Chapter 120: Invincible!!! Push everything horizontally! Five great arrogances, join hands!

Outside the trial space!

At this moment, the countless sights of the Huo Clan were all unconsciously converging in the flame light mirror.

The picture inside!

It shows that Su Lie just ended the battle.

For this scene, everyone’s eyes are filled with incredible awe.

No one expected–

The Tianjiao of their Huo Clan’s eighth rank bloodline is still so crisp and neat, and it ends.


The bloodline of the eighth rank, its own strength, is already the realm of the eighth rank of the venerable, after activating the bloodline of the emperor, it is close to the peak of the nineth rank.

In addition, due to the high bloodline rank, his own aptitude is also extremely high.

It can be regarded as a true saint potential!

Not surprisingly, in the future, he will be the seat of the saint of the fire race.

Such strength!

From the stone flame mark on his hand, he plundered nine of the same clan Tianjiao, and it can be seen

His power and aptitude, even among all the arrogances of the Huo Clan!

They are definitely among the top five.


Even so, when he met Su Lie.

But it is still completely crushed…

“Five Five Three” can be seen from this!

Su Lie’s true cultivation base is terrifying.

“It is worthy of being a person who can defeat the ancestor of the saint of the dragon and bear clan in the realm of the venerable. The strength of this kid is simply terrifying…

It seems that “If you want to suppress this treatment, you can only dispatch the two emperors of our clan!

“Under the prestigious name, there are no empty people, why do I always feel that even the emperor and the emperor may not be able to stop the general trend of that guy?”

“After all, until this moment, I haven’t seen him really make a move, just swept all opponents with a ninth fire!”

For a while!

Among the members of the Huo tribe, many murmurs sounded.

At this moment, they looked at Su Lie’s gaze, no longer the previous contempt, but a little more awe.

after all!

Wherever the strong are, they are worthy of awe.

Especially when Su Lie walked along the way, the posture shown was pushing all the way and sweeping all the way.

Under such absolute strength!

Even if they were from the fire clan, they couldn’t fault it.

Above the Void!

The patriarch of the Huo clan and a group of elders had a weird look.

Among them, the few elders are headed!

Just before, they had pinned their hopes on the 8-Rank bloodline, but now, they were ruthlessly strangled by Su Lie.

For a while, they only felt some pain in their faces!

On the other hand, Huozhi!

Since he already knew Su Lie’s details, he looked thoughtful at the moment:

“Three thousand starry sky dragon flames, with the blood of the dragon clan, I have to admit that this fire is really the most suitable for the existence of that kid.

That’s it!

Huo Chi couldn’t help but turn his gaze to Huo Cang: “How do you think Wu’er’s chances are for the great elder Tai Shang?”

The implication–

It was also secretly comparing Su Lie’s Three Thousand Starry Sky Dragon Flame with the Red Lotus Karma Fire.

As the top powerhouse who really plays with fire!

Naturally, the flames are not superficial and only use the rankings on the Daohuo rankings to judge their ranks.

after all!

He himself is the best example, relying on the seventh fire and the fusion of the seventeenth fire, he dared to compete with the fourth fire.

To a certain extent, Dao Huo is strong, but it also depends on the owner of the fire.

The more you fit with it, the more powerful you can play.


With the ninth fire, Su Lie can be said to have played several fame records

In contrast, although Huo Wu’er has the eighth-ranked Dao Huo, it only took a few days to pass on from Huo Cang to refining.

No wonder Huo Chi doesn’t have much confidence.

To this!

Huo Cang shook his head slightly, and didn’t deny anything. He smiled and said, “The patriarch, don’t underestimate Huo!”

“Her fit with Red Lotus Karma is no weaker than Su Lie!”

Fire race, trial space!

the third floor.

Su Lie was able to meet Huo Clan Tianjiao at this moment, and it was already less and less.

after all!

While he was pushing and sweeping, among the Huo Clan Tianjiao, naturally there was also a more powerful Tianjiao who was also making crazy shots.

Not surprisingly!

The trial space on the first and second floors, which should basically be swept out, has all been swept out.

Now that there are fewer and fewer Huo Clan Tianjiao on the third level, it is normal.

Looking for a long time!

Su Lie narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself:

“It seems that after these two levels, more than half of the fire clan Tianjiao eliminated?”

“Hehe, it’s quite fast…

It’s obviously the first time that Su Lie has seen you like this trial method!

The trial space rises layer by layer!

Even if you want a safe place, the stone flame mark in the hands of refining is difficult.

This situation!

No matter who it is, you have to fight…

Until the last, all those who participated in the trial, on the top floor, met each other.


No longer thinking about it, after Su Lie completely pushed the third floor horizontally, he went straight to the fourth floor.

Next thing!

I saw the trial space distorted, and the surrounding space was constantly changing.

The fourth floor is here!

However, unexpectedly, I don’t know whether this fourth floor is due to the approaching top floor.

As soon as Su Lie stepped on this floor, he sensed a faint sound of collision.


The sound of the collision is still becoming more messy and more violent because of the fight.

As expected, Su Lie’s eyes swept away!

Surprisingly, a group of figures were in chaos. Yes, they were fighting.

after all!

Those who can come to this level are all indispensable in strength.

With his character, it is naturally impossible to let the opponent easily go to the last layer above the fourth city.

Therefore, it’s normal to fight hard and start a melee.


There are as many as five people in the Huo Clan Tianjiao who is fighting.

In this kind of melee!

No matter what purpose it was before, but at this moment, even if they don’t want to attack each other, they are involuntarily…

No one dared to take a step back–

Because of your concessions, it is very likely that you will create opportunities for others to take advantage of.

Under such a trial struggle!

They didn’t dare to relax at all. Even after fighting for so long, they couldn’t get a result, and they didn’t dare to take a step back.

It can be said!

In this terrible melee.

It doesn’t matter who is stronger or weaker, no matter who it is, it is impossible to have a slight advantage in this melee.

But such a situation, with the emergence of Su Lie…


at this time!

The five great arrogances of the Huo Clan also found Su Lie’s figure at this time.

All of them are impressive in their hearts:

“It’s him?!”

“I’ve heard of this person, the king of the scorpion dragon clan, he caused the bloody winds of the previous few layers!

“It is said that the fire mad guy was kicked out by him!”

The eighth rank bloodline is out!

Obviously, it was a big shock to them.


The five of them are also the existence of the blood of the eighth rank great emperor.

Since Su Lie can suppress the madness and kick it out, then, to a certain extent, it can suppress them.

For a moment!

The faces of the five great fire race Tianjiao all had frowns.

Almost instantly, the five of them stopped their hands very tacitly, and even approached subconsciously…

Form a common trend to face Su Lie.

There is no doubt that!

The appearance of Su Lie at this moment brought them great pressure!


When they are close to each other, they can vaguely feel each other’s stone flames.

At this moment, Su Lie’s stone flame and Dao Huo showed the posture of Su Lie. There were as many as four strands of Dao Huo. The 0.5 flame of the dark red fire was like a blood stain.

“This guy, the stone flames and Dao fire on his body have actually formed as many as four strands?”

Immediately, they looked at each other one by one, and quickly reached a consensus: “I will wait for the fight between them, and we will fight later!”

“Join hands first!”

There is no doubt that!

The pressure that Su Lie gave them invisibly at this moment was also a great shock!

And just when the five great fire race Tianjiao confronted Su Lie.

Outside that trial space!

Countless people in the fire race also noticed the situation in Su Lie.

“It turned out to be the Fire Demon, Huo Yi, and Huo Qingming those eighth rank tianjiao bloodlines. The five of them met with the Scorpion Dragon clan. There is a good show here.

“The five great arrogances themselves are the strength of the ninth rank of the venerable, plus the eighth rank bloodline as a powerful combat power!”

“Five people work together, and I don’t know if Su Lie can continue to be strong?”

“Will this be a bit invincible?”

“It’s a shit if you can’t win, if you can’t do it, why don’t you talk about not being armed?”

I don’t “know which party will be able to laugh last..”

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