Lu Lingshu saw Chang Shihuai, who had unkind eyes, and asked, "Does this sister want to help me with tutoring?"

"I'll forget it." Chang Shihuai hurriedly got up and chased Su Muning upstairs.

"Don't tease them, let's go, I'll clean up a room for you." Lu Feng said.

Lu Lingshu grinned: "Why do you have to prepare a room with me, can't I live in the same room with the host?"

Lu Feng was stunned, and then said: "That's great, the system you provide bed warming service, it's too thoughtful, at night, we can have more in-depth exchanges."

Previously it was just the communication of consciousness and sound, but now more ways of communication can be unlocked.

Lu Lingshu's smile froze: "Forget it, you better prepare a room for me."

"What's the matter? Don't you want to live with me? Why do you regret it again? You can't keep your word like this.

"I'm kidding you.

"Why are you reserved again? Aren't you seducing me? I'd love to get a taste of the system."

I want to see if there's any difference between you and the real thing, so come with me into the room and let me study it.

Lu Feng stretched out his hand to pick her up, Lu Lingshu struggled for a while, and said: "Host, I can beat people, don't go too far!" Lu Feng

smiled: "You are really useless in the system, and you can't end it after you mess with it."

Lu Lingshu blinked a pair of big smart eyes and said, "Don't use your villain's set on me, I'm your system." You

don't really have a bad idea of my system, do you?" "Yes, I can't even think of it if you don't say it, but you're my system, you're serving me alone

, you have to meet my needs, right? I need you to warm my bed, and you don't even meet my needs, and you keep saying that it's my system, it's too irresponsible." "

It's really a fallacy, this system trained you to be a villain, did you want you to overthrow me?"

Lu Feng had a smile on his face: "When you say this, I really think that's what you mean." Have you groomed me to be a villain just to bring you down?

If so, I'll be able to satisfy you soon.

Lu Lingshu pursed his lips and said angrily: "You are really an out-and-out villain, even you remember me."

Taking advantage of the fact that no one saw it, Lu Feng had already carried Lu Lingsu into his room.

Then he walked over to the bed and threw her onto the bed.

Lu Lingshu immediately sat up from the bed, revealing a threatening expression.

"Host, please respect yourself!"

Lu Feng approached her and rubbed her little face.

"I have a question in mind, and you answered me truthfully. "

What's the problem

?" "Every time I do something sexual, can you hear and see it?"

Lu Lingshu's little face immediately turned red: "No, how can I look at that kind of sexuality, I'm not so perverted."

"I didn't say no, but my face was red. Did you see too much, so you also moved your mortal heart, so you became a person and came to me, just longing for me to do lustful things to you?"

"Nonsense!" Lu Lingshu pushed away Lu Feng's hand, sat on the edge of the bed, hugged the backpack in his arms, hugged it tightly, pouted, and put his chin on the backpack.

Lu Feng sat down next to her, grabbed her little hand, and played with it in his hand.

Soft as boneless, smooth and delicate, pink and tender.

Lu Ling blushed and asked, "Enough touched, no little villain, hurry up and let go!" Lu

Feng put her little hand in front of him again and looked at it carefully.

"To the touch, it's no different from human skin, and if you look closely at the skin, you can see the pores of sweat. What are

you? Are you a real person? But aren't you a system? How do you become a real person?"

"You think I'm a human being, so it's better to be a human being."

Lu Feng sniffed, and could smell a faint fragrance from her skin.

"I still don't believe you're the real person right now, unless you can prove yourself.

Lu Lingshu asked, "How to prove it?"

"It's just to explore deeply."

"Don't, you LSP, I won't let you succeed.

Lu Lingshu withdrew her little hand and smiled slyly at Lu Feng.

"But it's okay to kiss it.

Then she quickly pecked Lu Feng's lips, immediately jumped off the bed, grinned, opened the door and ran away.

Lu Feng muttered: "Little girl, you can't run out of the palm of my hand."

He left the room and walked to Wen Aoxue's room.

Closing the door, I saw Wen Aoxue's wooden eyes that had lost their brilliance.

Lu Feng walked over, helped her up, and leaned on his arms.

Then he took out the medicine bottle that Lu Lingshu gave him.

When Wen Aoxue saw this medicine bottle, she immediately became alert.

"Lu Feng, what are you going to do?"

Lu Feng didn't mind scaring her, and said, "Haven't you been calling all the time, don't you want to live anymore, and want to be free? Wen

Aoxue said so, but who would choose death so casually when faced with a life-and-death decision.

Over the years, countless people have died at the hands of Wen Aoxue, but when it was her turn, she was reluctant to die.

The point is, it's too much to die like this.

She showed a pitiful look

and said, "Lu Feng, you have had two times with me, both of them are one-day husband and wife Bairien, are you so ruthless to send me to death?" Lu Feng sneered on his face: "Wen Aoxue, what you said is good, do you have the feelings of a one-day husband and wife Bairien in your heart?" If you get the antidote now and restore the force value, will you kill me immediately?"

"No, I won't, really won't."

"I don't believe it, I'll let you free before I can rest assured." "

Lu Feng, you believe me, in the past twenty years, you are the only man I have, how can I be willing to kill you." "

Do you have affection for me in your heart

?" "Of course there is, I said it all, for twenty years, you are my only man, and I am not hard-hearted, how can I not have love?"

Lu Feng shook the small medicine bottle: "Then if you drink this, I will believe it."

Wen Aoxue's eyes flashed with tears: "Do you have to let me die, are you willing?" "

If you drink it, I will save you."

Wen Aoxue closed her eyes, in her current state, let alone Lu Feng, any child could kill her.

If Lu Feng was bent on letting her die, how could she resist.

"Give me a drink!"

Wen Aoxue was already determined to die, but she was also gambling, betting that Lu Feng would not kill her.

Lu Feng opened the medicine bottle and poured the medicine inside into Wen Aoxue's mouth.

After a few minutes, Wen Aoxue's body was able to move.

But it is limited to being able to move, and neither strength nor internal force can be exerted.

"Isn't this poison?" she asked.

"It's not poison, you can't die, but you can't perform martial arts either. That's all the freedom I can give you now.

Wen Aoxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the man holding him, his heart was extremely complicated.

It has happened twice with Lu Feng, and Lu Feng is really her man.

But she, a man, has always maintained murderous intentions towards her.

Lu Feng cupped her face and said, "You just said that you have affection for me, I want you to prove it." "

After all, she can only be manipulated by this demon to death, she is no different from ordinary people now, and resistance will only usher in more brutal bullying.

has been compromised, and it's not bad this time.

Lu Feng can give her freedom of movement this time, if he lets his guard down, maybe he can give her complete freedom.

Wen Aoxue kissed Lu Feng on the lips: "I'll give it to you."

Then she pushed Lu Feng down on the bed, leaned down, and slowly untied Lu Feng's shirt ......

(Solo skirt: ear

* clothes * Ba * Wu * ears * clothes * sulfur * clothes * sulfur - - there are details inside).

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