Villain: I Really Didn't Want Master To Be Pregnant!

Chapter 187 Crushing the Queen Mother to Death


This is unreasonable.

My soul is immortal.

How can you refine my soul?

The six-armed immortal king didn't even look at him. He slowly raised his three heads and looked at the insect nest floating at the end of the sky.

It's time to finish.

Say it.

His huge body, tens of thousands of meters tall, instantly moved to the front of the insect nest, and his fists were like a gust of wind and rain, frantically bombarding the insect nest.

Rumble, rumble——

Above the insect nest.

The flower of the Emperor's Shadow Star God bloomed, glowing with bright starlight, resisting and neutralizing Chu Xiu's punch power.

With each fist, it fell.

The bright stars covering the insect nest will dim a bit.

Dong dong dong——

Bursts of dull sound like beating drums echoed between heaven and earth.

It was frightening to hear.

at the same time.

The giant black and white insect that was previously blown away by Chu Xiu flashed its thin wings and moved quickly, trying to rescue Vera.

However, it was too late.

After all, the phantom of the Flower of the Star God is not the imperial weapon itself.

After holding on for three breaths, the bright star was shattered by Chu Xiu's stormy attack.

The six-armed Immortal King had a ferocious face, grinned, raised an arm, blasted through the insect nest, and grabbed Vera out.

He spread his palms and looked down.

It was an extremely beautiful figure.

She raised her fair and beautiful cheeks, revealing a look that was about to cry, which made me feel pity for her.

Vera is worthy of being the ancestor of the Zerg Mother Queen, with noble temperament and beautiful appearance.

There is also a very strange aura about her.

Chu Xiu looked at her face.

It's like seeing the neighbor's big sister.

High school English teacher.

Mom's bestie.

The little loli from Uncle Wang’s house next door.

The lady who sells glasses at the school gate.

Anyway, no matter from which perspective,

The desire and fire in my heart were instantly ignited.

There was a magical voice that kept warning him in his ears.

Don't kill her.

Let her go.

She was so beautiful, it would be a shame to kill her.

It's better to keep her and turn her into three hundred and sixty-five pieces of knowledge to enjoy slowly.

Are you really willing to kill me?

Vera's beautiful eyes were misty, her pretty face was full of sadness, her tone was soft and soft, almost angry and resentful, like a young daughter-in-law who had just married into the family, flirting with her lover.

You actually know that I like older women? Do you dare to peek into my memory?

The six pairs of eyes of the Six-Armed Immortal King narrowed slightly, glowing with danger.

Vera was startled, God knows you like older women.

In fact, this is just a way for her to save her life.

All appearances are false. If you see all appearances that are not true, then you will see her.

This is what is called the appearance of sentient beings.

When Chu Xiu stared at her, he would see what he wanted to see most.

He likes older women, so he sees beautiful and gentle older women.

Vera's red lips parted slightly, wanting to explain, stalling for time.

As long as the black and white bugs come back, she has a chance to escape.

Of course.

next moment.

The giant palms suddenly closed.


The red blood and meat sauce spurt out.

Sorry, you know too much.

The six-armed Immortal King spread his hands, opened his mouth and blew gently, and the miserable blood mist mixed with the soul fragments turned into flying cherry blossoms.


Is the ancestor of the mother emperor just gone?

And he was still crushed to death.

Waves of exclamations rang out from the battlefield of all races.

That is a supreme being! !

This person is too scary and cruel.

I think the one from the Sun God Clan won't be able to hold on much longer.

This person is so terrifying, you must not mess with him.

If the Sun God Clan encounters such a formidable enemy, they may be close to annihilation. Some people gloated...

At this time, the Sun God Clan was really in a quarrel.

The Emperor is unwise. If you lose, you will lose. Why do you want to provoke such a strong man for us?

Shut up, the emperor is doing his job, why do you need to explain to us?

Then what do you think we should do? Chu Xiu is too powerful. We may not be able to match him even if we use all our strength.

Clan leader——

All the sunbirds turned their heads and looked at the sunbird standing on the top of the hibiscus tree, which had the most majestic appearance and the most intense flames burning around it.

The previous patriarch of the Sun God Clan was killed by Chu Xiu in the Insect God Star Territory, and only the imperial weapon, the Sun Mirror, returned.

Now, the new clan leader's name is Wu Jiutian, which is the sun bird at the top of the hibiscus tree.

It raised its head and stared at the picture on the sky with a pair of golden eyes. It looked at Chu Xiu's tall figure like a demon. It was silent for a long time and sighed, Send the order and all the clansmen will immediately withdraw from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Clans... ..”

Send a message to the Ancestral Star. All tribesmen who have reached the Quasi-Emperor Realm should immediately bring their new members with them, leave the Ancestral Star, and escape as far away as possible.

Clan leader, do you want us to abandon the ancestral star?

A sun bird with the first-level cultivation of a quasi-emperor is simply unbelievable.

Other sun birds also changed colors.

Clan leader, not allowed.

If we leave the ancestral star, wouldn't our Sun God Clan exist in name only?

“No, we can’t leave.

Looking at the entire starry sky and universe, apart from the Ancestral Star, there is no place suitable for our Sun God Clan to live.

Damn it, the worst we can do is fight him.

I don't believe that he can really destroy our Sun God Clan by himself.

Wu Jiutian turned his head and looked around, taking in the anxious expressions of his clan members.

He knew that the clan members were unwilling to abandon the ancestral star.

Why not himself?

It's a pity that he is the leader of the clan and must have a calm mind, otherwise, the Sun God Clan will really be doomed.

Wu Jiutian sighed, The Emperor has mistaken us.

He raised his paw and pointed at the sky.

A fight at the same level, and it's two against one. Taiyi, the Great Emperor and the Mother Emperor's ancestor join forces, and they are no match for the human race.

Even if we use our entire clan's strength, I'm afraid we can't be his enemy together.

For the continuation of the race, we must escape, escape to a place where he cannot be found...

Wu Jiutian flapped his wings of fire and rushed towards the sky. He looked down at the bewildered clansmen and murmured in his heart, Run away, everyone, run away. I will guard the Ancestral Star for everyone, and I will welcome the strong men of the human race together with the Ancestral Star. of anger.



The huge body, tens of thousands of feet tall, crashed heavily onto the Death Star.

The entire Death Star trembled.

The six-armed Immortal King took heavy steps towards the burning oven of heaven and earth.

Vera falls.

Lost the control of the Queen Mother.

The black and white insects went berserk, their mouthparts split open on both sides, they let out an ear-splitting roar, and they attacked like crazy.

Hmph, even a mere insect dares to be so arrogant in front of me.

The six-armed Immortal King snorted disdainfully, took one step forward, and the earth shattered. He waved his golden fists repeatedly, and the power of his fists set off thousands of waves, each wave becoming more terrifying than the last.

Without the control of the Mother Queen, the Black and White Twin Insects are just two powerful beasts with no intelligence and only the instinct to kill.

It's much easier to deal with.

Within a dozen breaths, Chu Xiu killed them one by one.

The six-armed Immortal King took heavy steps and came to stand in front of the burning oven of heaven and earth.

Staring at the sunbird soul that is about to dissipate in the oven.

Three ferocious faces came forward and said with a smile, Tell me, what are your people doing now?

Are you discussing how to escape, or are you cursing you, the cheating emperor, for having a son, Lanpiyan.

Taiyi's almost transparent soul stared coldly at Chu Xiu.

Don't think that you will win by defeating me and Vera.

Next you will face three supreme beings who are stronger than us.

You are dead.

Reading Villain: I really didn’t want Master to get pregnant! For the latest chapter, please pay attention to Xiake Novel Network (

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