Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 99: Refining And Killing Divine Transformation Third Stage! I'm Going To Call You City

Blood rained down on the martial arts arena throughout the City Lord's Mansion.

This scene shocked everyone.

Patriarch of the Bai family, one of the three giants in the ancient city of ice and snow, a veteran Divine Transformation cultivator.

Was directly punched into a rain of blood!?


The Nascent Soul-cultivators in the field were all terrified.

In the ancient city of ice and snow, and even in the entire Northern Lingyu, the Divine Transformation cultivator should be at its peak!

You can overlook the Nascent Soul Gold Core, all living beings.

But now, it is so fragile!

Many of them are old monsters who have lived for a thousand years.

He thinks he has seen the ups and downs in Beilingyu.

However, such a scene is also the first time I have seen it in my life.

Behind Yang Chen.

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes were also full of shock.

She already felt that Yang Chen was stronger than her.

But I didn't expect that the strength of this bastard was so abnormal.

Even if he is a body cultivator.

However, that old bastard Bai Zhou has already broken through to the Divine Transformation Second Stage.

In front of him, it was so vulnerable.

If this punch hit her, it would probably end in the same way.

No wonder the little bastard couldn't break free when he hugged her, so he could only let him do whatever he wanted.

Thinking of the scene of being forcibly hugged by Yang Chen before, her face shrank slightly.

If it weren't for the sudden birth of Bingfeng Seal.

The little bastard didn't know what he was going to do.

"Damn junior!"

"You turned out to be a body cultivator!"

"Destroy my body, I must kill you alive!"

A voice of grief and indignation resounded through the City Lord's Mansion.

Then, a blue phantom appeared in front of everyone.

Divine Transformation cultivator, has condensed Yuanshen.

Even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the primordial spirit exists, it can still survive.

However, Bai Zhou's primordial spirit phantom, although no different from his own, was quite dim.

This is also the reason why his strength is only Divine Transformation Second Stage.

After the Divine Transformation cultivator condenses the primordial spirit, it is just a nearly transparent phantom.

With the promotion of Realm, Yuanshen will gradually deepen.

Even the Void Refining cultivator can hardly achieve such a phantom of the soul like a real person like Yan Hou.

Bai Zhou's voice was full of resentment.

Although the Divine Transformation cultivator can survive without a physical body.

But the physical body is still the foundation of cultivation.

Without a physical body, it will be difficult to enter the Cultivation Base in the future.

He was extremely remorseful at this time.

Turn around and leave.

But, how could Yang Chen give him this chance.

A magic mountain fell from the sky.

Tall and majestic.

The momentum is raging.

It seems to suppress the world.

Suppressing directly towards Bai Zhou's Yuanshen phantom.

"Junior, how dare you!?"

The power of Bai Zhou Yuanshen's soul is released.

Form a beam of light, straight into the sky.

However, it couldn't stop the suppressed abandoned mountain at all.


The earth trembled.

Bai Zhou's primordial spirit phantom was directly suppressed under the magic mountain.

The cyan flame surged, instantly turning the Magic Mountain into a flaming volcano.


"It's a strange fire!"

"Damn bastard!"

"Brother Lan, save me!"

"Help me!"


A shrill voice came from it.

The dignified Divine Transformation cultivator.

The existence standing at the top of the Beilingyu Pyramid.

At this time, there was such a hoarse and shrill sound.

This scene made everyone in the field tremble.

At this time.

A Blue palm print Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun and covered the sky, directly photographing it, intending to destroy the Magic Mountain.


The palm prints were slapped heavily on the Magic Mountain.

Although the magic mountain trembled for a while, it was still majestic and standing steadily.

"What a powerful suppression Supernatural Power!"

A hoarse voice sounded.

Yang Chen looked into the sky.

An old figure stared at him.

The face is dry and skinny, like the folds of an old tree.

But his body exuded an aura that was much stronger than Bai Zhou's.

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lan Qingshan's strength has reached the peak of the Divine Transformation Third Stage, approaching the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

Much stronger than Feng Yuwan and Bai Zhou.

Northern Lingyu Divine Transformation cultivator is rare.

The cultivator of the Divine Transformation middle stage has rarely been born.

Divine Transformation Third Stage can indeed dominate one side.

But today.

Divine Transformation Third Stage, can't make any waves.

"Son of Xuantian, do me a favor and let Patriarch Bai go!"

"Today's matter, Xingkuan is the interior of my ice and snow ancient city!"

"You Xuantian Sect hastily intervened, isn't it outrageous!"

Lan Qingshan said slowly.

"Patriarch Lan, I'm afraid you don't have such a big face!"

Yang Chen's tone was light.

"You, hmph, rampant junior!"

"In that case, then I can only deal with you first!"

Lan Qingshan snorted coldly, and slapped Yang Chen directly.

He is only one step away from the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

Because of talent, I can't breakthrough for a long time.

As long as you become a city lord and enter the Ice Phoenix secret realm, you can step into the Fourth Stage of Divine Transformation, and even the Fifth Stage.

from now on.

No one in Beilingyu can restrain him anymore.

Not even Xuantian Sect.

With this palm, he used all his strength.

To kill Yang Chen, the son of Xuantian.


A phantom of a troll holding a stone ax appeared behind Yang Chen.

Chop down with an axe.

Devilish Qi is surging.

It's like opening up the world.


The True Qi handprint he struck with all his strength was directly shattered by the giant axe.


"How can this be?"

Lan Qingshan was startled.

Yang Chen is a body cultivator.

Taking advantage of Bai Zhou's careless opportunity, he smashed his body into pieces.

This also makes sense.


Only Nascent Soul Tenth Stage's Cultivation Base, but the combat power is not weaker than him?

He is the pinnacle of Divine Transformation Third Stage!


Is this kid a monster?

Throughout the ages, if Nascent Soul Tenth Stage can defeat the cultivator of Divine Transformation First Stage, it will be famous forever.

But this kid.

But not weaker than him!

"Patriarch Lan, is this the only strength you have?"

"If so, stay today!"

The golden light surged from Yang Chen's body, straight to the sky.

The Gold dragon shadow hovered over the City Lord's Mansion.

The mighty Longwei swept across the entire ice and snow ancient city.

"True dragon, the body of a round dragon!?"

"Are you the body of a real dragon?"

Lan Qingshan's eyes were horrified.

Although he reached the Cultivation Base of Divine Transformation Third Stage.

However, in the face of this vast dragon power, the ice phoenix Bloodline in his body trembled, wanting to kneel down.

"Damn it junior!"

"No wonder there is such a perverted combat power!"

Lan Qingshan cursed in a low voice, turned around and wanted to leave.

Bloodline was suppressed, and 10% of his strength was less than 50%.

If there is a fight, he will undoubtedly lose.

But at this time.

A snow-white sword glow cut across the sky.


Lan Qingshan vomited blood and flew out after being cut by the sword light.

His eyes were full of fear.

“Divine Transformation middle stage!?”

But before he could react, Yang Chen appeared in front of him.

The whole body is bathed in golden light, just like a golden armored God of War.

Run the Shenlong Fighting Art learned from the Shenlong's spine.


A Gold dragon claw slapped firmly on Lan Qingshan's head.


Even though Lan Qingshan is the Divine Transformation Third Stage, he has True Qi to resist it.

However, in the face of Yang Chen's full-strength attack of Supernatural Power, which cast the Divine Dragon Fighting Sky Technique.

The head was directly photographed into a cloud of blood mist.

Yuanshen phantom wanted to escape.


Another magic mountain came down.

The Magic Mountain trembled violently, crumbling.

Lan Qingshan's soul power is much stronger than Bai Zhou's.

"Yin Jiu, leave it to you!"

"Speed ​​up!"

Yang Chen sent a voice transmission to Yin Jiu.

As soon as the words fell, a cloud of black mist poured into the magic mountain.

A shrill voice followed.

But only for a moment, there was no movement.

Yuanshen was suppressed, facing Yin Jiu, who is the cultivator of the Soul Cult, Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou didn't have much resistance.

The phantom of the magic mountain dissipated.

All fell silent.

The two Divine Transformation cultivators fell completely.

Feng Yuwan stepped into the void and came to Yang Chen's side.

"Both of them, are they all dead?"

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes were horrified, and there was disbelief in her voice.

Two Divine Transformation cultivators, who suppressed her hundreds of years of rivals, were directly refined and killed like this?

"Of course they're all dead!"

"Feng senior, I killed them, but in order to help you, there is no obstacle for you to become the city lord!"

"Feng senior, you have to repay me well!"

Yang Chen glanced at Feng Yuwan's plump and graceful body, and his tone gradually became playful.

However, hearing these words in Feng Yuwan's ears, it made her tremble slightly.

Although this bastard called himself Junior, his strength far surpassed hers.

…0 for flowers……

Moreover, once he made a move, he was so ruthless.

Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou are immortals who have practiced for more than two thousand years.

Awed Thousand Years in the Snowfall Mountains.

He is a famous figure in Beilingyu.

But in front of him, there is not much resistance.

Can't even escape.

He was directly killed here.

Looking at Yang Chen's warm and playful eyes, Feng Yuwan only felt a chill down her spine.

This bastard is definitely a cruel and heavy-hearted character.

Fortunately, he did not agree to marry Qian Ning.

That girl Qian Ning is too tender.

Marriage with this bastard will only be played by him.

It was her mother.

Practiced for more than a thousand years.

Facing this bastard, he also seemed very powerless.

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes scanned the City Lord's Mansion below.

Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou were beheaded.

Today, she is the only one left in the Ice and Snow Ancient City as a Divine Transformation master.

Although you can become the lord of the ice and snow ancient city.

But since then, the strength of the Ice and Snow Ancient City has also been greatly reduced.

But even so, she didn't regret it.

If Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou are not dead.

Then the two join forces, and it will be her Feng family that will disappear in the future.

Moreover, it was the disappearance of the entire family.

The consequences will only get worse.

Feng Yuwan put away all the emotions in her heart.

Meimou looked at Bingfeng in the sky.

"The phoenix senior should have a way to collect the ice phoenix seal!"

"If you can't do it, I can help you!"

Yang Chen said from the side.

"Need not!"

"This seat has a way to collect it!"

Feng Yuwan couldn't help but glanced at Yang Chen with her beautiful eyes, and said hastily.

Afraid that he will rape

Forced intervention, damaged the ice phoenix seal.

Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou can die.

However, the Ice Phoenix Seal is a sacred object that has been passed down for ten thousand years in the ancient city of ice and snow, so it must not be damaged in the slightest.

Fengyu Wanyu shook her hands downward.

Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou held the patriarch's token, which was collected by her.

Then, the three tokens are combined into one.


The ice phoenix in the sky began to shrink rapidly.

In the end, it turned into an ice blue seal.

A Phoenix in flight is engraved on it, lifelike.

"Meet the city lord!"

Seeing Feng Yuwan putting away the Bingfeng Seal.

All the Elders of the Feng family looked excited.

Qi Qi bowed and saluted.

Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou died.

From then on, the ancient city of ice and snow was under the control of her Feng family.

"You two, still haven't met the city lord!?"

"Is it possible that you still feel dissatisfied?"

The Elder of the Feng family drank heavily to the crowd of the Lanbai family.

Suppressed by the blue and white two for a thousand years.

Everyone in the Feng family was holding their breath for a long time.

Although the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Lanbai family is several times more than that of the Feng family.

But at this time, he didn't dare to resist.

Because, the two Divine Transformation cultivators were easily beheaded right in front of their eyes.

Not to mention their group of Nascent Souls.

That Son of Xuantian is really terrifying.

The head of the house is dead.

Now they can only do their best to keep the family alive.

"The Lan family pays respects to the city lord, from now on only the city lord's orders will be obeyed!"

"The Bai family pays homage to the city lord, and is willing to serve the city lord from now on!"

On the martial arts arena, the blue and white cultivators all knelt on one knee and saluted.

"Congratulations Feng senior!"

"From now on, I will call you City Lord Feng!"

Yang Chen cupped hands said.

His eyes scanned Feng Yuwan's graceful and graceful body.

The corners of the mouth gradually curled up.

Feng Yuwan holds the Ice Phoenix Seal, surrounded by Phoenix.

Wearing a water Blue palace dress tunic dances with the wind.

The cyan hair is tied into a bun, and the snow-white neck is slightly raised.

There is a sense of coolness and nobility in the mature and rich rhyme.

It does have the aura of a city lord.

Moreover, marrying Feng City Lord is indeed more fulfilling than marrying Feng Patriarch.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation!

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ps: Kowtow and apology to all the readers!

In the past three days, because May Day is approaching, my cousin is going to get married soon, so the author is helping my cousin at his house these days, preparing for the wedding!

Alas, seeing my cousins ​​who are four years younger than me are all married, and I am still alone, I feel really uncomfortable!

Dear readers, don’t worry, the matter has been dealt with almost, and the normal update will resume from today!.

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