Chapter 172 Demon Race! Xiao Clan! Su Lie’s retribution came so fast!

This time, “Since it’s here, just erase the blood that disgusts me!


The voice of the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan is vast, like an invincible existence overlooking everything.

Although his words are calm and calm, everyone can feel the terrible murderous intent.


This is a murderous opportunity for the demons.

Whether it is the ancient heroes in the tomb of the emperor, or the emperors of various races, they know well the grievances between the Xiao Clan and the Demon Clan.

And at the beginning, the reason why the Manchus would completely decline

The reason is the demons!

Like before!

Part of the reason why the quasi-emperor of the Xiao clan fell, was part of the reason why he failed to attack the emperor.

But the bigger reason is that it was conspired by the demons and was besieged to death!

But even so!

He still pulled the eight-star saints of the Demon Race to their backs, and only then was helpless to fight to death!


After its resurrection in the tomb of the emperor.

The first thing the Zhun Emperor of the Xiao Clan did was to kill the demon saints who died in his hands one more time;

Even the demon saints who had blood washed the entire tomb of the emperor.

The fight at the beginning can be said to have shaken the entire tomb of the emperor, and it is so powerful…


Among the tombstones of the emperor’s tomb, there is no demon saint.

It can be seen that this Manchu quasi-emperor hates the breath of the demon blood.


For the grievances between the quasi-emperor of the Xiao clan and the demon clan, everyone present couldn’t be more clear.

Now I see that the former has come to liquidate the emperor of the demon clan again!

All the people present wisely chose to keep their mouths shut, and the right to ignore them.


The life and death of the Demon Race has nothing to do with them.

“Xiao Clan Quasi-Emperor!”

Mo Wuya’s gaze stared at the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan, horror and fear flickered in his eyes.

Although he has the bloodline of the gods, he is no less than Gu Zhener’s god son of the demon clan, but he knows better that the man in front of him…

It was the highest level that once stood in the sky!

Looking at the entire sky, there are only a few people who can match the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan.

“The Son of God…

Mo Tan was also a little frightened at this moment, looking at the Manchu Quasi-Emperor who appeared suddenly.

“what should we do?”

Although he didn’t know this Manchu quasi-emperor, he knew exactly how deep their grievances between the demons and the Xiao were.

I am afraid it will be unpleasant to fall into the hands of the other party today.

So much!

He was already faintly felt a threat of death.

“What is it?

“Although the strength of the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan is terrifying, it will definitely be restrained by the tomb of the emperor. Otherwise, how did the emperors of the demon clan of my clan come back?”

Mo Wuya took a deep breath!

I tried my best to suppress the fear in my heart, and said in a low voice.

If “the tomb of the emperor is in such danger, it is impossible for the clan to let us enter the tomb of the emperor!”

“The son of God is right!

Mo Tan was taken aback when he heard the words, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

“It is absolutely impossible for the clan to let me wait to fall into this dangerous situation, not to mention that the son of God is still the most perfect bloodline of my clan for nearly a thousand years.

have to say!

As the demon clan cultivated with all his strength, the bloodline of the gods with endless resources piled up.

Mo Wuya is much deeper than Mo Wu, both in mind and means, and has a deep understanding and judgment about the rules of the Emperor’s Tomb.

And Moshan is at this moment!

After hearing Mo Wuya’s words, his courage was unconsciously and much stronger.

In his opinion, the strength of the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan is indeed terrifying…

But obviously also need to abide by the rules of the Emperor’s Tomb.


“The strength of the demons in this world is good, and there are people with eyesight like you.”

Listening to Mo Wuya’s judgment!

The quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan shook his head and smiled, and immediately couldn’t help but look highly at him.

But then!

In the next instant, a terrifying air force swept out in an instant:

However, “You obviously look at yourself too highly, and the strength of a mere half-sage is also worthy of me to abide by the rules of the emperor’s tomb?


The voice fell off.

The quasi-emperor of the Xiao clan didn’t do anything, just relying on a breath of energy, he instantly moved towards Mo Wuya and Mo kinky and squeezed away.

no doubt!

The quasi-emperor-level aura is too terrifying, even if it is just a thought, it can be murderous.

In an instant!

Demon’s figure burst apart and turned into a blood mist.

The blood mist blooms all over the sky!

Incomparably coquettish, like a weird and terrifying firework…

The devil drowned!


It seems to be still at this moment.

All the emperors of all races looked at this scene in amazement, and their hearts were cold!

To know!

This is just a breath of energy for the Manchu Zhundi, he hasn’t even taken it personally.

A semi-holy emperor

He couldn’t resist even a wisp of air, so it turned into blood mist and exploded.

And compared to Mo Yan!

Mo Wuya had already broken through the saint’s cultivation for the first time, and no longer concealed it.

Withdrawing back, without even looking at the demon.

At the final speed, avoid that murderous intent.

“This guy…

“The hiding is too deep, and without a sound, he has broken through the realm of the saint.

Among the emperors of all races, many people narrowed their eyes.


The reason why Mo Wuya was able to escape that murderous intent at this moment was precisely because he possessed the strength of the Saint Realm.

“What a cruel heart! My companions say that to give up is to give up!”

They are not hard to see!

If Mo Wuya retreated with the Demon Beach in the first place, it is very likely that the latter might not die.

However, he is as if he hasn’t heard of it, and he doesn’t care about it!

This can be seen!

These guys from the demon race are really ruthless.


In addition to disdain for Demon Wuya’s behavior, they are unavoidably shocked by their strength.

Originally thought that Gu Yi’er could become the first to break through the existence of the saint after Su Lie, but now it seems that they underestimated Mo Wuya after all.

Have to admit!

With the blood of gods, Mo Wuya’s aptitude and disposition are not inferior to Gu Zhen’er.


His character perfectly inherited the style of the demon clan.

Don’t reveal your strength easily!


Obviously, the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan did not expect that Mo Wuya had hidden his cultivation base.

And even he kept it away.

“It turned out to be Huangyan Wuxie, covering up your cultivation base for you!”

The quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan looked at the black flame on Mo Wuya, and said softly, “It seems that he was allowed to escape back then?”

Nothingness and flames!

For this supreme Taoist fire, the second highest ranking fire, the Manchu Zhun emperor naturally also fought against it back then.

And from his words, it is not difficult to hear–

The second fire that year was almost killed by the Manchu quasi-emperor.

The voice falls!

A stern, cold killing intent, boundlessly emerged from the void.

That kind of aura is even more terrifying than the killer opportunity just now;


Mo Wuya felt the terrifying murderous intent, and quickly said: “Xiao Clan Zhundi, let’s stop first, I will use one thing for my life…

“It’s your Manchu thing!

Obviously, under the murderous intent, Rao Yi’s city without cliffs could not keep calm.

In the words, there was a little impetuous and flustered faintly.


And as Mo Wuya’s words fell, the murderous intent between heaven and earth seemed to cease in an instant.

“Tell me.”

At this moment, the Manchu quasi-emperor also calmed down his murderous intention leisurely, restored calm on the surface, and said lightly.

“Among your Xiao Clan’s discarded bloodlines, there has been a younger generation genius who does not rely on bloodlines!”


Mo Wuya pointed to Su Lie and said, “However, this is the person. He was born into your Xiao Clan’s genius junior, so he attracted Gu Zhen’er to avenge him.”


Mo Wuyahua hasn’t finished talking yet!

“court death!”

A golden light appeared abruptly, from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, extremely sharp;

Contains terrorist killing intent, peerless and sharp!

It is Su Lie!

As soon as Mo Wuya spoke, Su Lie realized that this servant was borrowing a knife to kill someone.

Immediately he did not give him a chance to continue.

One is inserted!


Mo Wuya was also prepared long ago, almost instantly, just withdrawing and hiding.


But even so!

He was already pierced through the back by Su Lie’s imperial spear (Nuo Zhao’s), and when he sprayed out a bit of blood, with this force, he ran away in no time.

In the end, it flew directly to the outermost periphery of the tomb of the emperor…

have to say!

Although Su Lie’s spear was not fatal, it was more severely damaged than before, when he was locked down by the quasi-emperor of the Xiao Clan.

He knows that if he doesn’t escape at this moment…

Even if the Zhun Emperor of the Xiao Clan didn’t kill him, Su Lie would never let him go.


Regardless of the chances of the imperial tomb, it retreated to the outermost periphery of the imperial tomb in an instant.

The Manchu quasi-emperor glanced at Mo Wuya!

However, he didn’t make any further interceptions, the saint who had just broken through, in his eyes, was not much stronger than a strand…

Not in a hurry at this time.

The opposite of!

Compared to Mo Wuya, he cares more about whether Su Lie will kill him Xiao Clan genius junior:

“What’s your explanation?

At this moment!

The emperors of the various races present all turned their eyes to Su Lie, lungs.

Some are surprised, some are gloating, and some are worried.

Everyone knows!

Su Lie killed Xiao Fan and slaughtered Gu Zhen’er, this kind of thing will definitely not end like this;

It’s just that people such as the emperor of the Thunder clan and the emperor of the Dan clan didn’t expect–

Su Lie’s retribution came so fast!

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