Chapter 75 Give you a chance to chase me! King-level means!

“Are you awake?”

Su Lie’s calm eyes glanced at Xiao Yaoxian faintly;

There seem to be thousands of stars twinkling in the eyes!

Others don’t know, but he knows very well that the woman in front of him is not a weak woman with no opinion.

The opposite of!

She sees it, she is definitely a cruel master.

So Su Lie is not worried at all, what will happen to her with this slap, just as he said…

Just make the other person a little more awake!

Recognize reality.


Although Xiao Yaoxian’s eyes were full of bone-killing intent.

But obviously!

At this moment, she has recovered a bit of sanity.

I saw him staring at Su Lie, taking a deep breath frantically, trying to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

Regarding this, Su Lie remained calm.

No joy, no sadness!

For the little medicine fairy in front of him, Su Lie didn’t feel much ashamed.

If he doesn’t kill Man Fan, Xiao Fan will come to kill him.


The existence of Xiaoyixian will not be a reason for him to give up killing Xiao Fan.

And this time!

The little Yaoxian who calmed down finally said, “Why do you have to kill Xiao Fan!?”

But even so!

“April Seventeen” Xiao Yaoxian’s pupils were still unable to conceal the killing intent, which was accurately captured by Su Lie.

Seeing this, Su Lie smiled faintly: “What?”

“Want to avenge Xiao Fan?”

Although he was in a dangerous situation, Xiao Yaoxian’s answer was still calm: “If there is a chance,

“I will for sure!”

Su Lie had expected this a long time ago, and was not surprised, his face calmly said:

“It seems that Xiao Fan is not so important to you!”


In the eyes of a group of scorpion dragons–

Xiao Yaoxian seemed a little bit ignorant of what he said.

“Miss Xiao Yaoxian!”

“I’ll wait until you are a friend of King Lie, so I can keep a lot of hands with you, don’t you really think that…”

“How many of us can’t catch you?”


The Capricorn behind Su Lie also coldly snorted: “Speaking of deep grudges, you might as well ask Xiao Fan, but what kind of grudges do you have with my Dragon Clan.”

“This time when the Lie King killed the pill domain, he had nothing to do with that Manfan, but he appeared to be troublesome.

“Finally, the hatred is in the hands of King Lie, no wonder anyone!”

Being such a powerful enemy by Capricorn!

Xiao Yaoxian was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised, and said, “You mean, Xiao Fan’s hand moved first?”


Capricorn smiled coldly, and said unceremoniously: “If he hadn’t jumped out to die by himself, who knows which cat and dog Xiao Fan is!?”

“Rather than questioning King Lie, why do you want to kill Xiao Fan!”

“It’s not to ask that Xiao Fan, what kind of grievances my Dragon Clan has with him, so many things to do so!”

Xiao Yaoxian was asked such a rhetorical question!

Her face was slightly embarrassed. Judging from the other party’s words, there was one thing she believed–

He doesn’t know if Su Lie and Xiao Fan have any grudges!


There is indeed an enmity with the scorpion dragon clan, because her sky poison body, if you want to control the poison pill, you need to use the seventh-order sky poison scorpion dragon demon core.

Start from this point!

With Xiao Fan’s character, he would indeed take the initiative at all costs.

What happened after that, Xiao Yaoxian is not difficult to guess!

Thought of this!

Xiao Yaoxian’s mood is also quite complicated.

During this period of time, Xiao Yaoxian can be said to have adapted to the cultivation land of Scorpio Domain.

after all!

Her heart does not like to fight.

The celestial poison body is placed in the outside world, it is the existence that the individual fears, on the contrary, this Scorpio domain is really suitable for her.

And Su Lie was pretty good to her, there was nothing to embarrass her.

to some extent:

If there is no such thing as the death of Man Fan, she doesn’t mind making friends with Su Lie.

But unfortunately, all this is no longer possible.

After regaining his calm, Xiao Yaoxian seemed to laugh at himself: “Now that you have broken through the eighth level, I can’t kill you.”

“And with your personality, I’m afraid I will never let my celestial poison body grow.

“Become a hidden danger for you!”

As he said, Xiao Yaoxian’s killing intent was no longer concealed, and he rushed straight into the sky!


Under the killing intent, the ultimate seal of the heavenly poisonous body on his body seemed to be unlocked in the next instant.

have to say!

The rumors of the Sky Poison Body were so terrifying that everyone in the Dragon Race was slightly chilled.

So much!

Everyone looked at Xiao Yaoxian, then at Su Lie, endless doubts and frights flashed in their hearts.

“This woman, shouldn’t it be that she wants to unlock the seal of the Heavenly Poison Body…

“She wants to die together?!”

Feeling the determination and killing intent on Xiao Yaoxian’s face, Su Lie didn’t realize it.

Instead, he burst out laughing!

To this!

Xiao Yaoxian also had a cold face, her beautiful eyes were as cold as ice, and she looked at Su Lie:

“Are you laughing at my own strength?!”

Shaking his head, Su Lie finally said, “I’m laughing at you. Even if I want to avenge Xiao Fan, it’s not your turn.”

“Why make such a decisive appearance!”

Smell this!

Xiao Yaoxian couldn’t help having a pretty face, but after all he calmed down slowly.

Concentrate and calm down your emotions:

“What do you mean?”

In front of Su Lie, she didn’t dare to be careless, and was deeply afraid that her relaxation would lead to Su Lie’s thunder.

To know!

A character like Su Lie will never be soft-hearted just because he is a woman.

As everyone knows!

All Xiao Yaoxian’s thoughts are meaningless in Su Lie’s eyes.

He only smiled faintly: “What is the relationship between you and Xiao Fan? It is true that Xiao Fan died in my hands, but what is the relationship with you?”

“Even if it’s revenge, he still has that childhood sweetheart from the saint of the emperor clan!”

“Why do you bother yourself with mediocrity?


Hearing Su Lie’s words, Xiao Yaoxian realized that Su Lie was laughing at his nosy.

However, she doesn’t wait for her to refute!

Seeing that Su Lie had stopped saying, “I can give you a chance to catch up with me and let you avenge Xiao Fan.”

“But the prerequisite is a fair fight, not a dead end, and the end of everything you play!


Xiao Yaoxian’s revenge is completely meaningless to Su Lie today.

Whether it is cultivation base or own capital!

It is basically impossible for Xiao Yaoxian to catch up with Su Lie. The reason why he gave Xiao Yao such a chance is because…

In Su Lie, in Xiao Yaoxian’s body, there is always a feeling of wanting to keep it not to kill!

It may be of great use to him in the future…

This feeling!

It is not very strong, but since it can make him rise this feeling, it is enough for Su Lie to treat 0 seriously…

The higher your cultivation base, the more you feel for this kind of traction in the dark!

“You won’t kill me?

Hearing that, the killing intent on Xiao Yaoxian’s body was quietly grabbed: “Give me a chance to revenge?”

Su Lie didn’t say much about Xiao Yaoxian’s incredible belief.

“Today’s business ends here!

The indifferent words are full of strength and conceit.


Compared to Xiao Yaoxian’s problem!

Su Lie’s gaze now has been placed higher and farther.

Compared with Longwei’s original good fortune pill, avenging Xiao Fan’s bit of trouble, what is it, how can it be worth Su Lie’s heartbreak?


He turned and left and ordered to go down;

“Capricorn, go and invite me the other four kings, I have something to say!”

The voice falls!

Own Scorpion Dragon Commander will quickly convey Su Lie’s order to the remaining four kings of the Dragon Clan.

And the little medicine fairy on the other side!

Seeing Su Lie’s back go away, he finally sighed slightly: “This guy is really overbearing…

But I have to admit it!

Su Lie’s bearing was far more terrifying than she had imagined.


This scene!

Don’t say it is Xiao Yaoxian, even Su Lie’s leader of Dragon Exhaust is full of shock.

Looking at Su Lie’s back, the color of reverence is even more prosperous!

They thought that their fierce king was a straight bronze man of steel, but now it seems that they are the king!

In a few words!

It was this way that resolved all attacks on a woman.

Moreover, this woman is still a celestial poison body that is good enough to make them all headaches.


For Su Lie, Xiao Yaoxian’s incident was just an episode.

Not long time!

Scorpion dragon family, five kings palace.

After receiving the letter from the leader of the scorpion 0.5 dragon, the remaining four kings of the Dragon Clan did not delay half.

Then came to the meeting room of the Five Kings Hall and met with Su Lie.

Generally speaking!

Most of the time, after returning to the Scorpion Dragon clan, they would not govern.


As before, all major events were handled by the seven Scorpion Dragon tribe leaders.

But this time, it’s about Su Lie’s personal call. Even Su Lie took the initiative to speak. Obviously this matter is too important.

The leader of the Xielong clan obviously does not have that qualification.

Come participate in the discussion!

“King Lie!

Seeing Su Lie, who was seated in the first place, the four dragon kings involuntarily bowed, and took the initiative to bow to Su Lie who was sitting on the upper right side.

Although on the face of it, they are the same as Su Lie, and they are both kings of the Dragon Clan!

But only they know–

After the Battle of Danyu, Su Lie has the ability to lead them to a stronger Dragon Clan.


For Su Lie, the new king of the Dragon Clan, they admired it from the bottom of their hearts.

Faintly, they already regarded him as the head of the kings…


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