In Renxin Hospital, Ye Chuan, who had been stitched up again, was now lying on the hospital bed, looking angrily at Bai Wenyun, who was holding a wonton.

"Take it, I won't eat, let me starve to death.

"Okay, since you don't eat it, Master, then don't force it. With

that, Bai Wenyun poured a blunt dump directly into the trash.

Ye Chuan turned his head and didn't look at Bai Wenyun: "You rebel, get out of here!" I don't want to

see you, I'll get angry when I see you, get out of here!" "Master, whether you like it or not, I'll take care of you these days."

Lu Feng said, if you hadn't picked me up and brought me home, I wouldn't be where I am today, and I might have starved to death on the streets.

I should repay your kindness, and finally do my filial piety. After this incident, we owe each other nothing.

Ye Chuan sneered: "You sluts, in order to get Lu Feng's favor, you don't know how to be honest, and you don't even want a conscience."

Especially if you ask Yun in vain, I picked you up and brought you home, and my father raised you, but what about you, not only deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors, but even killed your junior brother.

Do you still have the face to run to me and say all your filial piety?, how do you have the face to say it?"

Bai Wenyun said indifferently: "I have explained to you how the old man and Ye Yan treated me.

I hate their grandfather and grandson to death, their deaths are all karma, they deserve to die!"

Ye Chuan scolded angrily: "Traitor! Why is your mouth so poisonous? Sure enough, you follow the good people to learn the gentleman, and the wicked people to learn the evil." If you follow Lu Feng, you won't be able to learn well.

Are you thinking in your heart now, I deserve to die too?"

"Of course, I don't have any hatred for Master, but Master is against Lu Feng, and that is my enemy.

After all, Lu Feng is my man. I want to grow old with him, how can I allow others to be unfavorable to him, not even Master.

"Traitor, you are really a great rebel, and you deserve death.

Bai Wenyun smiled and said, "Whatever your old man says, I have this attitude." "


Lu Feng hadn't gone out for a long time to go out at night in his free time.

But he didn't come to relax, he came out to find Xiao Su.

I contacted Lu Lingshu just now, but there was no response.

After wandering around the villa area and the lakeside park for a long time, he didn't find

Lu Lingshu, who was sitting on the bench in the lakeside park, and then tried to contact Lu Lingshu.

He called out in his mind: "Xiao Su, where have you been? You haven't come back so late?"

Lu Lingshu's voice responded: "Oni sauce, Xiao Shu is hiding first, a little out of control, wait for Xiao Su to adjust and then look for you."

Lu Feng asked again, but he couldn't get Lu Lingshu's answer.

It seems that the situation is very bad, could it be that the consciousness battle between the two Xiao Su has caused the loss of control

? But why didn't this girl let him help? Lu Feng couldn't help

but be a little worried, but since Xiao Su said that she was hiding, it would not be easy to find her.

After being reborn, he lost contact with the system, or Xiao Su, for the first time, which made Lu Feng inexplicably irritable.

He pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took two puffs to ease the irritability.

Suddenly, a voice said, "This gentleman, is it okay to ask you about someone?"

This is a mature royal sister's voice, the voice is full of indifference, without half emotion.

Lu Feng raised his head and looked, and he was startled at this look.

I saw a woman wearing a scarlet long skirt under the street lamp, half of her snow-white lotus arms exposed, and holding an umbrella in her hand.

The red dress reached her knees, her calves were not wearing stockings, and her snow-white skin was exposed.

He wears a pair of fashionable sandals on his feet and stands elegantly.

There were two things that surprised Lu Feng, one was her height.

She is more than two meters tall.

But she is not like the incongruity of gigantism that Lu Feng saw in the media.

Her body is very well-proportioned, she does not appear overly thin because of her height, and she does not have a bloated figure.

On the contrary, her waist is restrained by a skirt, and her relatively slender waist can be seen, which shows that her figure is well managed.

Another point is that her plump bear is big, and you can see how spectacular it is from the uplifted arc of the red dress.

She permed her long, burgundy wavy hair, swaying gently in the breeze.

The oblique bangs covered half of her forehead, her indifferent and arrogant eyes looked down at the landing seal, and her flaming red lips made her have the body of a giant, and she still revealed a little sexy.

This is really the best in the world, high somewhere and big, and it can also have a sexy temperament, which is really rare.

"Have you seen enough, dare to look again, gouge out your eyeballs. The

woman in the red dress said coldly.

"It's really rude, you ask me about things, and you dare to murder me?"

"I'm very disgusted that others keep staring at me, and for this kind of really rude person, my most common punishment is to directly gouge out the other person's eyeballs. Sir, would you like to try it?"

"It's really not more than half a sentence of speculation, there's nothing to say, you can ask someone else to go." The

woman looked at the park, and Lu Feng was alone.

She said indifferently: "Since I have already opened my mouth to ask you, it will be rude if you don't answer me."

Lu Feng said funny: "Is this your attitude of begging for people

?" "Then what attitude do you want?" "

I can't speak, I'll teach you." You say, "Good brother, please, tell people."

The woman smiled: "Oh, good brother, are you still interested in my size? It seems that no man can accept my height, right?

Then since you have a crush on your sister, I don't mind going with you, but can you bear it?"

Lu Feng laughed and said: "Okay, since you said so, then come with me, I'll try your size."

Lu Feng really went to pull the woman's hand.

The woman hurriedly shook off Lu Feng and made a joke to scare Lu Feng, but she didn't expect him to really take it seriously.

"No kidding, I'm not interested in men or women, and I'm sure no one will be interested in me. As for the person who wants to approach me with a perverted mentality, it will not end well, and I will chop him up to feed the fish.

As for you, I warn you, don't follow in the footsteps of those who don't know what to live and die for.

"Since I'm not kidding, let's go our separate ways, and I'll go home."

Lu Feng was just about to leave, but was stopped by a woman stretching out an umbrella.

"Don't move, I still have something to ask, it's too rude.

Lu Feng smiled shamelessly: "In my place, I ask people to be sincere, and if they are not sincere, I will ignore them."

The woman seemed to have lost her patience and said, "You don't talk nonsense, I don't like it, and if you don't answer me honestly, I don't mind beating you up."

"It's quite horizontal, then you tell me first, what do you want to ask, and then I'll consider whether to answer you or not." "

Let me ask you, are you a resident of this villa area

?" "That's right!" "

There is another resident named Lu Feng here, do you know him?"

Lu Feng frowned and came to find himself.

This reminded Lu Feng of what Zeng Lixue said, the Yue family adopted a daughter named Yue Bachi, who was more than two meters tall and had terrifying combat power.

According to Zeng Lixue's description, the woman in front of her is Yue Bachi nine times out of ten.

Lu Feng was very shocked and said: "Lu Feng, my good friend, you want to find him, I'll take you there."

"What a good attitude, let's go." The

woman put away the umbrella, held it in her hand, and urged the landing seal.

Lu Fengxin said, you want to save Yue Wenbo, right? Maybe you don't have such a chance.

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