Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 200 The lonely road, only separation


Okay, go back to sleep!


Chu Xiu released his hand holding her tail.

Miao Xiaoqi jumped into the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

Immediately, the Emperor's Sword turned into a stream of light and flew into Chu Xiu's eyebrows.

Although I can't know the person's real name, I probably know what's going on.

Su Wanqiu said thoughtfully.

Chu Xiu nodded, he probably guessed it.

The two looked at each other.

Shut your mouth very tacitly.

Taboos exist, so it’s better not to talk about them too much.

The unknown horror is not something Chu Xiu can bear...

How long can your mark clone exist?

Two days——

I must disappear in two days, otherwise the rules of the battlefield of all races will obliterate you...

My Great Chaos Freedom Method can't be circumvented?

Chu Xiu frowned, he wanted to keep the clone of Wan Qiu...

Why, you don't want me to disappear?

Su Wanqiu tilted her head, half-smiling but not smiling, Please tell me before I leave that I must not fall in love with her, otherwise she will seduce you with her own hands next time I see you...

As she spoke, her gaze moved down and fixed on something.

Chu Xiu felt a chill in a certain part of his body and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is there any wine?

Get some wine.

Su Wanqiu patted his shoulder and said with a smile.


Chu Xiu waved his hand and took out a large earthen jar.

The earthen jar is dark overall, about two people tall and five or six meters in diameter.

Pat the mud out of the jar.

The refreshing aroma of wine wafted out.

Hey, it's actually genuine Mo Xiangyi~

Su Wanqiu Yao's nose twitched, smelling the aroma of wine, her autumn eyes sparkling, Okay, little Chuzi.

This altar has been treasured for a hundred thousand years, right?

Chu Xiu's eyelids drooped slightly, and he took out two jade bowls and filled them with wine.

Jiujiu prepared it for me.

Su Wanqiu paused while holding the wine bowl and sighed softly.

That's also a silly girl...

I obviously sealed her memory, but she refused to seal herself because of her obsession with you...

She is unwilling to forget and wants to remember your name...

Would you blame me for doing this?

Late autumn stared at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu shook his head, That's her own choice... and you can't control it.

She may have run out of life.

When I break through the Great Emperor and cross the river of time, I will rescue her.

To fish someone out of the river of time, and to be a quasi-emperor, you have to be prepared to pay a big price.

Su Wanqiu picked up the wine bowl, raised her snow-white and slender neck, and drank the wine in one gulp.

The wine dripped down the chin and into the towering white snow.

Ha, good wine——

She put down the wine bowl, looked at the stars, and chanted:

“If we depend on each other, don’t separate. We just meet each other and there is no separation.

Don't rely on each other, don't give up on each other, look at each other in the distance and burst into tears.

The artistic conception of this wine really suits the occasion.

It's just a bit pretentious.

She grabbed the wine jar and poured herself another bowl.

Gudong, Gudong——

Chu Xiu drank the wine as clear as the bright moon from the jade bowl.

It was obvious that he was a little unhappy.

Wan Qiu smiled slightly, put her arms around his shoulders, and the two of them cuddled together. She pointed at the shooting star in the sky, That shooting star is born between heaven and earth, and disperses between heaven and earth. The process in between is a lifetime.

When you look at that star, you are not looking at the sky or the earth. What you are looking at is not the star, but your life.

Life is bright, or it may be bumpy, or it may be smooth sailing, or it may make great progress...

During this period, you will get to know many people, whether they are enemies, relatives, friends, or loved ones...

“You don’t have to stand still because of them.”

Xiao Chuzi, you have to remember that separation is the main theme for people like us.

Parting is for a better encounter, isn't it?

After saying this, she leaned her head over and pressed her warm red lips on his cheek, making him part at the touch.

You are right, the road is lonely, the only way is separation.

It's just that I have hidden worries...

In the starry sky universe, I can still save people through the long river of time. If I go to the outer sky, a place with higher rules, can I still do it with my ability?


Wan Qiu poured him a bowl of wine and said, As long as you are strong enough, you can do anything.

After listening to her explanation.

The depression in Chu Xiu's heart was relieved a lot.

The two of them clinked their bowls together and drank them all in one gulp.

Raising her hand to wipe away the wine stains from the corners of her lips, Su Wanqiu looked at Chu Xiu and asked.

A catastrophe is coming, are you sure?

They are very strong and there are a lot of them. You have to be careful when dealing with them so as not to capsize in the gutter.

Chu Xiu nodded, Whether you are sure or not can only be known after fighting.

The two of them drank and stayed together, chatting and exchanging their cultivation experiences...

Time is like sand, passing quickly.

The monks on the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield looked up at the sky, feeling baffled.

Because the boundary gate blocks the secret of heaven.

They could no longer see Chu Xiu and Su Wanqiu.

However, the Tianmu battlefield has not disappeared, which means that Chu Xiu's challenge is not over yet...

They are waiting.

I am curious about what kind of reward Chu Xiu will get...


Qi Mengdie pursed her red lips lightly.

She felt a little tasteful.

They haven't seen each other for a hundred thousand years, so it's okay to catch up on old times... Die Qingge pursed her lips and smiled sweetly.

It's a pity that she has to leave eventually.

As a remnant of the Taisu Emperor Zun era.

She understands Su Wanqiu very well.

A group of women, you looked at me, I looked at you, and they were silent for a while.

Won't the eldest mistress stay?

Negi Yue's innocent and clear voice sounded at an inappropriate time.

Black Dragon was shocked and quickly covered her mouth.

Qian Mian rolled his eyes, shook his head and sighed: This Chu Laoliu is quite lucky.

My dear wives are very powerful, not to mention noble in status, and they are all very beautiful in appearance.

Hey, I'm so enviable!

He raised his voice and smiled strangely.

Jie Jie, I guess he is currently having sex with that Emperor...!

Shut up— The black dragon swept away with one blow.


The thousand-faced body turned into smoke and dissipated.

emerge on the other side.


The black dragon narrowed his eyes.

Qian Mian glanced at him and tutted: This black dragon of yours is very protective of its master.

I just don't know what you mistresses think...

Heilong heard this and turned around to look around.

I found that all the mistresses had pretty faces.

There was no murderous intention in him, so he breathed a sigh of relief. ,

Slutty fox, are you trying to sow discord between the Lord and the mistresses?

Black Dragon sneered, When the Lord comes back, let's see if I don't tell him about this.

You just wait to be ripped off by my master. The weather is getting colder, and this dragon just needs a fox fur scarf.

I think your skin is suitable.

Qian Mian's eyelids twitched and he snorted coldly. Seeing that the provocation was not successful, he said no more.

He cursed secretly in his heart, Lao Liu's harem is so damn stable.

I don't know how he did it.

time flies.

Don’t drink from the jar together.

Su Wanqiu put down the wine bowl and stood up.

She turned her back to Chu Xiu and said with a smile: I am just a clone after all.

It's time to disappear.


She turned around, pressed her index finger on Chu Xiu's lips, leaned against him, and wrapped her fair arms around his waist.

She leaned her cheek into his arms, slowly closed her eyes, and listened to his strong heartbeat.

Take care, little man.

The words fell.

Her body gradually became transparent, turning into dots of starlight. When it was about to dissipate, she stood on tiptoes and kissed Chu Xiu's lips.

Chu Xiu subconsciously raised his hand to grab it, but couldn't catch anything.

Looking at the empty starry sky.

Chu Xiu's heart was also empty.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone

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