu did not make a move.

He turned his head and carefully looked at Chu Xiu's side face.

I saw him with a straight face and a serious expression, What should we do next?

Kuafu was startled, You don't know?

You don't know? Chu Xiu turned his head, their eyes met, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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