Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 195 The final showdown Center


Bang, boom————

The collision of two great suns caused huge waves and shocked the world.

Bang bang bang——

As soon as the two came into contact, they started fighting like crazy.

The two golden fists were filled with powerful energy, and they were fighting each other like crazy, constantly annihilating each other.

The aftermath of the battle rolled up countless fragments of rules, forming a terrifying magnetic storm that spread thousands of miles around, shattering countless stars, and making all souls tremble.

From the battlefield of all races, look up to the sky.

At this time, the sky was golden, space and time were distorted, and nothing could be seen clearly with the naked eye.

Only the uninterrupted dull crashing sound echoed between heaven and earth.

From time to time on the starry sky battlefield, the aftermath of the battle spilled out, making countless monks' faces turn pale and their souls tremble.

Too strong, too scary!

I feel a little out of breath. A monk with sparse white hair and an old face was covering his chest with cold sweat on his forehead.

Even though the fight between the two would not affect him, he just felt as if his chest was being pressed by a mountain and it was difficult to breathe...

Not only him, but many monks are like this.

They only felt that dark clouds were covering their heads, disaster was approaching, and they were panic-stricken...

At this moment, they had a new understanding of Chu Xiu's strength.

Grandpa, what are your chances of winning against him?

The young mare looked sideways at the old horse.

Her eyes were innocent and innocent, and her blond hair was like golden tassels, shining in the sun.

Facing his granddaughter's question that pointed directly at his soul, the old man Ma's mouth twitched. He wanted to wave his hand and show off in front of his granddaughter, and said shamelessly: It's just a kid, Chu Xiu. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. Grandpa, I can do it with just one hand. Suppression.

Of course.

As a powerful man from the Nine Heavens, he has his own pride and disdains lying and deceiving others, let alone when the target is his only relative.

The old man shook his head, and his originally energetic eyes showed the twilight aura expected of his age. I will lose to him in three moves at most, and I will probably die in his hands in ten moves.

He's so awesome!! The little mare's almond-shaped eyes widened, her gaze shining brightly.

Old Man Ma smiled bitterly, touched her head, and looked up at the starry sky battlefield.

at this time.

The golden light on the sky has completely receded.

The rules of time and space have also returned to normal.

The picture gradually becomes clearer.

The two Chu Xiu were covered in blood, facing each other thousands of miles apart. Their upper body robes were torn, revealing their white chests with perfect muscle contours.

A blood hole as big as a bowl was blasted out on the left side of the mark clone's chest.

In the center of the wound, a translucent glass heart was beating loudly.

With every heartbeat.

His injury has healed somewhat.

After five breaths, the blood hole in his chest disappeared and he recovered as before.

The previous confrontation.

Chu Xiu himself also didn't get the favor.

at this time.

His left arm was empty, with flesh sprouts surging at the fracture. In less than a few breaths, the severed limb was reborn.

The vitality of the Great Holy Body is evident.

Countless monks watching the battle exclaimed in amazement.

His own strength is incredible, and his physical recovery ability is so terrifying.

If he cannot crush him, deliver a fatal blow, and fight a war of attrition, who is his opponent?


Chu Xiu raised his newly grown left arm, moved it a little, and stared at the mark clone.

The two looked at each other.

The mark clone's mouth opened in a provocative arc, and he raised his index finger at Chu Xiu, which looked a bit mean.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and took a step forward. Bang, the void shook, and the sound of the avenue surrounded him.

The imprinted clone clapped his hands together.

Behind the two of them, a bright moon emerged at the same time.

It is a vision of the Holy Eucharist - a bright moon appears on the sea

The two great saints simultaneously displayed the vision of the Holy Body.

The pressure of the avenue filled the sky and the earth, shaking the universe and the stars.

This is not over yet.

Under the shocked gazes of countless monks.

Another vision appeared above the heads of the two holy bodies.

The entire starry sky fell into darkness.

The rules of heaven and earth are chaotic.

Chaos is like a chicken's rooster, and the sun cannot be seen inside.

Pick a green lotus and plant it in the sea of ​​chaos.

Vision of the Holy Body - Green Lotus Seed from Chaos.

Immediately afterwards.

Visions appeared one after another,

Splendid pictures of mountains and rivers, golden sea of ​​suffering, the Immortal King approaching the Nine Heavens, the Heavenly Emperor's dojo...

Six visions filled the sky.

The two of them were facing each other from a distance, like two supreme emperors, trampling all three thousand avenues under their feet with every move of their hands.

After the battle just now, I have a new understanding of the Dacheng Holy Body. Chu Xiu murmured softly.

What insights?

The mark clone looked confused.

He is the mark clone created by the battlefield weapon spirits of all races when Chu Xiu broke through the Nine Heavens.

Not only do the two have the same strength, but their memories are also interconnected.

Chu Xiu has a new understanding of the Dacheng Holy Body, so he should be the same...

This is so unreasonable!

The mark clone was suspicious, looking at Chu Xiu with distrust in his eyes, You don't want to lie to me, do you?

Didn't we agree to fight openly and honestly? What are you planning to do again?

Chu Xiu frowned.

The blood of my holy body has returned to its ancestors, and the golden blood has returned to red.

I feel that I can rebuild every realm, break through the extreme realm, perfectly integrate the body and soul, and achieve transcendent and perfect combat power.

The reaction of the mark clone does not seem to be fake.

It seemed that he didn't feel anything.

Chu Xiu made a decision that he would rebuild every realm in the battle and push his combat power to a peak again.

Come on~

He shouted lowly.

The six-armed Immortal King flew over and merged with Chu Xiu instantly.

Three heads slowly raised.

Three circles of light rotate behind the head, exuding holy light.

The imprint clone is also fused with the Six-Armed Immortal King.

The Immortal King raised his head, opened his mouth, and took a deep breath.

The green lotus planted in chaos, the beautiful pictures of mountains and rivers, the golden sea of ​​bitterness, the bright moon growing on the sea, the Heavenly Emperor's dojo,, are all sucked into the belly.

The six-armed immortal king was shrouded in nine-color immortal light.

In an instant, he transformed into an eight-armed demon that was a million feet tall.

He is wearing the royal robe of Shanhe Sheji.

Three heads merged into one, wearing an imperial crown, with flawless appearance and unparalleled beauty, it was clearly Chu Xiu.


The pressure, which was much more terrifying than before, surged around the two of them, suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths, and shaking all directions of the universe.

It seems that neither heaven nor earth can bear this pressure.

The starry sky battlefield space collapsed layer by layer, the rules collapsed, and turned into a sea of ​​chaos.

The two human emperor demon gods stood in the sea of ​​chaos, and their aura had reached its limit.

Corner of the battlefield.

The late autumn flowers are dignified, and the peach blossom lips are slightly open.

It's kind of scary!

Their strength is no longer weaker than that of the powerful Emperor.

An ordinary Great Holy Body can rival the Great Emperor...

My little Chuzi's Great Holy Body may really be able to fight head-on with the Great Emperor without falling behind.

As expected of me, Su Wanqiu's man.

The woman murmured to herself, her beautiful autumn eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons.

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