Chapter 224 Ascend to the Dragon Emperor’s Throne! The Monster Beast Realm is about to change completely!

Come out from the depths of Gulong Island!

Not surprisingly.

The breakthrough of the Four Kings of the Scorpion Dragon clan caused quite a stir in an instant.

No one!

In the depths of Gulong Island, such a mammoth movement is totally unsightly;

Moreover, thinking of the complete disappearance of the Taixu Dragon Girl, many members of the ancient dragon clan have already guessed–

The breakthrough of the Four Kings of the Scorpion Dragon is related to the Taixu Dragon Girl!


Many members of the ancient dragon clan looked at the four kings of the scorpion dragon clan with awe and beautiful admiration in their eyes!

Blood of the poisonous dragon!

It is also a kind of real dragon, with dragon blood flowing through its body.

Although the bloodline is far not as pure as the Taixu Ancient Dragon, it has also been out of the-category of the dragon family!

It can also be regarded as a top-level monster bloodline!

Today’s four dragon kings, compared to the previous ones, are not only the body of the scorpion dragon, the body of the poisonous dragon…

Even that kind of temperament has changed drastically.


They were still unable to conceal the fierce people like monster beasts;

So now, it has a completely demon-like dragon clan atmosphere, which is incomparable with the space mystery of Taixu Ancient Dragon;

But it can be regarded as a real dragon…

No longer the original scorpion dragon.

In addition, the aura emanating from them is even more tyrannical, and it is the realm of real saints!

Count it up!

Today’s four dragon kings are all saint-level combat power.

The name of the four kings can become a veritable four sages!

To know!

Their Gulong Island is strong in this world, and they are just the six great ancient dragon saints!

Now the Scorpion Dragon clan is here!

But he has four saints, not to mention a quasi-emperor like Su Lie.

Such strength!

Compared to the other overlords in the monster and beast world, it is not much more!

“too frightening!

“This kind of means of turning hands for clouds and covering hands for rain, we Gulong clan, we are not wronged!


Such a scene completely shocked the rest of the Taixu Gulong clan.

after all!

It’s one thing to know the horror of Su Lie!

And such a shocking scene really appeared in front of them, that is another matter…

One person can ascend to heaven!

Such a shocking method is really daunting!

Who can think of it?

In the past, it was not only a monster royal family, but also the four kings of the scorpion dragon family from their ancient dragon vassal race;

This time not only was promoted to the realm of saints, it was also a step towards transforming dragons?

As for the six dead ancient dragon saints…

It was completely dead in vain.


The Capricorn and other scorpion dragon leaders saw this, and at this moment, the eyes were also flashing extremely excited;

“Four Kings Hualong succeeded?!”


The four kings of the scorpion dragon really broke through the shackles of the race and evolved the poisonous dragon bloodline.

Follow such a master to fight in all directions!

What can their husband want?

Moreover, the four sages of the poisonous dragon today may not necessarily be the self of tomorrow…


As the top race in the Monster Beast World, which one is not high above, and will not fall after endless years?

The Taixu ancient dragon clan is even more of the overlord of the overlord!

even though!

Recently, in the world of monsters and beasts, through the mouth of the True Phoenix clan, news came out that the ancient dragon clan was torn apart.

But no one dared to wave their beards!

Even the True Phoenix clan, after being verbally declared war several times, they only fought a few anticlimactic battles…

Then I couldn’t help it!

From this, it can be seen that the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan occupy the highest position in the monster beast realm?!

And today!

Su Lie returned strongly, relying on his own strength to forcefully kill the six sages of Gulong Island

How can such strength not be frightening?!


The return of Su Lie with the blood of the dragon and phoenix, news that Gulong Island bowed his head and surrendered;

Suddenly like a hurricane, in the shortest time

Swept the monster world!


After the last time the monster world was torn apart due to the ancient dragon clan, and fell into endless shaking, the ancient dragon island bowed its head and surrendered to the new lord of the dragon encirclement.

Spread throughout the entire monster beast world in an instant!


There was another wave in the monster world.

And Su Lie’s name is like an invincible dragon king who is personally conquering, preparing to quell all the rebellions of the ancient virtual dragon clan!

“The Taixu Gulong clan bow their heads and submit to Su Lie!”

Su Lie “Ascend the Dragon King!”

Such news!

For a time, it was even more clamorous, becoming the only topic among the monster beast races in the monster beast world.

At this time, everything is in front of such news.

Even the waves can’t turn up!


The minds of many monster beast royal families have all come to life:


“The Dragon Emperor of the ancient dragon clan has appeared, and there are some people, but they are really going to panic!”

“That’s true, the Taixu ancient dragon clan of Gulong Island has chosen to bow their heads, so where will the other three dragon islands go?”

“Do you choose to surrender the same?”

“Or join forces and fight against Su Lie, the new Dragon Emperor?”


At this moment, even the monster kings have already noticed this;

How can you not think of the other three dragon islands?

Nothing space!

Eat the floating dragon island standing at the southern end.

The endless void land, in terms of vastness, is the only one in the south of Gulong Island.

The vastness of the void!

An island that is also floating, seems to be in a long river of time and space!

Cut a piece of emptiness and put it in an island.

This is exactly the ability of the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan!

And here!

It is Nanlong Island, the four major Gulong Island.

At this moment, the depths of Long Island!

A figure of a big horse with a golden sword sits on the throne, blood and blood billowing, and there are strands of the king’s aura, which is mighty on its body.

If there is the former of the Monster Beast Realm here!

It is certainly not difficult to recognize that this person is the leader of Nanfanglong Island!

It also has the blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon King!

0……Look for flowers…

And in front of the Southern Ancient Dragon King!

However, there are still a few figures manifesting, without exception, they are all masters of Nanlong Island.

“Has the dragon race in this world become so strong?”

The Southern Ancient Dragon King spoke slowly!

The tone was indifferent: “But it would be too ridiculous to want my three big ancient dragon islands to bow their heads…

As he said, he snorted coldly.

I think that when he heard that the ancient dragon island in the east welcomed back the prince daughter with the blood of the ancient dragon king, he had plans to attack the east dragon island;

It’s just that Xilong Island at that time, and Beilong Island have not been moving!

Coupled with the fact that the true phoenix clan watched, he didn’t dare to act rashly and could only watch the changes.


Su Lie took the lead in killing East Dragon Island, which was really beyond his expectation.

But the accident is an accident!

A vassal of the dragon race, a kid who was lucky enough to merge the blood of the dragon and phoenix, wanted him to bow his head in the southern ancient dragon island, but it was too whimsical.

“Dragon Lord!”

Under the command of the Southern Ancient Dragon King, the commander in chief also asked at this time:

“The dragon and phoenix bloodline, do we want to recognize its orthodox and supreme position?

“Huh! This kid is said to have just returned from the Huo Clan, and as soon as he shot, he killed the six great sages of East Dragon Island. I am afraid he is not weak, and there is Huo Clan behind

“If it’s not necessary, there is no need for it to have a direct confrontation!”

The Southern Ancient Dragon King thought for a while!

Then he said in a deep voice: “Let’s just wait and see?”

“Neither recognize his position as the supreme dragon and phoenix, and don’t deny it. I believe that the two guys in the West and the North will also be the same!”

Nothing space.

The west!

The same floating dragon island, the same horror.

A figure sitting on the palace in a dragon robe, slowly said: “Dragon Phoenix blood?!”

“Unexpectedly, Donglong Island just returned to the real ancient dragon royal bloodline, but was destroyed by the Dragon Phoenix bloodline. In this world, it is really hard to understand.”

“I just don’t know, where is the strength of the newly promoted Longwei?”


“If you want me to wait and bow my head, it depends on whether he has this strength!”

“For today’s plan, let’s watch the changes first!”

In the north, floating dragon island.


The endless void collapsed, and the large tracts of space shattered.

Beyond Dragon Island at this moment!

Only the figure in the dragon robe among them is eternal in the void!

“Dragon Phoenix blood!”

“Is it actually obtained by the Dragon Clan who is a branch of the Dragon Clan? That Donglong Island, it seems that it is going back more and more…

His words were extremely cold.


Sen Leng turned into deep thinking:

“However, the Dragon Phoenix bloodline is a born supreme existence, so I have to guard against it!”

“Let’s go and see how strong he is,

“If the strength is far better than me, it is not a wise move to resist, it is better to surrender to him and follow him.”

“Everything should be spoken by strength!” Next,

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