
The next day.

Chu Xiu entered the training tower for retreat.

Qi Mengdie called a pair of children.


The young man bowed his hands and saluted, with red lips and white teeth, clear and picturesque eyebrows, long black hair pulled into a bun, and a black jade hairpin inserted.

He is tall and slender, wearing a black robe, and his appearance is very similar to Chu Xiu.


Chu Weiyang's waist-length hair was flying, and she rushed into the arms of her mother Qi Mengdie.

She looked like a young girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a red dress, like a delicate rose in full bloom. She has a fair face with some baby fat, and is very sweet. She has a pair of big dark almond eyes, curved eyebrows, and a smile on her lips.

Qi Mengdie stroked her daughter's head, pinched her elastic face, and said angrily: You are more than a hundred years old, and you are still so unstable?

Hehe, even if I'm a thousand or ten thousand years old, I'm still my mother's precious daughter. Chu Weiyang stuck out her pink tongue and looked weird.


Qi Mengdie's eyes were full of love, and she tapped her forehead with her emerald index finger. She turned her head to look at her son, who was standing aside with a heroic figure, a serious smile, and a cold temperament. She waved, Wei Ai, come to my mother too.

Chu Weiai walked up and asked doubtfully: Mom, why don't you see your father?

Qi Mengdie held his hand and then her daughter's hand, Your father has gone to retreat. He wants to reach the realm of the Great Emperor.

So fast! Chu Weiyang's almond-shaped eyes widened and she murmured: Dad, didn't he just break through the Nine Heavens?

I wonder why mother called us here? Chu Weiai asked.

You siblings are already at the peak of the Great Sage.

Your father wants you to leave the temple, go to the battlefield of all races to experience, fight with others, and find your own way. Qi Mengdie said seriously with a straight face, his eyes full of uncontrollable worry.

After the two children were born, they never left her side.

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles.

She worries that her children will be bullied and deceived.


A sapling that does not leave its mother's protection will never grow strong.

Blind indulgence and love will only make children weak.

Only when the young eagle leaves its warm nest can it raise its wings and fight against the unpredictable wind and clouds.

As Chu Xiu said: Only those who have seen the darkness and filth of the world can live longer.

Dad finally decided to let us go practice! Chu Weiyang's almond-shaped eyes sparkled, and she clapped her hands and cheered.

She has a lively personality.

Practicing in seclusion day and night is simply torture for someone like her.

Now, she was finally able to leave the human temple and experience it alone. She was enjoying herself in the hall unscrupulously.

Chu Weiai looked much more stable. He saw the worry in Qi Mengdie's eyes and comforted him: Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of my sister.

What did you say--

The cheerful Chu Weiyang paused, put her little hands on her hips, and raised her brows, Why do you expect you to take care of me?

She pointed to her nose and said in disbelief: Sister, I need you, my brother, to take care of me?

Chu Weiai smiled disdainfully, With your temper, if you are betrayed, you will probably have to pay for someone else.

You really haven't learned anything about father's caution.

You... Chu Weiyang stared at her younger brother with almond-shaped eyes, her face turned red.

Father said: There is nothing wrong with being prepared for trouble. Chu Weiai shook his head silently, And what about you? You wish you could slap all your trump cards directly on others' faces...

It's okay if you encounter a weak opponent, you can still overwhelm them with strength.

But if you encounter an evenly matched opponent, you will definitely suffer a big loss, and your life may not be saved!

Chu Weiyang was so angry at her younger brother that she snorted coldly, My strength is enough to crush my peers. You can use all your tricks and plans, but I will defeat them all on my own.

When Chu Weiai heard this, she sneered:

As strong as my father, when facing the enemy, he is also like a lion fighting against a rabbit, and even has a few hands to spare. Why do you think you can crush everything? With your unfinished ancient holy body?

Qi Mengdie sat aside and quietly watched the two children arguing without interrupting.

She was surprised.

My son, who has been quiet since he was a child and has a quiet and cold personality, can actually silence his out-of-temperature daughter.

Chu Weiai bowed her hand to Qi Mengdie and said, Mom, I have a stupid personality. I suggest that she continue to practice in seclusion and not go out into the world to avoid being deceived by people with impure thoughts...

You kid, who are you calling stupid...

Chu Weiyang was so angry that his chest heaved, and he pointed at his little brother. The golden holy light overflowed from his body, and he made a human emperor fist gesture. The shadow of the human emperor appeared above his head, and the pressure of the imperial way filled the entire palace.

Chu Weiai did not retreat even half a step, holding the handwriting secret with her left hand, and grabbed a handful of formation flags from the storage ring with her right hand.

The two siblings were facing each other, their long hair was calm and their aura was rising steadily.

They were about to fight.

Qi Mengdie had a straight face, raised her eyebrows, acted as majestic as a mother should be, and scolded: Shut up, mother--

Look at what you look like now.

Why, you haven't even gone out to practice yet, and you're starting to fight in the nest?

You really let me down.

Chu Weiyang pouted, put down her delicate fists, and stamped her feet angrily, Mother, Chu Weiai bullies me, you don't care about him.

Mom, I know my mistake! Chu Weiai lowered her head and had a good attitude towards admitting her mistake, but she would not change it anyway.

Qi Mengdie took a deep look at her son and sighed helplessly.

A wise child is better than his mother.

How could she not see that her son was perfunctory with her.

Wei Ai's character is cautious and steady, and he also has some evil intentions, which is somewhat similar to his father.

However, her son's words are rough and unreasonable, and Weiyang's character is indeed too simple. An honest person like her is the easiest to be deceived.

Qi Mengdie's long eyebrows furrowed and she turned to look at her daughter who was still angry: Weiyang, do you really want to go out and practice?

Chu Weiyang nodded repeatedly, raised her delicate fist and squeezed it loudly, Of course, I have long wanted to compete with those foreign geniuses.

Mom, don't worry, I will never embarrass my father. I want all races to remember my name, Chu Weiyang, and I want my father to be proud of me.

Chu Weiai glanced sideways at the confident elder sister, curled her lips, and did not continue to hit her.

Well, although my elder sister is wise, there is no doubt about her strength.

Qi Mengdie nodded and said seriously:

Wei Niang can promise you, but you have to focus on Wei Ai. At critical moments, you must listen to your brother's advice and not act recklessly. Otherwise, Wei Niang will not let you go out to practice.

Ah—— Chu Weiyang was a little unhappy.

After being glared at by my mother, she nodded in agreement like a deflated ball.

Don't worry, Mom, I will take good care of her. Chu Weiai solemnly promised.

Well - Qi Mengdie nodded, held the hands of the two siblings, and said softly: Mom doesn't care how famous you can be.

Mom, I just hope you can stay safe and walk out of your own way.

Your father has a heavy burden on his shoulders and cannot always be by your side.

Don't blame him for this!

Mom, I don't blame dad. Chu Weiyang shook her head and held Qi Mengdie's arm.

Chu Weiai said in a deep voice, The catastrophe is approaching. As the pillar of the Sky Continent, my father has no need to waste his precious time on us.

It's good if you can understand!

Qi Mengdie's eyes were filled with relief.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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