Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 206: The Thousand-faced True King: The Innate Chaos Holy Body Taoist Embryo


Soon, a powerful quasi-emperor came to the central square and preached to millions of monks.

The strong aliens watched the scene in front of them silently.

One by one, the monks from Tianqiong Continent made breakthroughs while listening to the sermon.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the aura of thunder and calamity fills the world.

Old Man Ma frowned, With so many people going through the tribulation together, the lightning tribulations are superimposed on each other, and the power is tens of millions times more powerful. Are they really not afraid of death?

Are all the monks in Tianqiong Continent so crazy in their cultivation?

So scary~

The thunder tribulations in the sky are constantly gathering, forming an endless ocean of thunder tribulations. The aura of the heavenly tribulations is so oppressive that the quasi-emperor will change his expression.

I see that none of them are moved. Are they really not afraid, or do they not know how terrible the thunder disaster is?

Crazy, all crazy!


The sea of ​​thunder overturned, and endless thunder fell suddenly.

They're finished! Yu Xi shook his head, his eyes filled with sympathy.

What do these old haters know?

The fox girl came out of nowhere and looked at the group of strong foreigners with contempt.

You... Yu Xi frowned. For some reason, she didn't like this fox demon very much.

I was just about to say something to fight back.

However, what happened next shocked her again.

I saw that the doomsday-like thunder disaster was blocked by a layer of faint blue light curtain.

Not even a ripple was stirred.


What kind of formation was that? It could easily block such a terrifying thunder disaster...

A group of strong foreigners were stunned.

Who among them is not an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

Even the most well-informed old man Ma has never seen anything so outrageous.

Can thunder tribulation be overcome like this?

Really useless!

Hmph, how is it different from trying to survive a catastrophe like this and pulling out seedlings to encourage growth?

So what if they survive the thunder tribulation? Without tempering their bodies through the heavenly tribulation, their strength is far inferior to that of monks of the same level.

They're just a bunch of trash with no real realm.

Not worth mentioning.

The monk from all races with the head of a wild boar sneered.

He is a powerful man of the seventh heaven, and he looks down upon this method of overcoming the tribulation.

Tch, you know nothing.

The fox girl raised her middle finger and said contemptuously.

The wild boar monk's eyelids were twitching wildly. If this place wasn't a human temple and he was afraid of Chu Xiu's strength, otherwise he would really slap the vixen to death.

They are like ants, provoking us with vulgar words over and over again. Do you really think that we are made of mud?

Feel his murderous intent.

The fox lady didn't care at all, curled her lips, put her hands on her hips, Shabi, if you have the guts, just do it.

You ant...

Fellow Taoist Xin Yunqiang, don't be impulsive——

Yu Xi grabbed the jealous wild boar monk with a thick neck.

Don't forget why we are here.

If it offends Na Chu Xiu, I will probably stay here.

Hear the words.

Xin Yunqiang's pupils shrank slightly, fear defeated his anger, and he forcibly suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

He snorted and stopped looking at the vixen.


The fox girl rubbed her chin and stared at Yu Xi with stern eyes.

I thought to myself: This woman can tolerate it.

Look - the little mare pointed her hand at the sky above the square and shouted crisply.

After hearing this, everyone looked in the direction she pointed.

His eyes widened again, and he was too shocked to speak.

I saw thunderbolts of different thicknesses and colors falling through the blue light curtain on the heads of the monks who were overcoming the tribulation, and actually began to temper their bodies and refine their souls...

The formation can not only weaken the thunder tribulation! It can also make use of the thunder tribulation...

What kind of powerful method is this?

Xin Yunqiang's eyes were as wide as a pair of copper bells, and he felt his cheeks burning and painful.

The slap in the face came too quickly.

Old Man Ma took a deep breath and smiled bitterly, No wonder I can't see through the details of the human temple's protective formation. It turns out that this is a quasi-emperor level formation...

My level is too low~

My friend, who created this formation? Old Man Ma saluted the charming fox lady with a warm smile.

Fox Lady put her hands on her hips and said proudly: I'm not afraid to tell you that this formation was set up by the great Thousand Faces True Monarch.

The Thousand-faced Lord?

All the powerful men looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

The name Thousand Faces True Monarch was very popular among them.

The ruthless man who destroyed thousands of living ancient stars.

I never thought that he was actually a powerful warrior.

And in the human temple?

This news is not good news for them.

For those with strong formation skills, facing the enemy head-on, their combat power may be worrying.

However, if you give them time to hide in the dark and set up a large formation, it would be terrible.


The enchanting fox lady coughed lightly and stepped forward, Do you want to know the detailed information about the Thousand-faced True Lord?

The old man narrowed his eyes.

The others also looked at the enchanting fox girl with doubtful eyes.

What does this guy want to do?

Betray Sky Continent?

Seeing their hesitation, the charming fox lady curled her lips and said, Forget it if you don't want to know.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Fairy, wait a minute...

Yu Xi stopped the enchanting fox girl and smiled sweetly, Of course we want to know. Is your information accurate?

Or, how do we know whether you will lie to us or not?

If the information is true, the price is negotiable...

Don't you trust me? The enchanting fox lady looked like she knew it, so she raised her right hand and pointed her index and middle fingers towards the sky, I swear to heaven, there is absolutely no problem with my information. If there is any falsehood, I will surely die. Destroyed by lightning...


The oath of heaven is established.

Yu Xi and Lao Ma looked at each other and nodded slightly.

I wonder what reward the fairy wants?

I don't want much, just give me half of the stuff in your storage magic weapon!

You must know that the True Lord Thousand Faces is amazing. Not only is his formation strength the best in Tianqiong Continent, but his own combat power is second only to Lord Chu Xiu...

You'd better think about it before you answer me.

The enchanting fox lady looked at them with a half-smile.

A group of strong foreigners frowned.

There are quite a few things in their stored treasures.

The vixen opened her mouth halfway, and her appetite was too much.

You don't want to?

Forget it.

The fox girl shrugged, turned and left.

Think silently in your heart.

Three, two, one.

Fellow Taoist, please wait.

Fifty percent is too much, how about 30%?

The fox lady turned around and thought for a moment, You must also swear to heaven before I will agree to trade with you...

How is it? Yu Xi looked at Old Man Ma and asked via voice transmission.

The old man nodded, with a solemn expression, The world has changed dramatically, and the golden age is coming.

A quasi-emperor formation master whose combat power is second only to Chu Xiu, the intelligence of such a peerless figure is worth the price we pay.


After the group swore an oath of heaven, they completed the deal with the enchanting fox girl.

The fox girl put all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures, divine stones, and magic weapons that had piled up into mountains into the storage ring.

Then he smiled and said: The Thousand-faced True Monarch is the legendary innate chaotic holy body.

He was born to be a saint, his physique is stronger than Lord Chu Xiu, and his potential is endless.



Old Man Ma and others listened silently to the information from the Fox Lady. The more they listened, the more solemn their expressions became.

Nothing else.

The Thousand Faces King is really terrifying.

Its level of terror is definitely no less than that of Chu Xiu.

The human race has these two geniuses sitting in charge, who among all the races in the starry sky dares to compete with them?

The fox lady smiled and said, Are you all satisfied with my information?

Satisfied, thank you Ang!

You're welcome.

By the way, remember to keep it a secret~

After saying that, she turned around and left quickly.

The old man and his entourage looked solemnly as they watched her disappear at the end of the road...

Walking to the corner, the enchanting fox girl blurred her figure and gradually turned into a white-haired fox girl loli.

Jumping and jumping——

Well done, little sister~

The Thousand-faced Lord walked out from the corner with a bright smile and gave Tu Shanyu a thumbs up.

Divide the spoils quickly...

He rubbed his hands and squirted, and hurriedly came closer.

Tu Shanyu glared at his brother with disgust and puffed out his cheeks, We agreed, I can only give you 10%.

The rest, I want to give all to the master.

Seeing my own girl facing that man like this.

Qian Mian was so jealous that he took a deep breath, forced a smile, and said: Chu Lao Liu already controls the entire [Ancient Wasteland], and he has no shortage of resources. Isn't it a waste for you to give it to him?

I don't care~ Tu Shanyu put his little hands on his hips and swept his fox tail from side to side behind his butt.

Okay, okay, one thing makes it happen.

I think the next batch of aliens is coming soon. Sister, get ready. Let's continue to... sell their information...

Chu Xiu's great road is really outrageous. The oath of heaven, combined with my illusion, is really deceiving. Qianmian smiled evilly, Let's go, sister, let's move on to the next one.


Let's go, let's go there quickly.

Third update, good night everyone

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