Qu Wenshuang said: "Xiao Ning, your parents have come all the way here, how can you let them stay in a hotel again? You see, you live in such a big house, pack up and let your parents stay for a few days before leaving."

"But ......" Su Muning couldn't speak, she couldn't directly say that Lu Feng Jinwu Zangjiao was such a woman, right?

But don't say it, you can still see it when you go in for a while.

It's really not to say, it's not to say it.

She looked at Lu Feng, but Lu Feng looked like he didn't care.


, what does he care? If he cares, can he still let his parents come to see him with so many wives?"

"But what? We are not welcome to enter the house, are we?" Wang Yanqiu felt that this daughter had been raised in vain, and she had arrived at the door, but she did not let their parents enter the door.

Pity their own sons are also dead, and now their daughters still dislike them.

Even if his family is rich, his daughter will not accept them, and his son-in-law will not care about your business.

Seeing that the scene was a little embarrassing, Lu Yu said, "In-laws, don't be stunned, let's go into the house." Today is the August Festival, a family reunion, and our two families are also considered a family.

How nice it is for the family to have a reunion dinner together.

Su Changdong and Wang Yanqiu both looked at their daughters with embarrassed faces, the Lu family invited them into the house, but their daughters didn't want them to enter the house.

This makes them in-laws, where to put their faces?

Is it that the daughter has become a broad young grandmother, and her temperament has changed, and she dislikes them as husband and wife.

"Forget it, we're not going in. Su Changdong, who felt that he had lost face, exhaled heavily from his nose, and his old face was flushed with anger.

"Mom and Dad, I'll take you to the hotel. Su Muning stepped forward to pick up Wang Yanqiu.

Wang Yanqiu was full of disappointment with this woman, snorted coldly, and pushed Su Muning away.

"I became a young grandmother, and I didn't even recognize my parents.

With her push, Su Muning took a few steps back, and if Lu Feng hadn't stepped forward in time to support her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Lu Feng's anger swelled up, and he shouted: "Wang Yanqiu, if Xiao Ning falls and affects the child in her belly, how can I spare you?"

In their previous lives, these two people were like dogs who looked down on people, and in their previous lives, when Lu Feng's family was rich, they came to the door to stammer.

After Lu Feng was defeated, they were so disgusted with Lu Feng that they often spoke coldly and sarcastically.

Let them have a good taste of what it is like to be humiliated now.

Su Mu Ningqiao's face flushed, and she lowered her head and muttered, "Why did you say it like this? I still want to surprise them." "

Child, Xiaoning, are you pregnant?" Qu Minshuang thought that she was going to be a grandmother, and hugged Su Muching excitedly. "Xiao Ning, you can be angry, you will be pregnant with a baby so soon.

Although Lu Yu didn't speak, his mouth was already grinning.

It's better to have a grandson, in the future, my hundreds of millions of family properties, as well as Xiaofeng's hundreds of millions of family properties, are not all this child. After a few more years, I handed over this mess to Xiaofeng to take care of, and the two of us stayed at home with our grandson, enjoying themselves.

The more I think about it, the happier I get.

Lu Feng said proudly: "Mom, it's not my marksmanship that is accurate.

Qu Wen glared at him: "you, it's not a positive shape." In the future, in front of the elders, don't talk nonsense.

Su Mu blushed and said, "Auntie, don't blame Lu Feng, he is too happy."

Qu Minshuang smiled from ear to ear: "Don't you change your name to call Mom?"

Su Mooning shouted shyly

: "Mom!" Then he looked at Lu Yu and shouted: "Dad!"

The two happily agreed, and Qu Minshuang hurriedly handed over a beautifully packaged box from the bag to Su Muning.

"Xiao Ning, I've prepared it for you in advance, jade bracelet. But as a change of mouth fee, my mother felt that it was not enough. With

that, she took off the diamond necklace around her neck and put it on Su Muning herself.

Su Muning, who was wearing an aqua blue dress, wore this diamond necklace, which instantly added a bit of noble temperament.

Qu Wenshuang brought a pair of jade bracelets to Su Mu Ning again.

She looked up and down and sighed: "Oh, my daughter-in-law looks more and more beautiful, just like a fairy descending to earth."

Su Muning couldn't be more proud in her heart, she was the first to be recognized by her mother-in-law, and the first to give a change of mouth fee, which was enough for those women to be jealous.

Wang Yanqiu felt that she couldn't interject, you look at the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they are like mothers and daughters, and she, the mother-in-law, has to be driven out by her daughter.

But angry is angry, her daughter is pregnant, and she is still very happy in her heart.

I was about to inquire about my daughter's physical condition when I suddenly heard a girl's voice shouting: "Husband, I'm here, I want to spend fifteen years with you! My mother, your mother-in-law has allowed me to spend the night with you today."

Everyone followed the prestige, and in the evening sunset, a girl with a delicate figure and sweet appearance, wearing a white t-shirt, a denim skirt and sneakers, jumped over.

Ding Jingrou saw a few middle-aged people surrounded in front of Lu Feng's house, and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

She looked very innocent, passed through the four parents, came to Lu Bao, saw Su Muning standing next to him, saw Lu Feng accompany her to the pregnancy test, and didn't pay much attention to it, so she stepped forward to hold Lu Feng's hand and asked, "Husband, who are they?" The

expressions on Su Changdong and Wang Yanqiu's faces were very exciting, they could already imagine that Lu Feng was stepping on two boats.

Wang Yanqiu stared at Lu Feng and asked, "Trouble my son-in-law to explain what's going on

?" Lu Feng also said with an innocent face: "What can I explain to you?" As he

spoke, he kissed Ding Jingrou's moist lips: "Mom, let me introduce you, this is also your daughter-in-law, Xiaorou, call Mom!" Ding Jingrou

heard Lu Feng call her mother, and thought that she was completely unprepared, but suddenly saw her mother-in-law, and her heart became extremely nervous, and her pretty face turned red.

She stammered, "Mom...... I'm ...... My name is Ding Jingrou and I am a ..... from the Department of Orthopedics at Renxin Hospital The head nurse ......

, "Wang Yanqiu and Su Changdong's faces turned red into pig liver, it's just a shame, the two of them came all the way from other cities, just to face such an embarrassing scene

?" Qu Wenshuang stared at Lu Feng with an extremely ugly face: "Xiaofeng, what the hell is

going on?" "Mom, what's going on

?" "Why do you still have a girlfriend, how do you

explain?" "What do you explain?" I want you to hug your grandchildren more, don't you? There's still something in the house, go inside and take a look.

At this time, Su Muning's face also became embarrassed.

Wang Yanqiu asked coldly: "Lu Feng, how many girl friends have you made? Our Xiao Ning is pregnant with your child, how can you still be blind outside? Are you worthy of our Xiao

Ning?" She looked at Su Mu Ning again and asked, "Xiao Ning, do you know that there are still women outside

Lu Feng?" Su Mu Ning nodded and said seriously: "I know, but no matter how many girlfriends Lu Feng has, I will never leave him, I love him." He is also the father of my children, and I can't live without him.

Wang Yanqiu roared angrily: "You dead girl, don't you have no face and no skin? Are you so undignified

?" Su Muning said unhappily: "I just love Lu Feng, I just can't do without him, how can I call it faceless and skinless?"

Hearing the quarrel at the door, all the women went out to see what was going on.

Seeing a group of girls surrounding the door, Wang Yanqiu asked angrily: "Lu Feng, are they all your girlfriends?"

Lu Feng nodded: "Basically, except for this child, there is also the one in the pink dress, and this Lori, everything else."

Wang Yanqiu felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Su Changdong stepped forward and grabbed Su Muning's hand and scolded: "Xiao Ning, don't be embarrassed here, hurry up and go home with us."

Su Mooning shook off Su Changdong's hand: "Parents, it's useless for you to say anything, I won't leave Lu Feng."

Wang Yanqiu was furious, stepped forward and slapped Su Muning: "Do you want to make a face, hurry up and go home with us."

Lu Feng remembered that the couple in his previous life gave him a lot of faces, and stepped forward and gave Wang Yanqiu a slap: "Wang Yanqiu, Su Muning is now my wife, if you beat her, you will slap me in the face, you hurry up and get out of me!" Wang Yanqiu

covered her red and swollen cheeks and said, "Su Changdong, are you just watching your wife being beaten?" Su Changdong

saw his wife being beaten, and he stepped forward to beat Lu Feng, but was kicked to the ground by Lu Feng.

"You two don't have a good thing, it annoys me, I won't be polite.

Lu Yu scolded: "Xiao Feng, how can you be so unreasonable?" Lu Feng

looked at his father and said, "Dad, this is a matter between me and them, so don't get involved." "

In front of outsiders, Lu Yu is not good at teaching his son, his son is such a good-looking person, he can't let him lose face.

Wang Yanqiu cried and shouted: "Xiao Ning, are you indifferent to watching your parents being humiliated like this?

Su Muning knew that Lu Feng had not been humiliated by his parents in his previous life.

remembered what she owed Lu Feng in her previous life, and on this occasion, she still chose to maintain Lu Feng's face.

She leaned on Lu Feng's shoulder and said, "Mom and Dad, I advise you not to annoy Lu Feng, otherwise I won't be able to stop what he does to you."

Wang Yanqiu cried and said: "I really gave birth to a daughter who eats inside and outside for nothing, we were all beaten, and you still helped him to bully your parents, has your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

Su Mu Ning looked at Lu Feng stupidly and said: "Conscience? I don't need that thing, as long as I can be with Lu Feng, I don't care about anything."

Su Changdong pulled Wang Yanqiu and said, "Don't cry, let's go, just don't have this daughter from now on." The

two of them left with a look of shame on their faces.

Lu Yu and Qu Wenshuang wanted to persuade them, but looking at the situation, the persuasion was also touched, so they had to let them leave.

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