Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 226 Resurrection of Mo Feiyan


That night.

Chu Xiu had an in-depth exchange with several women respectively.

The next day.

In the early morning, the sky just turned white.

The black dragon carried Chu Xiu and Qi Mengdie and flew into the teleportation formation.

By teleportation.

Return to Taisu Holy Land.

The dragon roared and roared, scattering the clouds over the holy land. The sun shone on the black dragon's huge body. The dark scales the size of a hill glowed with a cold light, which was intimidating.

The black dragon carried the two of them and flew up to Yunxia Peak.

Arriving above the courtyard of Chu Xiu Cave Mansion.

Chu Xiu and Qi Mengdie jumped off the dragon's back.

The black dragon quickly shrank in size, becoming the size of a small snake, and wrapped around Chu Xiu's left arm.

Chu Xiu walked into the courtyard.

Qi Mengdie followed him with a serious expression.

The two of them came to stand by the lake one after another.

Chu Xiu's eyes moved slightly and he looked at the bluestone beside him.

Shall we start now? Qi Mengdie opened her red lips and asked in a low voice.

Chu Xiu hummed.

He pinched out the mysterious magic formula with one hand, his long hair danced wildly, and the emperor's pressure exploded across the sky.

The wind and clouds are turbulent, and all roads are trembling.

A long gray-white river appears in the dark starry sky.

The river of time is very long and wide, no one knows its source, and no one knows its end.

It stretches across the nine heavens.

In front of it, the Sky Continent seemed insignificant, like dust.

Rumble, rumble——

The supreme law of time roared and suppressed the heavens.

That's Diwei——

Could it be that the one from Taisu Holy Land is back?

The Sky Continent shook.

Countless monks turned their attention to Taisu Holy Land in the Southern Territory.

Emperor Chu Tian summoned the river of time.

What does he want to do?

The monks were puzzled.

I don’t know why Chu Xiu made such a fuss.

Yunxia Peak.

Cave courtyard, beside the small lake.

Qi Mengdie and Heilong had retreated a thousand meters away, looking at Chu Xiu under the willow tree and beside the bluestone.

I saw that he raised his hand to receive the power of time from the long river of time, and pointed his index finger in the direction of the bluestone.


The power of time between your fingers is like fireworks in full bloom, and gray-white time rules fill the entire courtyard...

next moment.

A shocking scene happened.

I saw transparent figures shrouded in gray and white light, appearing in every corner of the courtyard.

Among them were old and young, men and women.

Some of them Chu Xiu knew, and some Chu Xiu had never seen before.

There are so many, so densely packed that they are countless.

These are the people who have left their footprints here for countless years.

Chu Xiu used his great supernatural power to use the power of time to reappear the projection of their existence in the past into the present time anchor point.

Is this the power of the Great Emperor? Black Dragon marveled, his eyes full of envy, The Great Emperor is indeed the Great Emperor, he can even manipulate time at will.

“I don’t know who the Lord is trying to save.”

Her name is Mo Feiyan, Elder Taisu Feng.

Qi Mengdie's phoenix eyes widened and her eyes wandered among the crowd, trying to find Mo Feiyan's projection.

Soon, she noticed that there was a beautiful figure shrouded in a gray halo not far in front of Chu Xiu.

She was wearing a golden gown embroidered with phoenixes, and her figure was as graceful as a ripe honey, peach, or a gourd falling ripe.

Her black hair is styled in a flowing bun, she has a mature and beautiful face, as white as jade, and her black and white apricot eyes look lovingly towards the bluestone.

Of course Qi Mengdie knew who she was looking at and couldn't help but sigh.

Hey, she is also a poor person.

The black dragon blinked and quickly covered his mouth with his claws, not daring to interrupt.

Chu Xiu stepped forward and stared at Mo Feiyan's projection.

He drew more power of time from the long river of time and attached it to his whole body.

Immediately, he slowly raised his right hand and grabbed Mo Feiyan's past projection.

As it gets closer.

The color of the skin on his palms gradually turned gray.

The palm movements were very slow, as if infinite time had passed.

After a dozen breaths.

The gray palm finally grabbed Mo Feiyan's wrist and pulled it slowly and hard to his side.

This process is long and complicated.

Chu Xiu needs to use Guiyi Dao to wrap up Mo Feiyan to prevent her from being eroded by the power of time.

Otherwise, what he rescued would not be Mo Feiyan alive, but her lifeless old corpse.

time flies.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Three hours passed.

Until the sun star is almost completely submerged in the horizon.

Chu Xiu's eyes flashed.

Give a low drink.

Pull the entire projection to your side.

The gray time recedes.

Chu Xiu finally brought Mo Feiyan from the past back to the present time anchor point.

Could it be that Yan was separated from the long river of time, and her whole body went limp like a cotton swab.

Chu Xiu raised his hands and put his arms around her waist.

Mo Feiyan's chest rose and fell violently, and she kept breathing heavily.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the sky, empty and lifeless.

After a long time, he slowly regained his composure.

She looked back at Chu Xiu in confusion.

Memories of scenes flooded into my mind.

She frowned.



She opened her mouth, her voice hoarse, Didn't I fall?

Immediately, her expression changed and she looked at Chu Xiu who was holding him in her arms.

Mo Feiyan finally recognized Chu Xiu’s identity.

She grabbed the hem of Chu Xiu's clothes, her eyes filled with fear and anxiety, her voice trembling, His Royal Highness the Holy Son...could it be that you...have also fallen?

It must be so.

Back then, Taiji Ancient Star and his party, you never came back.

That's all, that's all, I should be content to be able to reunite with His Highness after my death!

It's just a pity that Your Highness the Holy Son...

Haha, Elder Mo, please don't talk nonsense, he is not dead.

Qi Mengdie walked closer, a pair of phoenix eyes moved slightly, looking up and down at Mo Feiyan.

Well, nothing has changed from back then.

Master Yunxia Seeing Qi Mengdie appear, Yan Shuirun's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

Fei Yan, you did fall back then, but I brought you back to life.

Seeing that she was still in shock and unable to extricate herself, Chu Xiu couldn't help but explain.

Look around you. Is the scenery familiar?

Mo Feiyan was startled and quickly turned around, looking around, her eyes gradually widening, This is Yunxia Peak, His Highness's residence...

Back then, she served Chu Xiu and lived here almost every day.

The flowers, trees, and all the decorations here.

It was all too familiar to her.

Chu Xiu helped her sit on the bluestone.

He took some soul-warming spiritual fluid and fed it to her.

Stand up straight and wave your hands.

The long river of time across the nine heavens, and countless projections of the power of time, gradually disappeared.

Baby, please explain the current situation to Feiyan. Reversing the long river of time consumes a lot of time. I need to recover. Chu Xiu looked tired and sat down cross-legged.

Okay, hurry up and recover.

Qi Mengdie nodded, walked to Mo Feiyan and sat down, telling him what happened over the years.

She spoke in great detail.

Mo Fei Yan also listened very carefully.

From the time his body was found to the mermaid tribe's invasion of the Sky Continent, Chu Xiu defeated Tian Nu and returned to turn the tide.

For more than a hundred years, Chu Xiu has risen step by step, and today, he has become an emperor.

He used his methods to reverse the course of time and resurrected her who had completely fallen.

Could it be that Yan was shocked, her red lips slightly opened, and she murmured, It has only been a hundred or two hundred years since I fell, and His Highness the Holy Son has already attained enlightenment and become an emperor?

It takes one or two hundred years to break through from the Holy King Realm to the Great Emperor Realm.

As expected of His Royal Highness the Holy Son.

What are you going to do next? Qi Mengdie looked sideways at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu closed his eyes tightly and activated the Great Chaos Freedom Technique to restore his body's vitality.

I also want to save a few deceased friends.

I'm late typing today, so I'll just update two chapters...

Goodnight everybody

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