Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 241 The vulgar love story of the person in the painting


Chu Xiu's expression changed slightly.

All ears.

The person in the painting nodded, twitching the corners of his mouth, revealing an ugly and stiff smile.

He sat on the ground next to the body.

Tell his story slowly.

He was born at the end of the mythical age when all races were at their peak.

At that time, there were many powerful people.

The Immortal Emperors all competed in the same era and were extremely brilliant.

Monster giants keep popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

He was protected by his fathers and was born extraordinary.

After embarking on the path of spiritual practice, he challenged all kinds of monsters. No matter who the opponent was, they could not survive hundreds of rounds in his hands. He was already invincible among his peers.

until one day.

I met a woman.

I discovered that the other party was actually a favored person, a person protected by heaven.

My father once said that the Heavenly One is the sworn enemy of the human race. When you meet one, you don’t need to talk nonsense and just start dividing life and death.

Speaking of which.

The man in the painting paused and continued to talk.

This woman is worthy of being blessed by heaven, she is really strong. I fought her for thousands of rounds and tried my best, but I could only get a draw with her.

From then on, we regarded each other as true rivals.

We fought all the way from the Great Power Realm to the Red Dust Immortal.

Fight all the way from the Red Dust Immortal to the Half-Step Immortal.

She is so strong that I have never been able to defeat her.

Of course, I have never failed.

The man in the painting said proudly.

As the only audience, Chu Xiu sighed from the bottom of his heart: A true opponent is even rarer than a confidant.

The man in the painting nodded and chuckled: I deeply understand the invincible loneliness.

Chu Xiu looked at him with a strange look on his face: Don't tell me that you fell in love with that woman in the end.

Oh, don't be so vulgar. Chu Xiu's expression gradually became exaggerated.

Vulgar? Why do you think it's vulgar? The person in the painting also has no eyes, otherwise he would definitely roll his eyes at Chu Xiu.

So I guessed it right? Chu Xiu shrugged like a fool.

The man in the painting sighed, I will inform my father about this.

That's too filial. You have to know that she is the one favored by heaven and the mortal enemy of the human race. Your father will definitely pull out the seven wolves and beat you up, right?

Chu Xiu looked gloating.

For some reason, he felt a strange sense of relaxation when getting along with the person in the painting.

Seven wolves? What are those? The person in the painting shook his head, ignored Chu Xiu's nonsense, and continued: Father did not blame me.

He only asked me one question.

If one day, the law of heaven orders her to kill me, do you think she will disobey the law of heaven, or comply with the law of heaven?

The man in the painting fell silent at this point.

That was the first time since I was born that I had disobeyed my father.

I remember clearly.

At that time, I answered my father's question without thinking: She would disobey heaven for me.

I saw the complexity in my father's eyes.

There is disappointment, but also relief.

My father never interfered with my relationship with her.

The person in the painting sighed softly.

Looking up at the canopy of the locust tree that blocks the sky and the sun.

At the end of the age of mythology, the wall of the universe ruptured. Endless strange gray mist poured into this world. Countless ethnic groups were eroded by the gray mist and turned into bloodthirsty monsters. It was a real catastrophe between heaven and earth. One by one, the favored ones transformed into heaven. Slave, madly slaughtering the human race that was already the master of all races at that time.

Terrorist beings who only exist in myths have awakened. Their goals are very clear. They want to participate in that gluttonous feast, slaughter the human race, and obtain heavenly rewards.

Those beings are not only powerful, but also have strange immortal characteristics.

As one of the strongest beings in the world, my father also has to fight hard.

I, who had already reached the realm of Immortal Lord at that time, also participated in the catastrophe that only targeted the human race.

That battle lasted for tens of thousands of years, and the world was shattered. All realms were annihilated, and the prehistoric world was shattered into dozens of pieces.

The enemies are too many and too strong, and we are ultimately defeated.

Disastrous failure~`

The person in the painting smiled miserably. Facing the general trend, I realized how weak I was.

I'm still here. My father has far-reaching plans and has preserved our clan's fire in advance.

Until one day, my father and uncle left. They were going to find stronger power to reverse everything.

I stayed with the remnants of my father's army.

We ran here and there to avoid being chased.

Without the protection of my father and others, we were eventually forced to a desperate end.

That day.

I saw her.

She is still so beautiful, like a fairy who is not stained by the mortal world, but I am so embarrassed.

She stood among the pursuers, as if she didn't recognize me.

I closed my eyes, my heart ached, and I was exhausted from the serious injury.

Just when the heavenly slaves are about to kill me completely.

She found an opportunity to save me.

The man in the painting smiled, his dark eyes pointed at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu actually saw a proud look in his eyes.

That's right, you are proud.

Don't ask him why he can see pride in a blind man's eyes.

The person in the painting continued: She took me on the run and came all the way here.

He has reached the Half-Step Immortal Emperor level and is really strong.

One person faced eight strong men of the same level. Not only did he not fall behind, he suppressed them. The two of us cooperated and successfully killed the pursuers one by one.

Just when we thought it was completely safe.

The power of heaven has arrived.

She is a favored one, controlled by heaven.

Heaven ordered her to kill me who was already seriously injured.

The expression of the man in the painting became ferocious, and the five fingers of his right hand were dug into the soil. Two lines of dark, sticky blood and tears rolled out of his dark eyes.

She knelt on the ground and begged God to let me go.

It was the first time I saw her being so proud, begging for help with such a low profile.

It was the first time I saw her with a rock-solid Taoist heart and she cried.

The person in the painting smiles miserably:

Tiandao hates humans to the core, how can he change his mind because of her?

Multiple orders were given to no avail, and Heaven became furious and inflicted the most vicious punishment on her.

Her true spirit disintegrated, her thoughts were confused, and she could no longer maintain her human body and turned into her true body.

Tiandao couldn't do it himself and wanted to kill everyone, so he marked the coordinates of this space.

It attracted countless gray fog monsters to flood into this space, trying to obliterate us.

Her true spirit completely disintegrated, and she turned into her true form, leaving only her instincts, and her instinct was to protect me, who was exhausted at the time.

She kept killing and killing, creating opportunities for me to survive and escape.

She sacrificed so much for me.

How could I abandon her?

I might as well fight to the death with all my strength, so that I can stay here with her forever.

The person in the painting stood up, walked to the trunk of a huge locust tree, raised his right hand and gently stroked the roots of the locust tree. His movements were as gentle as if he were stroking his lover's cheek, for fear that he would hurt her if he applied too much force.

This locust tree is her true body.

As an innate special being, she is the first locust tree in the world. Her name is Locust Tree.

She is my wife, her surname is Chu, and her name is Chu Xinhuai!

My name is Chu An, and my father hopes that I will have a safe life.

My story is finished.


The person in the painting turned back and looked at Chu Xiu with dark eyes, looking sad.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Chu Xiu shook his head, There is no need to apologize to me, I am not him.

The man in the painting sighed, his voice becoming hoarse due to the vicissitudes of life, I was born from a drop of my father's true blood.

That's why you and I look so similar.

My regrets have not dissipated after I died in the battle. I arranged a road to heaven to bring the emperor of the Sky Continent here.

I told them about the current situation of Tianwaitian. Let's just describe that place like this.

How did they behave after learning the truth? Chu Xiu asked curiously.

The person in the painting Chu An smiled bitterly and said: There are thousands of people with thousands of faces. Some are excited, while others are afraid.

Did they go to Tianwaitian via the Heavenly Road? Chu Xiu continued to ask.

Yes, some people did go to Tianwaitian.

Chu An touched his stiff and cold cheek with a strange smile: I suspect that my downfall was all part of my father's calculations.

To use his words to describe it, I call it NPC...

After clearing the hidden dangers left by Heaven on them, guide them to the NPC in the next level.

Hidden dangers of heaven?

You should know that the Tianxin Seal is the hidden danger left by the Heavenly Dao on the monks of Tianqiong Continent. I can help them eliminate the hidden danger.

What if the hidden dangers are not eliminated?

They will become the ones blessed by heaven, that is, the slaves of heaven.

Chu Xiu thought of Emperor Taiyi. He probably didn't come to Tianlu in time, so he became like that.

Why are you in this painting?

The person in the painting looked at Chu Xiu, The me in the painting is just a part of the remnants.

The real me is still in this body.

Father, you came to Heavenly Road to find someone, right?

Second update, good night everyone


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