
The golden sky, lightning and thunder, presented an apocalyptic scene.

The earth trembled, as if there were countless real dragons walking under the ground.

To the north of the continent, the sea surges, setting off huge waves that are about to submerge the Western Desert and the land north of the Monster Clan territory.

Seeing huge waves hundreds of thousands of feet high coming one after another, the eight quasi-emperors stood ready and at the same time used their methods to fight against the power of God and forcefully push the huge waves back into the sea.

However, a second huge wave soon struck again.

Qi Mengdie, who was standing behind the eight quasi-emperors, snorted coldly and raised his bare hand to make a vague gesture.

The Ice Avenue suddenly erupted, and heavy snow fell between the sky and the earth. The land, mountains and rivers tens of thousands of miles away are coated with a layer of silver. The huge wave hundreds of thousands of feet high instantly froze into a giant iceberg, which also blocked the third huge wave.


Cracks are spreading on the surface of the iceberg, and it is about to collapse.

Sister Qi, let me help you~

A female quasi-emperor from the demon clan who is good at the avenue of water connected her hands and summoned nine rivers one hundred thousand miles long out of thin air.

The river roared, like nine giant dragons winding and circling, rushing towards the icebergs that blocked the huge waves.

After the river water wrapped around the iceberg, Qi Mengdie activated the Ice Avenue again to freeze it.

The iceberg instantly expanded several times in size and became stronger several times, easily blocking the next few huge waves.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. It seems that the huge waves will be unable to break through the iceberg blockade for a while.

A demon male cultivator looked at Qi Mengdie, smiled and complimented: Haha, Fellow Daoist Qi's Ice Avenue is really powerful.

The female quasi-emperor of the demon tribe who had perfectly cooperated with Qi Mengdie previously flapped her colorful wings as thin as cicada wings behind her, smoothed her hair on her ears and temples, and smiled sweetly: Such a terrifying power of heaven and earth can be shaken, Sister Qi's Looking at the starry sky and the universe, Ice Avenue is unparalleled.

The other quasi-emperors also complimented her and looked at this woman with a cold temperament and beautiful appearance, their eyes full of eagerness and awe.

Qi Mengdie, who possesses eighth-level cultivation, is worthy of their respect. Apart from her strength, Qi Mengdie's identity made them feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Who among the powerful and respectable people in Tianqiong Continent knows that Qi Mengdie is Chu Xiu's Taoist companion, and he is also the only Taoist companion who has given birth to an heir.

Her status is so noble and respected that she can be called the queen of this era.

Who wouldn't be cautious when facing her? Who dares to neglect and despise?

Qi Mengdie nodded slightly, not complacent because of these people's compliments to her, and her expression was as indifferent as ever.

She knew it.

The reason why these people were so humble to her.

Not because of her strength, but because of Chu Xiu standing behind her.

I don't know if the demon clan's territory can block the tide! Qi Mengdie frowned with her slender eyebrows.

Fellow Daoist Qi, please rest assured. There are also nine quasi-emperors in the Monster Clan territory, so there won't be any big problems. The speaker was the third-level quasi-emperor from Taiyi Holy Land.

She is a middle-aged Taoist nun who still has charm. The two crow's feet at the corners of her eyes show the traces of time, and her speech and behavior reveal a calm demeanor that will not change even if the mountain collapses in front of her.

Hahaha, thanks to His Majesty the Emperor's order in advance, we were able to take countermeasures. Otherwise, most of the land would have been submerged by huge waves, and countless creatures would have suffered misfortune.

We deeply admire your Majesty's kindness and kindness, and are willing to serve your Majesty till the end of your life.

While expressing their respect, the male demon cultivators also raised their hands in the direction of Taisu Holy Land to show their respect for Emperor Chu Tian. Seeing this, everyone else followed suit and paid respect to Emperor Chu Tian.

Qi Mengdie was secretly proud of herself, but on the surface she maintained a calm expression, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised: Everyone, please hold on for another half month.

After half a month, the formation will be completely closed, and peace will return to the Sky Continent.

The eight quasi-emperors agreed in unison, and no one dared to disobey.


Nowadays, disasters are coming one after another on the Sky Continent.

In addition to tsunamis, continental plate rupture caused by strong earthquakes is also extremely scary.

However, due to Chu Xiu's advance arrangements, these disasters did not cause too many casualties.

In the starry sky outside the territory, Chu Xiu sat cross-legged on a star, with colorful Tao rhymes flowing around him, as if he had a mysterious connection with the rules of the great road between heaven and earth.

He held a scepter in his hand, which was the imperial scepter of the mermaid tribe. The stick was three feet long, with pearls of various colors inlaid on the surface, and a milky-white bead the size of a fist on the top.

This scepter was once the mermaid queen's imperial weapon, but now it has become Chu Xiu's trophy.

Chu Xiu originally planned to give this imperial weapon to his master, but his master declined his offer on the grounds that she already had Mjolnir to protect her.

For other women, they have no possibility of cultivating the water attribute, so they are not suitable for this imperial weapon.

Therefore, Chu Xiu kept this imperial weapon.

He planned to seal this imperial weapon into the core of the formation and use it as one of the attack methods of the formation.

At the same time, Chu Xiu took out dozens of quasi-emperor weapons.

These quasi-emperor soldiers each have their own characteristics. Some are equipped with swords, spears, swords and halberds, and some are equipped with axes, axes and hooks. The quasi-emperor's force is restrained and they float quietly beside him.

Chu Xiu flicked the long sword in his hand.

The long sword clanged with a soft groan, turned into a green-gold stream of light and shot towards the Sky Continent, sinking into one of the nine core formations.

Next, he followed the same pattern and sealed each quasi-emperor weapon into the core of the formation.

With each seal, the power of the formation increases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three days later, Chu Xiu finally sealed all the quasi-emperor soldiers into the core of the formation.

From then on, anyone who dared to break into this world-protecting formation would be strangled by the combined efforts of the emperor's soldiers and the quasi-emperor.

After doing all this, Chu Xiu did not get up immediately.

He continued to use the Secret Form and closed the formation.

He murmured to himself: This formation will protect the Sky Continent. It is a veritable world-protecting formation. It is destined to exist for eternity. I must give it a resounding name.

It has a total of 89,999 formation bases. Chu Xiu calculated silently in his mind, Among them, 999 large formation bases and nine core formation bases imply the ultimate number and mystery of Zhou Tianjiu. Infinite, the power is heaven-defying.”

After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up: Yes~ He clenched his right hand into a fist, tapped it on his left palm, and announced loudly: Its name is - the Heavenly Vault World Protector Formation!


In the altar.

Hearing Chu Xiu's muttering, Mao Xiaoqi was really stunned.

She stood up first, then squatted down, raised a pair of paws, covered her furry head in pain, and complained: Dear master, you are really a genius at naming.

As soon as the poor little black cat finished speaking, he was brought out in anger by a certain named ghost.

After some physics education.

Miaoxiaoqi's eyes were filled with tears, and she bowed her head, As expected of the master, he named the formation so mighty and domineering!

Chu Xiu glanced sideways at her.

Miao Xiaoqi felt relieved, meowed, and turned into black light and rushed into the altar between his eyebrows.

It's almost over!

Chu Xiu smiled, stood up, and clasped his hands together.

Combined formation~

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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