Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 96: Do You Feel Lonely After Practicing Thousand Years? Same Hobby As Father-In-Law! (Seekin


Hearing the voice of the system in his mind, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth could not help but curl up.

Just by hugging Feng Yuwan, you plundered three thousand luck points?

It seems that Yu'er is really sad.

Yuer, Yuer.

You are wrong.

This is your mother-in-law.

How can you be so possessive?

At this time, Long Tianyu had a look of grief and indignation.

I just feel endless anger in my chest.

His eyes fixed on Yang Chen.

This damn bastard flirted with Qian Ning first.

He also killed Mr. Zhang who had been guarding his own.

He also forced himself to kneel in public.

Now, he still hugs his own mother-in-law.


Mother-in-law, she must have been forced!

Long Tianyu could only see Feng Yuwan's plump back, but couldn't see her facial expression clearly.

But he just believed that Feng Yuwan must have been persecuted.

Because, his mother-in-law has always been aloof, cold and aloof, and has always been honest with men.

He has been the son-in-law of Feng's family for more than ten years, but he has never seen any man who had physical contact with his mother-in-law.

"My lord mother-in-law!"

Long Tianyu shouted directly.


Being held in Yang Chen's arms, she had already given up struggling, quietly feeling Feng Yuwan in Yang Chen's embrace, her beautiful eyes suddenly opened.


Feng Yuwan let out a soft cry.

Then hurriedly pushed Yang Chen away.


"Sure enough, I was forced!"

Long Tianyu thought to himself that he was witty.

The shout just now was really just right.

Relieved the mother-in-law.

Maybe the mother-in-law will treat her son-in-law well in the future.

Long Tianyu thought happily in his heart, and then walked into the Great Hall.

At this time, Feng Yuwan's face was blushing, and she felt shy and flustered.

Just now, she was forcibly held in Yang Chen's arms.

She was struggling.

But then, for some unknown reason, I gradually gave up.

Moreover, I closed my eyes and felt it.

"Damn it!"

Feng Yuwan was ashamed and annoyed.

What's wrong with me being 25?

This bastard was obviously hugging himself forcibly.

But myself, why do I get immersed in it?

Is it really as he said, practicing alone for Thousand Years, lonely?


Absolutely impossible!

This cathedral is a dignified Divine Transformation Power, practiced for thousands of years, Dao heart is so resolute!

How could you be seduced by the hug of a junior!

The reason why I compromised just now was entirely for the sake of the family!

It's Yang Chen, a bastard who can bring huge benefits to the Feng family, and our delegation agrees to marry him!

Finally, let it be hugged!

Feng Yuwan forced herself to convince herself.

Turning around, he looked at the dragon Tianya who shouldn't be here.

Yurong, who was originally full of shyness, suddenly became cold.

"Long Tianyu, this is the palace, who let you in?"

"Get out!"

Feng Yuwan said coldly.

The beautiful eyes are full of superior boredom.

This expression is actually the same as usual.

After all, as the mother-in-law of the son-in-law, how could she have a good face towards the son-in-law!

If it was before Yang Chen came, Feng Yuwan would show this expression to Long Tianyu.

Long Tianyu will be very excited.

After all, he just likes the way his mother-in-law treats him aloofly and coldly.

but now.

Thinking of the mother-in-law who was usually unattainable just now being hugged by that bastard Yang Chen.

But when facing himself, it turned into this high and cold face.

There was no trace of excitement in Long Tianyu's heart.

Yes, just unwilling to be humiliated.

Damn it!

Long Tianyu's face twisted.

Curse secretly in my heart:

"Bitch, if daddy didn't show up suddenly, that damn bastard Yang Chen would have let you go?"

"Being cold to daddy all day long, but being hugged by that bastard Yang Chen, I dare not resist!"

"Long Tianyu, why don't you get out quickly?"

Feng Yuwan shouted coldly again.

She gets angry when she sees Long Tianyu now.

I feel that the reason why Yang Chen gave up on Qian Ning is because of the existence of this damn son-in-law.

The majestic leader of her clan, the Divine Transformation cultivator, was forced to agree to the marriage.

If it weren't for the influence of scruples, Feng Yuwan really wanted to slap this unsightly son-in-law to death.

Although being scolded by Feng Yuwan pointing his nose, Long Tianyu will not leave now.

If he leaves.

What should that bastard Yang Chen do if he continues to use his hands and feet?

That was his dream, how could he allow others to touch it?

"Long Tianyu, are you deaf!?"

Seeing Long Tianyu ignoring himself, turning a blind eye to the own order.

Feng Yuwan was suddenly furious.

If he went straight up, he would have to slap him to wake up his son-in-law.

However, Yang Chen hastily pulled her back.

"Feng senior, what are you doing?"

As he spoke, Yang Chen looked at Long Tianyu, who was blushing, with a warm smile on his face:

"Yu'er, don't pay attention to what your mother-in-law said just now!"

"She is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, but she really cares about you in her heart!"


When Long Tianyu heard these two words, his eyes immediately turned ferocious.

With blue veins popping out of his forehead, he said sharply:

"Yang Chen, what are you calling me on horseback!?"


Yang Chen laughed.

"You are Qian Ning's husband-in-law, why, of course I will call you Yu'er!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Feng Yuwan's originally cold cheeks suddenly flushed with blush.

She naturally knew why Yang Chen called Long Tian Yu Yu'er.

You just agreed to marry him, and you started messing around with it?

"Damn it little bastard!"

"You are really thick-skinned!"

Feng Yuwan cursed secretly in her heart.

She didn't dare to let Yang Chen continue talking.

This bastard is so shameless.

Go on, don't know what to say.

So he flicked his sleeves.

A gust of True Qi directly blew Long Tianyu, who refused to leave, scrambling and leaving the palace.


The Great Hall is closed immediately.


Long Tianyu's face was covered with bruises.

But he didn't care about the pain on his face at all, and his heart was full of anger at this moment.

Although it was not the first time that my mother-in-law drove her away in this way.

But, this time, he was surprisingly angry.

Because in the Great Hall, there is that bastard Yang Chen.

"Damn it!"

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch, will you vent your anger on me?"

"One day, I will let you know how powerful I am, Long Tianyu!"

Long Tianyu said fiercely.

But when he thought of the scene where he saw the two hugging each other just now, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

I just feel green on the top of my head.

"No, I can't play around like this anymore, and be a good-for-nothing all day long!"

"The twenty-year period has passed, I should also contact my father!"

"Twenty years ago, there was a civil strife in the Chilong family, and my father was forced to send me out of the family, and asked Mr. Zhang to take me to this remote place called Beilingyu!"

"In twenty years, the Chilong family should have stabilized. With father's ability, he must have controlled the Chilong family!"

"Now that Mr. Zhang is dead, if I go back to Zhongzhou alone, not to mention the danger, I don't know when I will arrive!"

"Let's send a message to my father and ask him to come pick me up!"

"Just right, if father comes, with his strength, he will be able to sweep the Northern Lingyu!"

"When the time comes, I will cut that bastard Yang Chen to pieces, and slaughter the entire Xuantian Sect by the way, to avenge old Zhang, today's shame!"

"At that time, I will let Feng Yuwan, a high-ranking woman, lie down obediently on the bottom!"

Long Tianyu's face gradually became crazy.

Stumbled into the room.

Just in time to see Feng Qianning who had taken off her shawl and snow gown, leaving only her delicate body wrapped in a snow gauze skirt.

Although the figure is not as graceful as Feng Yuwan.

But it is also concave and convex, graceful and unparalleled.

Especially a beautiful cheek, compared with Feng Yuwan, although it is a little less dignified and mature, but a little more cold and pure.

Sitting on the chair, the hem of the skirt moved up, revealing a snow-white and thin calf like jade.

Looking at his beautiful wife in front of him, Long Tianyu couldn't help being stunned, with fiery eyes.

His throat rolled, and he swallowed hard.

At this time.

Feng Qianning noticed his fiery eyes flickering over her body, and immediately frowned.

Standing up hastily, the hem of the skirt fell, covering the bare calf skin.

"Tianyu, what are you looking at?"

"Take care of your eyes!"

Feng Qianning shouted softly.

Long Tianyu came back to his senses immediately.

If it was usual, he would definitely have a hippie smile on his face, thinking it doesn't matter.

After all, Feng Qianning has always treated him like this during the ten years of getting along.

Whenever he can't control his own eyes, Feng Qianning will remind him.

but now.

Long Tianyu clenched his fists tightly.

His eyes were full of resentment.

own wife 5, I can't even watch it myself.

Don't even show yourself a smile for a year or two.

But that bastard Yang Chen can make her face shy and full of laughter.

Damn it!

Qian Ning, you are my wife!

Long Tianyu growled in his heart.

At this time, Feng Qianning put on the snow robe again.

The concave and convex curves were covered by the snow robe again.

"Tianyu, what happened to your face?"

"Why is it green and purple?"

Feng Qianning noticed the abnormality on Long Tianyu's face at this time, and couldn't help asking.

A flash of relief flashed in Long Tianyu's heart.

Fortunately, Qian Ning still cares about me.

I noticed the bruise on my face at a glance.

Long Tianyu didn't answer, but said in a deep voice:

"Qian Ning, stay away from that Yang Chen in the future, he is not a good person!"

"I was in the palace of my mother-in-law just now, and I saw that bastard making a move on my mother-in-law!"

"You, why do you slander His Royal Highness the Son like this!"

"His Royal Highness, a humble gentleman, is he such a person!?"

Feng Yuning frowned slightly, she didn't believe Long Tianyu's words at all.

After all, she is also so beautiful, no less than her mother.

At today's banquet, His Highness Shengzi didn't pay much attention to her and kept a distance.

"Qian Ning, what ecstasy soup did that bastard give you?"

"Why don't you believe me?"

Long Tianyu said with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Feng Qianning said helplessly at this moment:

Tianyu, is it because of what happened at the banquet today that you resent His Highness the Holy Son in your heart?"

"Tianyu, that mysterious person, I don't know what relationship he has with you, but it is reasonable for His Royal Highness Son to kill him for insulting Xuantian Sect like that!"

"Besides, you also insulted Xuantian Sect in 593, His Royal Highness the Holy Son just punished you slightly, it's already for my sake, for our Feng family's face!"

"Slight punishment


Long Tianyu's eyes suddenly darkened.

Let him kneel down in public, acquiesce to that bastard Feng Yunhai rubbing his face back and forth with his feet, and just give him a small punishment?

And, did he and the Elder insult Xuantian Sect?

Beilingyu was originally a remote place.

Compared with Zhongzhou, there is a world of difference.

Although Xuantian Sect is the top power in the Northern Spiritual Domain, there are only seven or eight Divine Transformation cultivators.

In Zhongzhou, it is just average.

There are as many as seventy or eighty members of their Red Dragon Family, Divine Transformation cultivator!

You can sweep the entire Beiling Territory with a single raise of your hand!

"Tianyu, you should forget what happened today!"

"Otherwise, if you have revenge in your heart, you may be killed instead!"

"His Royal Highness the Son of God has a heavenly talent, rare in ancient times, and will surely become a generation of Supreme in the future. You and him are people from two worlds!"

Listening to Feng Qianning's almost adoring evaluation of Yang Chen, Long Tianyu felt furious in his heart, and the veins on his forehead popped out of anger.


"Qian Ning, how long have you known him, it's only a day!"

"Before the Feng family asked you to get close to that bastard Yang Chen, you still had a face of resistance, why is it like this now?"

Tianyu, you!"

Feng Yuning's cheeks blushed when Long Tianyu said the central matter.

Then, there was a burst of embarrassment in my heart.

Cold voice:

"Long Tianyu, I kindly remind you because we have been together for more than ten years and are considered friends!"

"If you don't listen to the advice and end up in trouble, don't blame me for not reminding you!"


Feng Qianning turned around and left.

"Damn it!"

"Qian Ning, I am your husband!"

"Yang Chen, that damn bastard, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into you? You defend him so much?"

"Cao f*ck's Yang Chen, I must kill you!"

【Ding, Feng Qianning defended the host, showing her admiration, Long Tianyu's mood collapsed, and plundered the son of destiny Long Tian's luck value of 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points!】

In the Great Hall.

Hearing the sound of the system, Yang Chen raised his eyebrows.

Another thousand point villain value in hand.


Feng Qianning did not hurt Yu'er as much as Feng Yuwan.

After all, through Feng Yuwan, three thousand points were plundered at once.

It seems that it is exactly as the system said.

Yu'er has the same hobbies as his father-in-law.

Jie Jie.

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