Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 228 The wine has not yet died


There are three kinds of time projections in the stone chamber.

A woman in white robes, a man in black robes, and a crow.

There is no need to say more about the identity of the man and the crow.

It was Chu Xiu and Ji Taimei who came here that year.

The woman in white robe is Anjiujiu.

Her projections are the largest, almost filling the entire stone chamber.

Every projection is of her.

But there are differences.

As the rules of heaven and earth change, avenue suppression appears.

She also went from being in her prime when she was young to becoming old.

There are more and more wrinkles on the originally smooth and fair face.

The longevity is depleted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even so.

She still stood in front of the stone wall, holding a carving knife, and kept carving words, never leaving the stone room.

Why is she like this...

Qi Mengdie couldn't bear it.

How could there be such a silly girl in the world.

Back then, the Lord only had the cultivation of a Holy King. He left the Taisu Emperor Era. To return to this era, he needed to cross the long river of time. This was very dangerous. Before leaving, the traces of that era must be erased.

So, the Great Mistress who became the Emperor at that time took action and used her great magical power to erase all traces of the Lord in the entire Sky Continent, including the memories of the monks...

Jiujiu is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but also loves to get into trouble. Her memory has been sealed by the Great Mistress. She is unwilling to forget... and wants to forcefully remember the Lord.

She should have succeeded in the end!

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many names engraved on it.

Black Dragon choked, tears glistening in his eyes.

He has few friends.

Negative Yue counts as one.

Anjiujiu counts as one.

Who would have thought that a hundred thousand years later, when we meet again, it will be like this.

Maybe I can understand her. Mo Feiyan whispered to herself.

Endless waiting is the most painful thing in the world.

It doesn't matter. The black dragon raised his paw and wiped the corners of his eyes, grinning and said, Anyway, the Lord will be able to rescue her right away.

Wait until she comes back to life.

I must laugh at this girl severely.

You guys step aside. Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, I'm going to take action.

The two women and the dragon did not dare to hesitate and quickly retreated to the entrance of the stone chamber.

Chu Xiu drew the power of time from the long river of time and attached it to his whole body.

He took a deep breath, raised his right hand, and looked at the projection of An Jiujiu's youth.

Going against the long river of time, the quasi-emperor from a hundred thousand years ago was forcibly brought to the current era.

It was so difficult that Chu Xiu was pounding in his heart...

However, something he didn't expect happened.

His gray-white palm did not catch An Jiujiu's time projection and passed through his body.

Chu Xiu frowned.

Try again.

The result remains the same.

He changed several projections one after another, and it was still the same.

Can't catch it.

Can't catch it at all.

Lord, what's going on? Is it because it's been too long?

Black Dragon's tone was solemn and his eyes were worried.

Qi Mengdie and Mo Fei Yan also had worried faces.

Chu Xiu frowned and said nothing.

His eyes moved slightly, grabbing at his own time projection, and as expected, his palm passed through it again.

He tried it again with Ji Taimei's projection, but nothing changed.

Surprise gradually appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

I kind of know why that's the case.


Qi Mengdie and Yan asked in unison.

Chu Xiu's eyes wandered, scanning this stone room which was not spacious.

Jiujiu probably hasn't died yet, so I can't drag her to this era through the long river of time...


Black Dragon took a breath and said in disbelief, How is this possible?

It's just that she didn't claim to be a quasi-emperor, so how could she survive to this era?

Not to mention quasi-emperors, even great emperors do not have such a long lifespan.

Unless she also has a lifespan as long as the Fuyue clan.

Of course, the latter is even more impossible!

Black Dragon scratched his head, his face full of confusion, My lord, could you have sensed something wrong?

Chu Xiu glanced sideways at him.

The black dragon covered his mouth with his claws and did not dare to doubt his lord again.

If she hadn't died, where would she have gone?

Qi Mengdie walked closer, her eyes wandering between these projections.

Chu Xiu shook his head, There are no clues left in the stone chamber.

It was like she disappeared out of thin air.

No news is the best news! Qi Mengdie's tightly knitted eyebrows relaxed slightly.

To reverse the course of time, Chu Xiu would have to pay a heavy price.

Now I know that Anjiujiu has not died.

Qi Mengdie felt a little relieved.

She didn't want Chu Xiu to suffer serious injuries trying to save others.

Let's go!

Chu Xiu looked around, turned and left.

The black dragon, Qi Mengdie, and Mo Feiyan followed him and left the stone room.

Out of the cold pool.

The group continued to Dongzhou.

Along the way, we met several groups of monks who were setting up formations.

A huge black dragon passed overhead.

The wind howled, flying sand and rocks.

The monks exclaimed.

I have seen this black dragon before. He is the mount of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven has come to Dongzhou.

If I could follow the Emperor of Heaven, I would be a maid serving tea and water!

You'd better wash up and go to sleep!

How can a person like the Emperor of Heaven fall in love with a vulgar fan like you?

I don't know how long it will take for us to complete the layout of the formation...

Some time ago, the elders of the clan said that this plan would take about thirty years to complete, but it has only been a few years now.

Hey, I really hope it ends soon. I kind of miss the feeling of retreating in the training tower.

Who says it isn't?

The monks looked at the direction in which the black dragon was going away and talked in low voices.

Watch the black dragon disappear completely.

They continued to be busy.

Everyone, listen to my command and throw down the formation flag here. A fifth-level formation master with white beard and white hair pointed at a large hole in the ground ahead and shouted.


A dozen people threw the formation flags in their hands into the pit one after another.


Chu Xiu and his party came to Dongzhou, a remote town called Qingfeng.

The sky is drizzling.

The population of the small town is not large, less than 100,000.

Quiet, peaceful.

Almost all people living here are mortals.

There are not many monks in the wheel sea realm.

Tanghulu, candied haws on sale!

Want to buy candied haws?

Carrots, fresh carrots...

The fairly spacious street is filled with the sounds of various hawkings. It is lined with blue brick houses, which are ordinary and not gorgeous. Children are chasing and playing under the eaves.

Chu Xiu and others were walking on the street holding oil-paper umbrellas.

All the way to the east corner of the city.

Stopping in front of the ruins of a burned-out house.

Chu Xiu stood in front of the two women, staring at the ruins, and scenes from that year flashed before his eyes.

Back then, he and Liu Hongyi wandered together and came here.

Fortunately, he was taken in by Mr. Qin.

The years he lived in this city were the most comfortable and relaxing years he came to Sky Continent.

The people living here are simple and kind.

There is no outside intrigue, no killing, no deception.

Until one day, a group of monks arrived.

A sharp light flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Emperor Chu Tian, ​​you are still here!!

An old voice came from behind.

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