
Qi Mengdie covered her mouth, her eyes filled with mist, and all her strength was taken away in an instant, and she sat limply on the bluestone.

Her clear and beautiful face was full of confusion, she was shaking her head mechanically, and her long silver hair was fluttering.

She didn't believe what she saw.

She didn't believe that Chu Xiu would pass away.

Sister Mengdie...

Luo Qingyu wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to speak.

She didn't realize that her face looked ugly.

Pale as paper, bloodless.

Luo... Fellow Daoist Luo, he will be fine, right? Qi Mengdie raised her head and looked at Luo Qingyu hopefully, but tears were already streaming down her face.

He...his aura has indeed dissipated. Luo Qingyu took a deep breath and said.

No, no, how could something happen to him?

Qi Mengdie stood up, wiped away her tears, and suddenly thought of something, her beautiful eyes lit up, By the way, Tu Shanyu, there is a special contract between her and Chu Xiu.

If Chu Xiu really dies, she will die too.

After saying this, she turned into a stream of light, soared into the sky, and headed straight for Tu Shanyu's retreat.

Wait, I'm going too. Luo Qingyu quickly followed her.

Not only Qi Mengdie thought of this.

Qian Mian also reacted immediately and went straight to his sister's retreat.

I'm not worried about Chu Laoliu's life or death, I'm just worried about my sister.

Qian Mian thought so.

Soon we arrived at Tu Shanyu’s retreat.

This is a sea of ​​green forest.

There is a lake in the center of the forest.

Tushanyu's cave is located in the center of the lake, on a small island covered with exotic flowers and plants.

You are here too.

Thousands of faces spread out, looking back to the horizon.

Two beautiful figures floated over.

He found that the faces of the two women were ugly, so he took them flying to the center of the lake without asking any questions.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of Tu Shanyu's cave.

Qian Mian took the command talisman, opened the restriction, and entered the cave, but found no trace of Tu Shanyu.

She's probably out.

Wait a minute, I'll send her a messenger.

Seeing Qi Mengdie going crazy, Qianmian waved his hand and said.

Hurry up!! Qi Mengdie suppressed her anxiety.

Qian Mian took out a purple communication talisman and activated it immediately.

The messenger turned into a stream of light and flew away...

Come on, let's follow it.

Say it.

Qian Mian's figure moved, submerged into the void, and followed the messenger talisman.

Qi Mengdie and Luo Qingyu quickly followed.


Half an hour later.

The three of them found Tushan Yu on a small hill.

She lay motionless on the ground.

See this.

The three people's hearts suddenly sank.

Qian Mian stumbled over, squatted down, and checked his sister's condition.

To his relief.

Tu Shanyu did not die, he just fell asleep.

What's her condition now?

Qi Mengdie asked with a trembling voice.

It's okay, it's just a matter of sleep. Qianmian stood up and stared at the two women, Do you still remember that Chu Xiu, the ancient star of Tai Chi, disappeared for more than ten years.

My sister has also been sleeping for more than ten years.

It's exactly the same as it is now.

In other words, Chu Xiu probably did not die? Luo Qingyu frowned slightly.

He definitely didn't die. Qian Mian said loudly, That guy is a scourge. As the saying goes, good people don't live long, but scourges last forever.

Wait, I believe this guy will appear soon.

Qi Mengdie and Luo Qingyu looked at each other.

Now, they can do nothing but wait.

Soon, Concubine Hua Luo, Zhu Biyue, Die Qingge, Heilong, Fuyue, and others also got the news and hurried over.

After listening to Qi Mengdie's explanation.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.


Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for Lord Chu Xiu to fall.

At this time, the human temple exploded.

Chu Xiu died.

The monks felt that the sky was falling.

They cannot accept such a result.

Don't want to accept it either.

Chu Xiu's status is really special.

He is the pillar of the Sky Continent.

At the same time, it is also the confidence of all monks.

Now that the pillars have collapsed and their confidence is gone, how can they accept it?

Lord Chu Xiu has fallen. A young monk knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

Fuck your motherfucker.

A group of monks rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards him, punching and kicking him.


The cold and silent starry sky.

Su Wanqiu came to the place where Chu Xiu disappeared and investigated carefully, not missing any details.

The Starry Sky Battlefield has not disappeared, she still exists.

It means that Chu Xiu is not dead yet.

Since he didn't die, he must still be here.

The anxious heart in late autumn gradually relaxed.

However, what puzzled her was.

With the strength of her spiritual thoughts, she was unable to find Chu Xiu.

His whole figure seemed to have evaporated.


In late autumn, two white arms held up her chest, the index finger of her right hand was bent against her smooth chin, her slender eyebrows were furrowed, and she was lost in thought.

I thought about the possibilities in my mind.

I don’t know how much time has passed.


Wan Qiu's ears twitched, his eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to look at the place where Chu Xiu disappeared.

That was the heartbeat just now?

She stood there, sensing silently, but felt nothing.

Although the heartbeat was very faint, she was sure that she heard it correctly.

At her level, auditory hallucinations are impossible.


A stronger heartbeat sounded than before.

Su Wanqiu's bright eyes brightened, and her frown relaxed.

This kid is indeed not dead.

She found that her heartbeat was getting more and more violent.

The next day.

Just when most people thought that Chu Xiu had died, countless monks in the Sky Continent were mourning for him.


The heartbeat like a drum resounded through the battlefield of all races and spread to every corner.

Countless creatures looked up at the sky.

I saw the dark and cold starry sky battlefield.

At some point, a little scarlet appeared.

After careful observation, I discovered that it was actually a drop of blood.

The pressure it exudes is stronger than the essence and blood of any quasi-emperor.

It is like a heart, beating rhythmically.

As it beats once, the blood becomes brighter and brighter.

till the end.

That drop of blood emitted an extremely dazzling light, lighting up the entire starry sky and dispersing the darkness of the night on the battlefield of all races.

It is like a bloody sun that stretches across the sky, its scorching light making it hard for people to open their eyes.

Faintly, a humanoid silhouette walked out of the bright sun.

The majestic momentum swept the world.

The monks opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at the sky.

Until the light fades.

They finally saw the man's face clearly.

Wearing a black robe, his face is like a crown of jade, and his eyes are like stars.


That's...Chu Xiu?

Isn't he dead?

And his appearance seems to have changed, but also seems to have stayed the same.

No, his appearance is even more perfect.

Impossible~ the Sun Bird screamed, How could he still be alive?

Su Wanqiu turned around and teleported to Chu Xiu. A pair of beautiful autumn eyes looked at his man up and down.

Seeing his pale face, he couldn't help but ask: Are you injured?

After saying this, Su gently raised his hand, put it against his chest, and circulated the Tai Su Emperor Sutra, transferring the extremely rich vitality power into his body to heal his injuries.

Almost died~

Chu Xiu smiled with lingering fear, Fortunately, the sublimation was successfully completed at the last moment.


Su Wanqiu shocked him and said angrily, If you don't sit down yet, I'll heal your wounds.

Chu Xiu covered his forehead and sat down obediently, with his back to Wan Qiu.

Feel the warm palms against your back.

Chu Xiu closed his eyes comfortably and smiled:

Within three years, I will have the confidence to attack the Great Emperor's level. Explain, where should I go to find you?

We'll talk about it later~

The picture is above after revising the text. It's too late to type today.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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