Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 93: Kneel Like A Dog! You Are Not Married Either! (Seeking Subscription)

Looking at the layer of black ash on the ground.

Everyone in the Great Hall looked dumbfounded.

Xuantian Sect is a group of Elders, and there are still some snacks to prepare.

After all, they knew about Yang Chen defeating the Elder of the Blood Knife Sect.

But some Elder disciples of the Feng family.

At this moment, fear was written in each and every one of their eyes.

Whether it's Nascent Soul Tenth Stage or Half step Divine Transformation, in their Feng family, even in the Ice and Snow Ancient City, they are all absolute big shots.

Besides the patriarchs of the three major families, Nascent Soul Tenth Stage is already the top cultivator.

but now.

But it was burned directly into a layer of black ash.

Not even the ability to resist.

This His Royal Highness, who was still smiling warmly just now, was like a modest gentleman.

The means are so terrible.

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes were full of astonishment.

The cultivator in the half step God Transformation Realm world is only one step away from the God Transformation Realm.

Although this step is difficult to cross.

But this Realm's cultivator, even she, cannot be killed so easily.

However, in the hands of the Son of Xuantian, there was no resistance at all.

Zhan Lingshuang, Zhan Lingshuang.

What kind of evildoer are you teaching!

The Realm of Nascent Soul Eighth Stage already has the strength not to lose to the God Transformation Realm!

Is this going to be heaven-defying?

And at this time in the field.

Only Long Tianyu had red eyes.

"Old Zhang!"

Long Tianyu's voice was hoarse, full of grief.

Zhang Lao, the dignified Half step Divine Transformation cultivator who has been in charge of guarding him, was killed like this?

Long Tianyu looked at Yang Chen.

His eyes were full of resentment.


Mr. Zhang risked his life to bring me to Beilingyu.

And guarded me silently for twenty years.

Although he and I are master and servant, we love each other like father and son.

Just like that, he was killed!?

Long Tianyu clenched his fists tightly.

He fixed his gaze on Yang Chen.

I swear in my heart:

Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, when I succeed in cultivation, I will slaughter the entire Xuantian Sect and be buried with you!

[Ding, the host beheaded Long Tianyu’s guardian Zhang Lao, Long Tianyu was hit hard, and plundered the son of destiny Long Tian’s luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points! 1

System sound came.

Yang Chen couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly.

Not bad.

Another 2,000 point villain value has been obtained.


Today's scene can't just end so easily.

I can take advantage of the opportunity to harvest a wave of 460 sons of destiny, but I can't let him go easily.

Yang Chen glanced at Feng Yunhai beside him.

Although there is no expression in the eyes.

However, with this glance, he was testing the sea of ​​clouds.

This guy looks like a villain.

If it's exciting enough, I might as well accept him as a dog's leg.

Feng Yunhai noticed Yang Chen's eyes.

With a sudden change in his heart, he immediately understood, and directly shouted at Long Tianyu in a cold voice:

"Long Tianyu, you insulted Xuantian Sect, your crime is unforgivable!"

"The Patriarch said just now, he knelt down and kowtowed to apologize, he is dead!"

"Aren't you kneeling down and apologizing?"

"Not bad!"

Yang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

This kid is a competent dog leg.

It can be cultivated later.

As soon as Feng Yunhai said this, phenol burst out on Long Tianyu's forehead.

Kill Zhang Lao.

I have to kneel down and apologize!

Too much deception!

Long Tianyu's eyes were ferocious.

He is a direct descendant of the dignified Chilong family.

In the body of the real dragon Bloodline.

In the future, it will surely cross the land of Zhongzhou and become Supreme.

Now, to force him to kneel and kowtow?


"Long Tianyu, what are you waiting for, you trash?"

"It is your honor to kowtow to His Royal Highness Son!"

Feng Yunhai continued to shout.

"You are looking for death!"

Long Tianyu's eyes were ferocious, and he directly activated the Dragon Blood Jade.

A phantom of a red dragon emerged, rushing towards Feng Yunhai.


Although Feng Yunhai is a Gold Core Realm.

But his positioning is a small villain who is responsible for being beaten.

How to block Long Tianyu's attack.

He vomited blood again and retreated directly.


At this time.

Yang Chen snorted coldly.

Body, Gold.


A dragon chant resounded through the air.

Contains infinite coercion.

Both dragon and phoenix are the overlords of the demon clan.

The Yaozu value Bloodline the most.

Yang Chen has a Primordial dragon spine.

The dragon power released is not weaker than a real dragon.

Longwei swept the entire Great Hall.

Strictly speaking, the Feng family members all own Bingfeng Bloodline.

Facing this supreme dragon power, the ice phoenix Bloodline in his body trembled.

All had the urge to kneel down.

However, this Longwei (ccea) did not target them.

Instead, it rushed straight to Long Tianyu.

Twenty years of nourishment from the dragon blood jade, although the red dragon bloodline in his body was condensed into the blood of a real dragon.

But, after all, it just contains some real dragon Bloodline.

It's far from a real dragon.


Long Tianyu couldn't bear this vast dragon's might any longer, his knees went limp, and he knelt down on the ground.

Crush the floor in two pieces.



Long Tianyu roared, his face covered with veins.

The real dragon's blood in his body couldn't bear the dragon power released by this bastard, so he knelt down!

Could this bastard be the body of a real dragon?

As the son of destiny, Long Tianyu has the pride of own.

Do not allow yourself to kneel to anyone.

Want to struggle to get up.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift his knees.

That vast dragon power made his Bloodline tremble!

On top of the body, it seems to be pressing down on a huge mountain!


At this time, a big footprint stepped directly on his face.

Feng Yunhai was beaten up by Long Tianyu, the son-in-law, in front of the whole family just now, vomiting blood and retreating.

He has become angry from embarrassment.

At this moment, I just want to rub Long Tianyu hard.

Enjoy the thrill of revenge.

"Aren't you awesome?"

"Stand up?"

"You kneel down like a dog!"

Feng Yunhai's big footprints stepped on Long Tianyu's head, rubbing back and forth.


Long Tianyu roared hoarsely, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Kneeling under pressure from that bastard Yang Chen is fine.

He was also trampled underfoot by that trash named Feng Yunhai.

Rub back and forth.

The most important thing is that Qian Ning and her mother-in-law are all watching.

The most humiliating scene of him was seen by the two most beloved women.

"I, Cao f*ck, Feng Yunhai, I must kill you!"

Although Long Tianyu has been a son-in-law for more than ten years, he has never suffered such humiliation.

"How dare you speak disrespectfully!"

"Your backers are dead, why kill me?"

"Does my grandfather's shoes smell good?"

Feng Yunhai's face was crazy and extremely arrogant.

It fits the description of the brainless villain in the son-in-law article.

[Ding, the host forced Long Tianyu to kneel, Long Tianyu's mood was severely damaged, and he plundered 2000 points of luck from his son of destiny Long Tianyu, and the host obtained 2000 villain points!]

[Ding, Feng Yunhai stepped on Long Tianyu, rubbed back and forth, Long Tianyu's mood was seriously damaged, and plundered the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 200 points!】


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows immediately.

Not bad.

Directly harvested 4,000 luck points.

This wave is a bumper harvest.

Feng Yunhai's villain's assists are pretty good.

At this time.

Feng Qianning watched Long Tianyu being trampled under her feet, and couldn't bear it.

After all, it was her husband in name.

They have been together for more than ten years, although they have not had any contact, but they are considered common friends.

Feng Qianning looked at her mother.

Seeing that she didn't mean to stop.

She knows, because Heavenly Dao Xuan Tianying

The mysterious Half step Divine Transformation cultivator just now was directly beheaded again.

Now that she is own mother, she dare not say anything more.

Feng Qianning looked at Yang Chen.

After hesitating for a moment, he tentatively said:

"His Royal Highness, Tianyu has been punished for his rude words!"

"Also ask the Holy Son to raise your hands high and let him down this time!"

Yang Chen glanced at Feng Qianning, with a warm smile on his face.

"Brother Yunhai!"

"Long Tianyu is also Miss Qian Ning's nominal husband, let's give Miss Qian Ning some face!"

"Get your feet off his face!"

After Yang Chen finished speaking, Feng Yunhai stopped.

But Long Tianyu still had difficulty getting up.

The coercion from the depths of the Bloodline still pressed him tightly, making him unable to move.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

There was joy in Feng Qianning's beautiful eyes.

Unexpectedly, I just said something tentatively, and His Royal Highness Shengzi let Tianyu go.

"Miss Qian Ning, you are welcome!"

"We had a great conversation just now, I still want to give this face!

Yang Chen laughed.

With a warm smile on his face and a personable demeanor, he is like a peerless son.

It is completely different from the ruthless and ruthless that killed the Nascent Soul Tenth Stage cultivator just now.

A blush suddenly appeared on Feng Qianning's fair cheeks.

A shyness flashed in my heart.

I was a little afraid to look directly into Yang Chen's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yuwan was overjoyed.

It seems that His Royal Highness Son is quite satisfied with his own daughter.

She couldn't help but wink at Feng Qianning.

Sensing the look in her mother's eyes, Feng Yuning immediately understood.

Normally, she would be somewhat conflicted.

But now, he naturally raised a glass of wine and said:

"His Royal Highness, you don't care about Tianyu, Qian Ning respects you a glass of wine, and apologizes to you for him!"


Yang Chen did not refuse.

They raised their glasses and touched each other.

The two drank it down.

Seeing that Shengzi Xuantian didn't have the slightest intention to blame the Feng family.

In the Great Hall, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Several Feng Family Elders dragged Xuantian Sect's Elders to start reminiscing about the old days.

Only Long Tianyu was kneeling on the ground with a big shoe print clearly visible on his face.

It's at odds with the style of Great Hall.

"Damn bastard!"

"I must kill you!"

Long Tianyu growled.

The eyes are ferocious.

I am mad with hatred in my heart.

Originally, today he was going to show Yu Ning his true self.

From the land of Zhongzhou!

Own the real dragon Bloodline!

Is the peerless pride!

but now.

But he was crushed and knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

I just watched my own wife talking happily with the bastard who forced me to kneel down, toasting and drinking together.

Moreover, his wife's face was blushing with embarrassment.

"Yang Chen, I'm going to kill you!"

"You must be shredded into pieces!"

"I ca f*ck!"

Long Tianyu went crazy

[Ding, the host asked Long Tianyu to continue kneeling, and drank and chatted with his wife Feng Yuning in front of him. Long Tianyu's mood was damaged, and he robbed his son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points !】

After the banquet.

Yang Chen and Feng Yuwan went to a palace together.

"Holy Son, Lord Xuantian Sect should have told you about the marriage between our two families!'

Feng Yuwan is dressed in palace attire, with a plump figure, full of charm of a beautiful woman.

The voice is elegant and melodious, very pleasant.


"Master mentioned it to me before coming here!"

Yang Chen nodded.

"What is the Son's impression of the little girl?"

"I don't know if a little girl can enter the Holy Son's eyes?"

Feng Yuwan asked with a smile.

Beautiful eyes are like water, full of autumn waves.

"Miss Qian Ning is very good!"

"It's just that it's done!"

Yang Chen's tone was a little regretful.

Hearing this, Feng Yuwan immediately said:

"Son, don't worry, Tian and Long Tianyu are just a formal marriage!

"Although they have been married for more than ten years, they have always kept a distance!"

"As long as the Holy Son is willing, I can decide to expel this son-in-law, Long Tianyu, from our Feng family!"

Feng Yuwan's voice was a little anxious.

Seeing the strength of this Son of Xuantian today, she was greatly shocked.

Nascent Soul Eighth Stage, however, has strength beyond ordinary Divine Transformation.

This kind of talent is simply unheard of.

Behind him stood a giant like Xuantian Sect and that terrifying woman Zhan Lingshuang.

If there is his support.

Then it can be said that he won the position of city lord by himself.

However, Yang Chen shook his head.

"Feng senior, don't force others to make things difficult for you!"

"Miss Qian Ning and Long Tianyu have been married for more than ten years, so why break them up?"

"My personal purpose has always been to demolish ten temples rather than one marriage!"


Feng Yuwan suddenly frowned slightly, a little confused about what Yang Chen meant.

"Holy Son, if our two families get married, Xuantian Sect's influence will be greatly enhanced in the Luoxue Mountains in the future!"

"Ice and Snow Ancient City is also a top power, and Qian Ning even has an ice phoenix Bloodline!"

"The Son of God has dragon blood in his body, if he and Qian condense into a dao companion, it can be said to be a match made in heaven!"

Feng Yuwan thought that Yang Chen looked down on their Feng family, so she hurriedly said.

But Yang Chen waved his hand.

"Feng senior, Bingfeng Bloodline, you also have it!"

"So, marriage doesn't necessarily have to be a married woman like Miss Qian Ning!"


Feng Yuwan was stunned for a moment.

Dai Mei frowned slightly:

"What does the Holy Son mean?"

Yang Chen turned around and looked at her beautiful eyes full of charm [the corners of the mouth curled up:

"Feng senior, what Junior means is that you are not married either!"

"So, why can't you come to the marriage?"

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