Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 232 Universal, Universal Difficulties, Chu Xiu’s Question


The giant golden hand holding up the sky, covering the sky and the sun, was photographed with infinite power of heaven.

Wherever the palm passed, the law collapsed and turned into the light of disordered magnetism. It was a horrifying scene of doomsday that destroyed the heaven and earth.

Foshan is swaying.

Face this blow.

It seemed like it would collapse the next moment.

Why is the Emperor like this!

The golden Buddha light soared into the sky and turned into a light curtain, blocking the giant hand from being photographed.

Nan Amitabha——

Nan Amitabha——

Tens of thousands of Buddhist temples and temples in the Western Desert resounded with the sound of chanting sutras at the same time.

The will of all living beings gathered in Foshan, and the strength of all living beings was able to block Chu Xiu's attack.

The momentum of the giant palm stalled slightly.

The Buddha's light in the West Desert also dimmed a bit, consuming a lot of will power.

If the Emperor of Heaven wants to arrest someone, the poor monk will not stop him, nor does he dare to stop him. But please let the Emperor of Heaven spare the lives of other monks in the West Desert and don't destroy our Holy Buddha Mountain.

The old monk's voice was trembling and intermittent.

It was not easy for him to mobilize the will power of all living beings to block Chu Xiu's attack.

Chu Xiu walked on the Three Thousand Avenues, his face expressionless.

Slowly raised his hand, ready to take the second slap.

The Buddhist practice in the West Desert has existed for countless thousands of years and has accumulated the power of countless sentient beings' wishes.

The power of wish is indeed incredible, and it can actually block Chu Xiu's random attack.

But so what?

If one blow fails, another palm attack will take a lot of time.

But the old monk couldn't hold on.

At most, he could block Chu Xiu's palm one more time.

The old monk in the third palm will definitely die.

Right now.

Above Foshan.

Two figures, one blue and one white, flew out respectively.

They were two women, dressed as nuns, with waterfalls of black hair on their heads, standing on seven-treasure glazed lotus pedestals, surrounded by Buddha light, and the treasures were solemn.

The nun, who was dressed in white robes and had a cool and tranquil temperament, lowered her eyes, clasped her hands together, and recited the Buddha's name.

Donor Chu put down his butcher knife and turned around.

Chu Xiu looked indifferent and stared at the two nuns with eyes as bright as stars, One is the quasi-emperor of the eighth heaven, and the other is the quasi-emperor of the ninth heaven.

In the Buddhist Kingdom of the West Desert, you are hiding so deeply.

You two broke the seal a long time ago, right?

Otherwise, it will be impossible to return to peak condition.

The two nuns were silent.

On the Foshan Mountain, the old monk's heart sank, and he thought something was wrong. He clasped his hands together and explained, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, these two are the foundation of the West Desert Buddhist Kingdom, the Universal Bodhisattva and the Universal Bodhisattva.

Foshan in the West Desert consumes a lot of resources, so the cultivation of the two Bodhisattvas can be restored to its original state.

Chu Xiu's expression remained calm and indifferent when he heard this. He stepped on the Three Thousand Avenues, and his whole body was like a rainbow, like a supreme immortal emperor, overlooking all living beings.

No matter what kind of Bodhisattva they are, I am not interested in your Western Desert heritage.

Let me ask you, when the mermaid tribe invaded the Sky Continent, the three demon barbarian tribes worked together to resist the foreign invasion. Why did they stand idly by with strong men like them in the Western Desert?

On the top of Foshan, the old monk, whose whole body was shrouded in Buddha's light, faced Chu Xiu's question, his eyelids twitched, and he gritted his teeth: Buddha cultivators in the West Desert do not commit evil easily, and have no intention of participating in fights. Please forgive me, Emperor of Heaven. ....”

Chu Xiu looked coldly and scolded, What a good person who doesn't kill.

Then let me ask you, what would have happened to you if the major forces had failed to hold on and the aliens had invaded the Sky Continent and started a massacre?

Xi Mo will then take action to eliminate demons and protect the Tao. The old monk said forcefully.

Chu Xiu was amused by the old monk's shamelessness.

No one knows better than them.

When the aliens completely break into the Sky Continent, will they take action again?

Are you afraid that you only care about the three acres of land in the West Desert?

As for the other living beings in Tianqiong Continent, they are not Buddhist believers, and the monks want them to die.

Chu Xiu had dealt with these monks a lot, and he knew a little bit about the little things in their hearts, if not completely.

Okay, okay, the matter of the mermaid clan is over, I don't mind mentioning it.

Chu Xiu wanted to see how shameless these monks were.

So, he asked again.

Let me ask you again, Tianqiong Continent has set up a star-protecting formation, and I have summoned the heads of major forces in the continent to discuss matters. Why don't you, the Western Desert, send a representative here?

This matter is important and affects the life and death of countless living beings in the Sky Continent. You don't send people here and just want to enjoy the benefits. Don't you regard yourself as a member of the Sky Continent?

The old monk was questioned repeatedly by Chu Xiu and was speechless.

The monks who followed Chu Xiu were talking in low voices.

Indeed, have you noticed that since Emperor Taisu attained enlightenment, very few monks from the Western Desert have left the Western Desert and appeared in front of the public?

Whether it was the invasion of the Mermaid Tribe, the Great Gray Mist Tribulation, or even Emperor Chu Tian's enlightenment, they did not come to congratulate him.

They didn't show up for so many major events, let alone participate in them.

The monks are mysterious, what are they planning?

No wonder the Emperor of Heaven would go to war. The monk in the West Desert is indeed worthy of doubt.

Hmph - Hearing the discussions of the monks around him, Punan Bodhisattva, who was wearing azure blue robes and had fierce eyes, snorted coldly, I act in the West Desert, why do I need to explain to others.

Her fierce eyes moved slightly and looked at Chu Xiu without any fear:

Chu Xiu, you are the great emperor of the human race, and everyone in the world respects you as the emperor of heaven. Are you going to bully me, the great emperor of the Western Desert, by relying on your invincible strength?

It's hard for you to stop Youyou when he comes to the Western Desert to kill people.

You were a demon before you became enlightened. Do you still want to be that demon emperor after you become enlightened?

As soon as she said this.

The world is silent!

On the top of Foshan Mountain, the old monk's expression changed drastically, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he shouted that something was wrong.

The melon-eating monks standing on the top of the mountain or in the clouds were stunned and looked at Punan Bodhisattva as if they were looking at a madman.

Pu Nan Bodhisattva, why would you say such rebellious and unethical words?

Do you have a blood feud with Xi Mo?

In other words, you are actually a teenager. Therefore, you would choose to stab Xi Mo in the back at a critical moment?

Okay, okay, you are great!

The melon-eating crowd looked at West Desert Foshan with sympathy.

Who in the whole world knows what kind of person Emperor Chu Tian is?

It's okay if you don't provoke him, he will still be polite to you.

If you dare to provoke him, then wish yourself good luck!

Punan Bodhisattva is influenced by the Great Dao and has an irritable and impulsive temperament. Please, His Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, do not want to be friends with her. The old monk stood up, clasped his hands and bowed, trying to save the situation that was gradually getting out of control.

Universal Bodhisattva pulled Punan Bodhisattva behind him, shook his head at her, and sighed softly, Punan, you are impulsive.

Pu Nan's eyes were still fierce, We in the West Desert have existed for countless thousands of years and have gathered the will of countless sentient beings. Why should we be afraid of Chu Xiu?

You... The Universal Bodhisattva was stunned and said: Do you know what you are talking about?

He is called the Emperor of Heaven by the world, and he is the most powerful emperor in ancient and modern times. How can he be a person who is easy to talk to?

Universal Bodhisattva turned to look at Chu Xiu, clasped his hands together, and recited the Buddha's name, Almsgiver Chu...

She also wanted to defend Punan.


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