Bai Wenyun, infringing delete

Xiao Su is like a kitten, with a small body, shrunk in Lu Feng's arms.

If it weren't for the situation, she wouldn't have let Lu Feng succeed so quickly.

But she thought, it's going to disappear, what else is there to care about?

Just really let go of the emotions in her heart and be herself again.

Lu Feng said in a commanding tone: "You are only allowed to have one host for me, and you are not allowed to find anyone else, if you find another host, I will kill him?"

"Don't look for it, Xiao Su will always be with Ernie sauce." "

Xiao Su only has tenderness and sweetness in her heart at the moment, and she doesn't want anything to disappear, as long as she can be with Lu Feng at this moment, it is enough.

Xiao Su is more of Xiao Su's human nature in her previous life, and part of it is the logic of the system, she tried to be a woman for the first time, so that her human side is more dominant.

"Then why did you leave so ruthlessly?"

"Ernie sauce ......

" "Apologize to me."

Xiao Su arched in Lu Feng's arms like a pet: "I'm sorry Ernie sauce, Xiao Su never said goodbye and left, please forgive Xiao Su, don't be angry with Xiao Su."

"Judging by your performance, you actually have a different heart for me, and I can't forgive you so easily. "

Ernie sauce, how can Xiao Crisp be willing to leave, not only Ernie Sauce thinks that Xiao Crisp is your private property, but Xiao Crisp also thinks so.

Xiao Su just said that he would find a new host, but he lied to you. Except for you, Xiao Su will never find a second host.

Xiao Su hugged Lu Feng tightly and muttered.

Lu Feng asked rhetorically: "Why do you say such things? You have been saying these strange things, what is going on?" Tell me the truth.

Xiao Su was silent, and Lu Feng said angrily: "Is what you just said all

a lie?" Xiao Shu hurriedly denied: "No, Ernie sauce, Xiao Shu is telling you the truth, and there is not a word of lie." Xiao Su is sincere to Ernie sauce, and the world can learn from it.

"Can I still trust you? Your current behavior is, in my opinion, a dissenting mind.

Lu Feng stood up, his face full of disappointment.

Xiao Su also got up and hugged him: "Please believe Xiao Shu, Xiao Shu has absolutely no dissent."

Lu Feng pushed her down on the sofa, then pressed her shoulders and said word by word: "My disappointment in you is caused by yourself." Then

, Lu Feng walked and opened the door to his office.

I saw Bai Wenyun outside the door with his head down, his eyes weeping.

She leaned her forehead against Lu Feng's chest.

"I said I have something important to tell you, don't you care about anything at all?"

Although Lu Feng was able to find out about Bai Wenyun's pregnancy through his mental prediction, he saw Bai Wenyun's appearance at the moment, and felt that it was better to let her say it herself, so that she would be happier.

"Let's go!" Lu Feng took Bai Wenyun's hand and left.

Xiao Su sat on the sofa with tears in his eyes, and whispered:

"Ernie sauce ignores Xiao Crisp, but Xiao Crisp doesn't want to lie to him, Xiao Crisp just doesn't want Ernie Sauce to be sad for Xiao Crisp."

At this moment, a dark shadow came out from under her feet, and the black shadow spoke:

"Bad woman, why don't you just say it, you let me out, and I'll go and explain it to Ernie-chan." "

No, Ernie sauce is mine today, and I'll naturally let you out tomorrow.

She jumped off the couch and slung her backpack.

Lu Feng took Bai Wenyun into the car, and Bai Wenyun said aggrievedly in the car: "I've been waiting for you for a day, and you are about to extinguish my enthusiasm."

Lu Feng pinched her face: "I'll let you rekindle your enthusiasm." He

looked at the time and said, "Let's go, it's about the same time."

Bai Wenyun sighed, leaned back in his seat, and remained silent.

In the end, the car stopped at Yunyao Lake, and Bai Wenyun thought to himself, you are taking me home, what kind of enthusiasm is this.

Lu Feng dragged her through the lakeside park and came to the shore of the lake.

Then he made a phone call and said three words: Let's start! Then

, Bai Wenyun saw many fireworks rising from all sides at the same time, blooming one after another in the night sky.

Bai Wenyun's expression suddenly became surprised, and then he smiled happily.

Her face, under the reflection of the bright fireworks, became charming, and she said with joy on her face: "My husband has a heart, and he has prepared a surprise for me."

"Have you regained your enthusiasm now?"

Bai Wenyun suddenly threw himself into Lu Feng's arms and shouted excitedly: "I'm pregnant with a baby!"

Lu Feng hugged her a few times and praised her: "Xiaoyun is really amazing." "

Renxin Hospital, in Ye Chuan's ward.

Wen Aoxue was looking at her phone.

After Yang Xiangwei put the smartphone with Android system on the market, it quickly swept young people.

Wen Aoxue used a new smart phone given by Lu Feng.

Ye Chuan yelled: "You woman, you are not as responsible as Xiaoyun, you don't care if you step on a horse, I don't care if I live or die."

Wen Aoxue squeezed out a smile: "Then may I ask you, what do you need to do?" "

The urine bag is quickly poured, it's almost full!"

Ye Chuan had to give in, and he had already inserted the urinary catheter, otherwise he would have been incontinent.

He watched Wen Aoxue put down the phone, poured the urine bag, and came back to sit down and look at the phone.

Ye Chuan looked at Wen Aoxue quietly, so quiet, he couldn't help but recall twenty years ago.

He said softly: "Twenty years ago, we were forced to separate, at that time, you cried to death, and you said that you would wait forever for me to take you back.

But time will dilute all vows, and what was once said is gone.

Wen Aoxue sneered and said: "I used to be young and ignorant, so I would find you as a coward, but now I think about it, it's ridiculous."

Ye Chuan grabbed the pillow angrily and vented the anger in his heart.

"Wen Aoxue, even if you find Lu Feng now, you can't deny our past, right?"

"I'm very negative, you are a wreck, you don't deserve to find a wife at all, I was blind to you in the first place." The

only good memories of Wen Aoxue in Ye Chuan's heart are now said to be worthless by Wen Aoxue.

"Wen Aoxue, you are too cruel, do you want to destroy my only remaining good memories?"

"Beautiful? Where is it beautiful? My memories of you are that you were a coward and let my father take me away, and you didn't even dare to say a word.

You say it's a good memory now, don't disgust me.

Ye Chuan retorted: "But in the past twenty years, I have been working hard to practice martial arts. I'm always thinking about taking you out of the night with my own strength.

"Twenty years, how many twenty years can there be in life, are you talking about human words? If you have a normal mind, you will not do such a stupid thing.

Do you think that if you have practiced martial arts for 20 years, you will be able to break through the night? Do you know what kind of strength my brother has? Do you know my father's strength?

As far as your strength in the Ming Dynasty is concerned, it is not enough to see at all.

Ye Chuan sighed and lowered his head: "I am really a clown, abandoning my father and children, and now they are dying tragically." The woman who fought for twenty years is now falling in someone else's arms.

The corners of Wen Aoxue's mouth hung with

a sneering sneer: "Admit it, you are a wreck!" Ye Chuan roared: "No, I don't admit it, I still have to find Lu Feng for revenge, if he doesn't die for a day, I won't be able to live in peace for a day."

Wen Aoxue said sarcastically: "Just with your current virtue, you still take revenge? It's ridiculous." (

Urging more and generating electricity for love).

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