Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 214 Chu Xiu: I want them all


Her name is Blood Flame Queen, and she comes from the flame demon clan.

The population of this tribe is extremely sparse, even less than the number of the Zerg Mother Queen.

However, they are extremely talented, and they are born with the Fire Spirit Dao Body.

Looking at the entire starry sky and universe, no one knows how to play with fire better than them.

Well, both verbs and nouns.

Chu Xiu silently nicknamed her Fire Girl~

Another woman was wearing bright silver armor, tall and muscular, with no hair on her head and a shiny braised egg.

Her face was sharp and resolute. If it weren't for her huge chest muscles, Chu Xiu would have almost thought that this woman was a male.

She comes from the giant race, and her height at this time is over three meters, which has shrunk a lot. Her normal height can reach ten thousand feet.

Chu Xiu gave her the nickname Braised Egg Girl

As for the other two male cultivators, Chu Xiu just glanced at them and stopped looking at them.

The men are all passers-by, and he is just looking at nothing...

The fire girl swayed her slender waist, took a few steps forward, bowed slightly and saluted Chu Xiu who was sitting on the throne, and said in a soft and charming voice: The Flame Demon Clan, Tian Yanxin has met Taoist friend Chu Xiu.

Kantasi from the giant race has met fellow Taoist priests. The braised egg girl said with her fists clasped in a loud voice.

Telin of the Centaur tribe, I have met Taoist friend Chu Xiu. The old man clasped his fists.

I've met Fellow Daoist Chu.

The two male cultivators did not dare to neglect, and they also cupped their fists and saluted.

They were in awe of Chu Xiu's strength, so they kept their posture very low.

He was afraid of making Chu Xiu unhappy and causing death.

Chu Xiu had a sullen face, staring at the five people with a look of disdain, and said solemnly: Do you know why I ordered you to come to the Human Race Temple?

Grrrr, fellow Taoist Chu Xiu's strength is unparalleled in the world. How will we know your decision? Please show me, fellow Taoist, so that we can go back to discuss with representatives of other races. Tianyan covered his mouth and said softly. Laughing, a pair of red eyes are seductive, and the blood of the delicate body is burning, making a crackling sound.

Qi Mengdie frowned, glanced at her with phoenix eyes, and scolded: Speak politely, if you continue to be so evil, get out of here -

The flames all over Tian Yanxin froze, and he stood up straight subconsciously. He was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to refute anything on the surface.

These days, she has been asking for information a lot, and she knows that Qi Mengdie is Chu Xiu's Taoist companion.

Although the opponent's strength is not that good, it is definitely not something she can provoke...

Kangtas sneered secretly and glanced at Tianyanxin, who was deflated in Qi Mengdie's hands. Humph~ You, this burning fox who can only seduce men, finally hit the muzzle of the gun this time, right?

Bah, a charlatan like you deserves to be scolded! !

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk——

Chu Xiu tapped the armrest of the throne rhythmically with his right fingers, looking down at the five people with eyes as bright as stars.

You have two choices, stay in the wilderness, or die!

Old Man Ma, Tian Yanxin and others were shocked in their hearts and their pupils shrank.

They didn't think Chu Xiu was joking with them.

If you tell them to die, you will never let them live...

However, what puzzled them was why Chu Xiu insisted on leaving them in the wilderness?

What is his purpose?

There was no doubt for long.

Soon they got their answer.

The monks of Tianqiong Continent need to temper and fight, so I decided to keep you alive.

Of course, I won't get involved in a battle of the same level. If you dare to bully the small ones because of your high level, I don't mind killing you with my own hands. Chu Xiu looked around and glanced at the five people one by one. Their hair was as black as night, and the terrifying murderous intent of the Nine Heavens Realm surged towards the five people like an overwhelming force.

The five people felt five thunders hitting their heads. Qi and blood flowed backwards in their bodies. Their faces turned pale, their bodies became stiff, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Do you understand?

We understand what Fellow Daoist Chu Xiu means. Tian Yanxin took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

She finally knew why Chu Xiu was going to such trouble.

This is about using them as stepping stones!

The other four people looked calm and said nothing. They were obviously angry and aggrieved, but they did not dare to show any emotion in front of Chu Xiu.

Do you want to train monks in the Sky Continent?

Want to use us as a stepping stone?

Innocent! !

Just wait, we will give an order when we get back, and the younger members of the Ming clan will join forces to kill you, the monk from Tianqiong Continent.

It depends on whether you have more monks in the Sky Continent or we have more monks from all races in the Starry Sky.

Just when a few people felt cruel and secretly sneered.

Chu Xiu, who was sitting on the throne, snorted: Humph, it's useless for you to understand.

I don't believe you at all.

He stood up with his hands behind his back and said loudly: The rules have been changed. From now on, any monks from all races who attack the monks of Tianqiong Continent must not go beyond one big realm or three small realms of the opponent. Anyone who violates will be obliterated.

The rules have been changed. The ninth-level warriors on the side of the monks of all races cannot attack them in any form without the consent of the eighth-level monks and below in the Sky Continent. Anyone who violates them will be obliterated.

The rules have been changed. From now on, the number of monks from all races who attack the Sky Continent, regardless of any means or in any form, cannot exceed five. Violators will be obliterated.

The rules are established——

The vast and ethereal sounds of the battlefield weapon spirits of all races echoed in the sky above the human race temple.

The three rules simultaneously echoed in the hearts of all intelligent creatures in the ancient world.

at the same time.

There are two more rules in Prehistoric. Anyone who dares to violate the iron law will be ruthlessly obliterated.

In this way, monks from all races will not be able to use the big to bully the small.

You can't bully the few with more.

They don't even dare to use traps and killing methods...

Chu Xiu's three patches had such tricky angles that they completely blocked the path of all the monks from all races.

Want to play dirty?

Haha, how could he, Old Demon Chu, give them a chance?

Well, our Lao Chu is such a rigorous man.

The expressions of the five strong men including Fire Girl and Braised Egg Girl changed dramatically.

The old man Matlin took two steps forward, raised his hands and saluted, Fellow Taoist Chu Xiu, you must not do this.

The three rules only apply to monks of all races, but not to monks of Tianqiong Continent!

The rules are unfair...

Chu Xiu stood with his hands behind his hands at the end of the stairs, in front of the huge throne, looking down at him indifferently, and said lightly, Fair?

My word is fair.


The old man's wrinkled old face twitched violently a few times, shook his head with a wry smile, took a few steps back with four hooves, and said no more.

Chu Xiu is too strong.

He didn't think he could convince the other party.

I didn’t even dare to say a few more words.

If Chu Xiu is offended, not only will he die, but his granddaughter and his clan members will also die.

The consequences were too serious and he didn't dare to gamble.

Others also looked gloomy and remained silent.

Chu Xiu's move was too cruel.

It's just a blunt knife that kills people.

Just wait and go back!

That's right~

Just as the five of them were about to turn around, Chu Xiu stopped them again.

I wonder if Fellow Daoist Chu Xiu has anything else to do? Old Man Ma's tone was strong and he was in a very irritable mood.

I got a lot of good stuff from the Supreme Treasure House, and I'm going to hold an auction at the Human Temple. The trading currency is the Divine Essence Stone.

If you are interested, you can send someone back to the Starry Sky Universe and bring more divine essence stones to the battlefield of all races.

Of course, I only allow one person to go back and forth, and his cultivation level is not higher than the fifth heaven.

The five people's eyes lit up when they heard this.

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