Lu Feng walked in with Ding Jingrou, looked at Lu Yuji and snorted coldly.

Lu Yuji was so frightened that she hurriedly walked in front of Lu Feng, lowered her head deeply, and said tremblingly: "I won't dare next time, please, don't punish me."

Lu Feng slapped over, and Lu Yuji was slapped to the ground.

She sat on the ground recliningly, her hair messy and falling down her cheeks, obscuring her round face.

She lifted her hair, covered her red and swollen face, and her peach blossom eyes were filled with crystal tears, but she didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

Although she hated Lu Feng in her heart, she understood that she did not have any capital to resist Lu Feng.

She gradually figured out Lu Feng's temperament, and if you resisted, you would only get a harsher punishment.

Ding Jingrou saw Lu Yuji, who looked weak and pitiful, and felt pity in her heart.

As soon as she was about to help Lu Yuji, Lu Feng scolded: "Xiaorou, what are you doing?"

Ding Jingrou immediately stopped her movements, not daring to do anything superfluous.

Ye Chuan saw that Lu Yuji was being bullied, and scolded angrily: "Lu Feng, you dog thief, my daughter came to see my father, isn't that a natural thing? Why do you stop her

?" Lu Feng walked to his bedside, supported the edge of the bed with both hands, stared at Ye Chuan and said, "I see that you are still quite energetic, should you donate something else?" Ye

Chuan's whole body trembled with anger, he waited for a pair of bloodshot eyes, and scolded angrily: " Lu Feng, you dog thief, why are you humiliating me so much? Why don't you just kill me?" Lu Feng

smiled and said, "Brother ex-husband, wouldn't it be too rude if I killed you directly." It's interesting to keep you who are not a threat. You don't thank me for not killing.

"I thank you, I want to chop you up and feed you to the dogs, you bastard, you don't want to die."

My Ye family was ruined by you, why are you so vicious?" "My family is ruined?" I am familiar with this! Hehe......"

"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you and keep saying that the Ye family, your Ye family has been served in one pot, and now you are the only one left who is half-dead, and you still call yourself the Ye family, aren't you ashamed?" or you take my surname?"

If you have done this to our family, you will not die a good death.

Lu Feng laughed: "Brother ex-husband, scolding me for not dying well, now, either he is dead, or he is not far from death." Congratulations, join the ranks of the incompetent waste. "

Lu Feng, I'm going to kill you, a dog thief.

Ye Chuanbei was completely enraged, completely lost his mind, and had to struggle to get up and fight with Lu Feng.

But after he struggled for a while, his face turned the color of pork liver in pain.

Lu Feng saw that the blood had penetrated the hospital gown, and said, "Brother ex-husband, why are you so dishonest."

He lifted Ye Chuan's hospital gown and saw that the wound stitched on his waist had broken open.

"Xiaorou, go and ask the doctor to sew him up again.

Ding Jingrou hurriedly called, and Lu Feng said again: "Brother ex-husband, you can recuperate with peace of mind, you can rest assured, with the relationship between the two of us, I will be free of medical expenses."

You see how righteous I am, even if you are so angry with me, I still won't charge you for your medical expenses.

Ye Chuan grinned in pain, and he didn't have the strength to scold Lu Feng if he wanted to.

When Lu Yuji saw Ye Chuan like this, she couldn't bear it, and said tremblingly: "But my own father is like this, how can I do it with no one around to take

care of him?" Lu Feng looked at her and asked, "Do you want to take care of him?"

Lu Yuji lowered her head: "I don't dare."

Lu Feng thought for a while and said: "Brother ex-husband, let Xiaoyun take care of you, after all, there is a master and apprentice, if you didn't pick her up back then, you wouldn't have her today."

Let her fulfill this filial piety, and you will not owe each other in the future. With

that, he roughly pulled Lu Yuji out of the ward.

Ye Chuan, who was on the hospital bed, endured the pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Feng dog thief, you will not die well." He

tried to run the internal force in his body, but he couldn't mobilize half of the internal force.

After several failed attempts, he clenched his fists in frustration.

Lu Yuji's hand hurt by Lu Feng's hand, Lu Feng's strength was too great, and her skin was as tender as a baby's skin.

But Lu Feng, a bastard, doesn't pity the jade at all.

Lu Yuji was suddenly ashamed of this idea that came up with her, since when did she have acquiesced to her identity as a girl?

Looking at Lu Feng's tall back, she suddenly became a little confused.

The terrible thing is that she not only acquiesced in her identity as a girl, but also gradually became obedient to Lu Feng.

Not only did he listen, but he knew that he was unconsciously afraid of this person.

Some emotions, once formed, are difficult to change.

This kind of subtlety has come from the heart.

If she continues like this, she doesn't know where she's going.

If you stay in front of Lu Feng all the time, you will always be bullied by Lu Feng, and you will become more and more accustomed to Lu Feng's oppression.

She regretted it a little, she finally ran out, why didn't she run away.

Now that she is caught by Lu Feng again, will she still have a good face for her? Lu

Yuji said worriedly: "You...... You're not going to lock me up in the dog house anymore, are you?"

she thought of the day she was locked up, and her heart was filled with humiliation and fear.

In front of the elevator door, Lu Feng was not in a hurry to press the floor, because he had to wait for Ding Jingrou to come.

He let go of Lu Yuji and looked at this girl who was already completely a little girl, and he didn't feel funny.

You see that she is wearing a pink group, wearing white stockings, and a single ponytail tied by Wen Aoxue with a red and white hairband on the top of her head.

His eyes blinked unconfidently, staring at Lu Feng's leather shoes, and he didn't look at Lu Feng with his eyes.

Hands folded together, pressed the hem of the skirt, fingers slightly twisted, to hide the inner restlessness.

This looks like a frightened little girl, and there is still a shadow of Ye Xing.

"Lu Yuji, you are too dishonest. If I don't punish you, I don't know what else I'll do. It seems that the punishment last time was lighter, and this time the punishment will be increased.

Lu Yuji didn't dare to imagine what terrible the aggravated punishment in Lu Feng's mouth would be, she was already so frightened that her legs trembled and her face turned pale.

She raised her head, her eyes filled with tears: "Please, let me go!" "

I have already let you go once, but you don't cherish the opportunity."

She knelt in front of Lu Feng, grabbed Lu Feng's palm, and tears flowed down: "Please, I promise to be obedient in the future, I won't dare anymore." I promise this is the last time, and I will listen to you for everything in the future.

Lu Feng scolded: "You kneel down for me in my hospital, do you want to hack me? Get up for me!"

Lu Yuji hurriedly stood up, grabbed Lu Feng's hand and didn't let go.

She continued to plead: "Please! Please let me go! I will be obedient! I will not refute what you ask me to do in the future, and if you don't let me do it, I will not cross the thunder pool by half a step."

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Bai Wenyun came out of it.

When she saw the scene of Lu Yuji grabbing Lu Feng's hand, she chuckled in her heart.

"Senior sister, what are you doing?"

Lu Yuji hurriedly let go of Lu Feng's hand and wiped her tears.

Bai Wenyun frowned and looked at Lu Yuji, she wouldn't have any thoughts about

Lu Feng, right? Lu Feng reprimanded: "Xiaoyun, why did Lu Yuji sneak out?" Bai Wenyun

explained: "She said she wanted to go to the toilet, and then quietly slipped away."

Lu Feng didn't blame Bai Wenyun anymore, and said, "Didn't I call just now?" Ye Chuan has just undergone surgery and needs to be taken care of, and you didn't prepare anything when you came to the hospital, how can you come to take care of the patient?"

Bai Wenyun smiled slightly and said, "I have all the toiletries and daily necessities in my office, so I don't need to prepare more."

Lu Feng touched her face and said: "Just repay this favor, do your filial piety, and don't owe each other in the future, I have already told Ye Chuan." You won't blame me for making the decision for you, right?"

Bai asked Yun Qingqing and shook her head: "No, you think about it very reasonably, I completely agree." (

What do you think of Lu Yuji).

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