Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 192 Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing’s request


Say it!

Chu Xiu used a secret technique, pointed a finger at the center of Xue Yueqing's soul, and started searching for it.

Saw this scene.

Mu Wanrong shouted, Stop him quickly.

Chu Xiu is too strong.

One person beat five of them. Instead of being at a disadvantage, he suppressed them throughout the whole process.

If our side loses its troops again, the situation will only get worse.

They are the clones of the Great Emperor's mark.

They were invincible for an era.

They have the pride of being the supreme powerful.

They were unwilling to be crushed and defeated by a junior like Chu Xiu.

Even if you lose.

They also wanted to lose vigorously, and they must not let Chu Xiu underestimate their seniors.

This is different from Mu Wanrong, Manbeihuang, and others.

The reason why Su Wanqiu went all out was for a pure purpose. She wanted to temper Chu Xiu and create as much pressure on Chu Xiu as possible.

Only in bloody battles can one understand oneself, reach the highest level of sublimation, and then make the final leap to break through to the realm of the Great Emperor.

However, Chu Xiu's strength was beyond her expectation.

It's so strong that it makes no sense.

Qiu Shui's beautiful eyes moved slightly and looked at Xue Yueqing, who was being soul-searched by Chu Xiu.

Su Wanqiu made a secret with one hand and took one step forward.

The Xingzi secret operation reached its limit.

In two flashes, Chu Xiu was thousands of feet away.

Her long hair flows down to her waist like a waterfall, and its dark color is like the night sky.

His eyebrows were picturesque, and there was a slight smile on his lips.

With bare snow-white jade feet, Pingting walked towards Chu Xiu gracefully. Every time her toes stepped into the void, a blue lotus would be left in its place.

The hem of her plain white skirt swayed from time to time as she moved forward, and her slender white legs were looming, making Chu Xiu daydream.


The cyan light enveloped Su Wanqiu's whole body, exuding a rich and extremely rich breath of life.

The starry sky, which was originally dim and full of lifeless energy, became vivid and vivid under the influence of the Avenue of Life.

Su Wanqiu softly shouted Ta Lai, turned over his jade hand, and the shadow of the imperial weapon Taisu Pagoda floated on the palm of his hand.

The Taisu Pagoda swelled in the wind, and instantly turned into a giant tower one million feet high, reaching to the sky and the earth.

She stretched out her slender hands and easily lifted the million-foot-tall Taisu Pagoda.

Rumble, rumble——

The emperor's power filled the sky, shocking all living beings.

On the battlefield of all races, countless monks stared blankly at the sky.

Looking at that beautiful figure like an invincible female war fairy.

Terrible, is this the strength of Emperor Taisu?

This is the beauties of heaven. Whether it is appearance or strength, she is the pinnacle in the world. Compared with her, the so-called genius beauties in our clan simply cannot bear to look at her.

Only a peerless evildoer like Chu Xiu in the world is worthy of her!!

Countless monks exclaimed in amazement, impressed by Su Wanqiu's unparalleled grace.

Jealous, jealous, I'm jealous! A monk from all races was so jealous that his back teeth were broken. Chu Xiu, you really deserve to die. Why do all the good things happen to you?

“It’s just that my talent is against the heavens, yet I can still be favored by a peerless goddess like Taisu Emperor.”

People like you, Chu Xiu, should die quickly!

Go to hell, go to hell!!

Many people cursed in their hearts.

Jealousy made them faint and wished they could bite Chu Xiu to death.


at this time.

Outside the sky, there are stars.

Everything that happened on the battlefield of all races.

Of course Chu Xiu didn't know.

He raised his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at the Taisu Pagoda that filled the entire sky.

Aren't you going to give up yet?

I told you, you can't get the secret code from me.

Xue Yueqing opened her hands. This person seemed to never get angry, and his tone remained gentle.

Chu Xiu glanced at him sideways.

Then you're useless.

Just as Xue Yueqing said, Chu Xiu tried his best but could not get the secret of writing from him.


Seeing Chu Xiu raising his sandbag-like fist, he was ready to give himself the final blow.

Xue Yueqing quickly raised her hand to stop him.

He turned his head and said loudly to Su Wanqiu, who was holding a huge tower in the sky, Fellow Taoist, there is no need to save me.

The Taisu Pagoda hit hard.

Su Wanqiu stopped moving.

Other supreme beings also looked at Xue Yueqing.

No idea what he's going to do.

Xue Yueqing had a smile on her lips, and looked at Chu Xiu with bright black and white eyes, Fellow Taoist is very strong, and he is indeed worthy of the inheritance of the secret group.

What do you want to say?

Tianqiong Continent, the territory of the demon clan... Xue Yueqing named a location.

Part of my heritage is there!

The word combination secret you want is also there...

Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed with a dangerous light, You told me earlier that as long as I defeat you, Ten Thousand Races Battlefield will reward me with a secret code.

Of course I lied to you!

Xue Yueqing smiled naturally.

Chu Xiu's eyelids twitched, like an honest man who had been deceived. He stared at Xue Yueqing and said angrily: I quite trusted you.

Xue Yueqing opened her eyes wide and looked at Chu Xiu in shock, You are so shameless!

If you trust me.

How could they forcefully search my soul? .

Why didn't I get this information in your memory when I searched for souls earlier? Chu Xiu looked suspicious, looking at Xue Yueqing's eyes full of distrust.

My fellow Taoist practice is too short, and your knowledge will be limited after all.

Xue Yueqing's soul raised her hand and pointed at her head, As an enlightened person who has fused the Tianxin Seal, I can't stop you from searching for your soul. It shouldn't be difficult to tamper with your own memory, right? www


Chu Xiu nodded and agreed with Xue Yueqing's statement.

Then why are you telling me this all of a sudden?

He was confused and couldn't understand the operation of Xue Yueqing. No, it should be the operation of this rabbit.

What do you want in return for giving me such a big favor?

Or maybe there's something you need me to do for you.

Chu Xiu is an egoist, a monk who considers himself a devil.

When people like him think about problems, they first consider gains and losses.

If he were Xue Yueqing, he would never give the secret to an outsider easily.

Unless he can get more from the other person.

Xue Yueqing looked at Chu Xiu with a smile, clearly seeing his inner thoughts, and couldn't help but shake her head, Sometimes, trusting someone does require courage.

I don't blame you~

I have been deceived too many times in my life. Chu Xiu said with an expressionless expression, Of course, I also often deceive others.

The world is full of lies and deceit.

The fool who easily believes in others will be eaten up to the point where no bones are left.

Xue Yueqing looked at Chu Xiu with a very complicated expression. She was silent for two levels and sighed softly, Fellow Daoist Chu, please promise me one thing. You can treat it as my reward for setting up a scribe for you.

What's the matter?

If it's too much trouble, I won't agree.

Guard the Sky Continent for me! Xue Yueqing restrained her smile and solemnly said to Chu Xiu.

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