Gao Juezhen continued, "Prime Minister, there is no need to be so angry. After all, it is understandable that you lose control of your emotions when the matter of feeding a monster is exposed. Hehe..."

"Feeding a monster?" Chen Yuan sneered and stepped forward, "Who said I fed a monster?"

Gao Juezhen said, "Youruo is here, do you still want to deny it? Gentlemen in the court, you should have felt the demonic aura of this woman, right?"

The civil and military officials hesitated.

"Felt the demonic aura?" Chen Yuan glanced at everyone, "Who felt the demonic aura? Why didn't I feel the so-called demonic aura?"

"Lord Wang, did you feel it?"

Lord Wang shook his head hurriedly.

"Lord Wei, did you feel it?"

"No, no!" Lord Wei was horrified and quickly answered.

Qianrou also asked anxiously.

"Father, what is going on?"

"Your Majesty, please help me. Lord Gao falsely accused me of raising a demon. Now he has arrested my subordinate and said she is a demon. Is there any law or justice?!"

Qianrou looked at Youruo in the audience. How could she feel the demonic aura when she was only five years old?

But at this time, Chen Yuan made an impassioned speech.

"Your Majesty, Youruo is my capable subordinate. She is a human, not a demon!"

Instantly, all the civil and military officials were horrified.

They all felt the demonic aura of Youruo!

But now, Chen Yuan said in public that Youruo is a human, not a demon.

"You are talking nonsense! She is obviously a demon!"

Chen Yuan immediately shouted: "Demon? Who said she is a demon?"

Immediately, his gloomy eyes swept over the ministers.

"Gentlemen in the court, who among you thinks she is a demon?"

No one answered. "Sir Wang, do you think Youruo is a human or a demon?"

Sir Wang responded hurriedly.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, this girl is obviously a human, how could she be a demon?"

"Sir Li, you have some cultivation, so do you think it is a human or a demon?"

Sir Li swallowed his saliva and had no time to wipe the tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, Your Majesty, I have neglected cultivation, and now it is quite difficult to detect. Whether it is a human or a demon is up for discussion, up for discussion..."

"Your Majesty!" At this time, Shen Party officials expressed their opinions one after another, "Your Majesty, this is a human!"

"Yes, in my humble opinion, this is indeed a human, not a demon!"

"It is a human, no doubt!"

At this moment, Gao Juezhen suddenly realized the terrible power of Chen Yuan. Perhaps, he should not have thought of confronting Chen Yuan from the beginning.

Even if he knew the secret of Chen Yuan's feeding demons.

Until now, Gao Juezhen finally understood what Chen Yuan's meaningful smile meant, and why he was so calm even though the secret of feeding monsters was leaked.

He understood now, but it was too late.

Youruo also looked unbelievable. Is this the power of the master? Black can be said to be white, and a monster can be said to be a human?

After all, she is the one who knows best whether she is a human or a monster.

"Your Majesty, Your Ruo has been with me for twelve years. She is a human! Not a monster!" Immediately, Chen Yuan turned to the officials again, "My lords, tell your majesty, is my Your Ruo a human or a monster?"

Chen Yuan emphasized the word "my".

Finally, unable to bear the suffocating pressure, another official answered tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, according to my observation, this is a human, not a monster."

"It's a human, it's a human!"

At this time, Empress Qianrou also had a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Lord Gao, I'm telling you you're mistaken, right? How could my father-in-law raise a monster?"

"Your Majesty! This is a monster! Not a human!"

Chen Yuan sneered.

"If that's the case, those who think Youruo is a human should stand behind me."

"Those who think she is a demon should stand on the side of Lord Gao."

"Please tell Lord Gao whether Youruo is a human or a demon, so that I can be fair..."

For a moment, all the civil and military officials hurriedly came behind Chen Yuan, fearing that they would be dissatisfied if they were slow.

No one dared to stand next to Gao Juezhen!

"What are you doing? She is obviously a demon... You have cultivation, you can also detect it, right?"

"Your Majesty!" Chen Yuan continued, "It seems that Lord Gao is old and his eyes are blurry!"

"He is so confused that he can't even tell whether it is a human or a demon..."

Chen Yuan continued to pursue the victory.

"But Lord Gao is still so persistent. Well, the matter is of great importance. In Northern Qi, the act of feeding monsters will never be tolerated. Your Majesty can summon the Mirror Supervisor of the Monster Suppression Division to check and see whether Youruo is a human or a monster."

"That's fine." Empress Qianrou nodded, "Lord Gao, the Mirror Supervisor of the Monster Suppression Division, you can't be confused between humans and monsters, right?"

"Summon the Mirror Supervisor of the 24 Mirror Departments of the Monster Suppression Division, Qiu Bai!"

"Your humble servant Qiu Bai, kowtows to Your Majesty!"

"Lord Qiu, the woman below, Youruo, I don't know if she is a human or a monster. All the officials in the court say she is a human, but Lord Gao says she is a monster. Tell me, is she a human or a monster?"

Qiu Bai glanced at Youruo indifferently, and then used his spiritual power to investigate.

Chen Yuan's expression did not change, but Gao Juezhen's heart was in his throat.

"Your Majesty, I have completed my investigation. Miss Youruo is a human, not a demon!"

"No! Qiu Bai! You lied!"

"You are deceiving the emperor! You are guilty of deceiving the emperor!"

"How dare you!" Qiu Bai looked at him coldly, "How can the name of the Demon Suppression Department be tarnished? Your Majesty, Mr. Gao falsely accused the prime minister and insulted the reputation of our Demon Suppression Department at will. You have a clear distinction between public and private, and you should punish him severely!"

Qian Rou scratched her hair and looked at Chen Yuan.

"Prime Minister, according to the laws of Northern Qi, how should I punish Mr. Gao in this case?"

Chen Yuan spoke calmly, without a trace of emotion in his voice.

"Throw him into the death row."

"Oh, in that case, come here! Do as the prime minister says! Pass my oral order to throw Mr. Gao, who falsely accused the prime minister, into the death row!"

"Come here! Take him away!"

Until he was dragged away by the guards, Gao Juezhen was still screaming.

"Your Majesty! She is a demon! A demon!"

"Your Majesty! I am innocent, I am innocent!"

Until she completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, Chen Yuan turned around, saluted respectfully, and praised the empress loudly.

"Your Majesty is very observant and can solve cases like a god! I admire you!"

"You are very observant and can solve cases like a god!"

Other officials quickly responded.

Seeing that all the civil and military officials in the court began to brag about themselves, Empress Qianrou couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"That's right, I am wise and brave, and I am meticulous. How could I be deceived by a traitor? However, what happened today really wronged my father. I didn't expect that Mr. Gao was so confused that he couldn't even tell whether he was a human or a demon."

"It's my fault that I allowed such a person to enter the court."

Chen Yuan saluted.

"Your Majesty has a unique vision and foresight. He will not be deceived by evil people. In my opinion, the extraordinary demeanor displayed by Your Majesty has surpassed the late Emperor Yaochi."

"Really? Does the Prime Minister really think that I have surpassed my sister?"

"Of course, how dare I speak nonsense in front of Your Majesty."

Qianrou's happy expression could not be concealed at all.

"Okay, okay, let's stop the court meeting today. I am a little tired. I will leave Mr. Gao's case to you, Prime Minister."

Chen Yuan bowed, revealing his gloomy and cold eyes.

"I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's expectations."

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