Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 83: True Dragon Essence! Li Hao Is Like A Dead Dog! (Seek · Subscribe)

Zhao Shirou's eyes were full of sorrow and regret.

"Brother Chen, it's all my fault!"

"I didn't expect Hao'er to be so insane!"

"He actually poisoned my mother!"

"All these years, I have been raising him as my own son!"

"But he did this to me!"

"If our child has an accident, I will not spare him!"

"Brother Chen, I, I'm sorry for you!"

Zhao Shirou's voice choked up, and tears gradually fell from the corners of her eyes.

Yang Chen caressed her face and wiped away her tears.

"Rou'er, don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen!"

"Wu Er, he is too extreme!"

"I didn't expect that he would poison your mother!"

"I overlooked it for a while, and I didn't check the chicken soup for you!"

Yang Chen spoke softly, soothing her.

[Ding, Li Hao poisoned his mother, Zhao Shirou, and Zhao Shirou felt resentful towards her, the relationship between mother and child was cracked, plundered the son of destiny Li Hao's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points!】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen was overjoyed.

Another two thousand points of villain value arrived.

Haoer, Haoer.

You really deserve to be a good son for your father.

"Brother Chen, I'm going to capture Hao'er back!"

"Force him to hand over the antidote!"

"This is our child, there can be no accidents!"

Zhao Shirou said at this time.

want to get up.

However, Yang Chen stopped her.

"Rou'er 077, you are the Nascent Soul Seventh Stage cultivator, and you are also the body of Xuanyin!"

"Even you can't do anything about this kind of poison, so it's definitely not a simple medicine!

"Hao'er is just a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he can find poison, but not necessarily an antidote!"

"Then, what should we do?"

Zhao Shirou suddenly panicked.

Feel the poison in the body getting closer and closer to the abdomen.

Zhao Shirou's voice choked up and said:

"This is our child!"

"If something happens, I, I don't want to live anymore!"

Yang Chen held her in his arms.

Said softly:

"Rou'er, there is no other way!"

"You forgot, I refined a dragon bone!"

"Outside the Northern Spirit Realm, there is a dragon clan, and it is the overlord of the monster clan!"

"According to the truth, the dragon's essence, from the rigidity to the yang, can detoxify all the poisons of yin and cold!"

"True Dragon Essence?"

Zhao Shirou was taken aback.

Then said:

"Brother Chen, do you have any on you?" (bedh)

Yang Chen nodded.

"The spine of a real dragon is the most important bone in the body of a real dragon. I have fused the spine, and my body has changed a lot!"

"Blood is starting to turn Gold!"

"Naturally, there is also true dragon essence!"

Zhao Shirou was overjoyed when she heard the words.

Hastily said:

"Then quickly give me your essence!"


The corner of Yang Chen's mouth curled up in amusement.

Patted Zhao Shirou on the head.

"Rou'er, let's go to your bedroom in Piandian!"

"Here, it would be bad if a palace lady came in suddenly!"

heard the words.

Even though Zhao Shirou was anxious in her heart, she also recalled it at this time.

The true dragon essence should belong to Brother Chen.

Immediately, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

Couldn't help giving Yang Chen a blank look.

But he still dragged him quickly into the side hall bedroom.

And at this time.

Li Hao left Zhao Shirou's palace and came directly to Tianyang Palace.

However, just entered the temple.

He just froze.


There is someone who dares to sit on the dragon chair that only he, the king of a country, can sit on.

"court death!"

Li Hao's complacent expression turned gloomy in an instant.

Dragon chair, which is a symbol of imperial power.

Represents the supreme power.

As the emperor.

The majesty of own is absolutely not allowed to be desecrated and provoked.

Dare to sit on the dragon chair.

Then Ling Chi will be executed and the nine clans will be exterminated.

"How dare you sit on my dragon chair!"

"I don't know if this is the crime of punishing the nine clans?"

"Get out of here!"

Li Hao shouted angrily.

The figure on the dragon chair is looking down at the memorial.

Li Hao didn't see his face clearly.

However, as he spoke, the other party looked up.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment.

"Li Jun?"

"You are so brave!"

"I have long seen that you have a heart of disobedience!"

"How dare you sit on my dragon chair privately, are you trying to rebel and usurp the throne?"

Li Hao shouted in a deep voice.

The voice is majestic and full of royal aura.

However, Jun's face was full of disdain.


"Li Hao, your strength is not strong, but your momentum is quite strong!"

"A mere Foundation Establishment, dare to yell in front of my Gold Core!"


"How dare you speak to me like that!"

"What courage!"

Li Hao was stunned for a moment.

His face was as gloomy as water.

Full of killing intent.

During the enthronement ceremony, Li Jun was respectful and respectful.

He even proposed to worship the queen mother.

He originally thought that after leaving, he had completely surrendered.

did not expect.

He has always been disobedient.

It's really hidden.

"How dare you?"

"Hmph, I've always been very courageous!"

Li Jun got up from the dragon chair and walked slowly in front of Li Hao.

"The position of the king itself is mine!"

"When the father is alive, he is going to be the crown prince!"

"If it weren't for your mother being the woman of Xuantian Shengzi, would you be able to become the king?"

"Hehe, I am really envious of that Son of Xuantian, after all, your mother is really beautiful, charming and enchanting, tsk tsk!"

"You are looking for death!"

Li Hao's eyes were full of killing intent.

I can't stand it any longer.

He punched Li Jun directly on the head.


His punch full of domineering aura.

But Li Jun took it easily.


True Qi is surging.

Li Wu was directly slapped by Li Jun, vomiting blood and flying away.

It fell heavily on the ground.


Another mouthful of blood was spat out.

The breath languished in an instant.

Paled face.

"How can it be?"

Li Hao couldn't believe it.

Li Jun laughed contemptuously:

"How is it impossible!"

"You are just a waste of Foundation Establishment Eighth Stage, if you can catch my Gold Core Fourth Stage without dying, it is enough to die!"

At this time.

Dozens of guards walked over quickly.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

The guards quickly drew their weapons and aimed at Li Jun.

"Get him for me!"

Li Hao roared.

The guards were about to start.

However, Li Jun stepped on Li Hao's face directly.

He stepped on the head that he had just raised, directly on the ground.


Li Hao roared.

want to break free.


The gap between Foundation Establishment Eighth Stage and Gold Core Fourth Stage cannot be bridged by Talent Bloodline.

At this moment, Li Jun's feet were like a mountain peak, pressing down on Li Hao, unable to move.

"This is your Majesty?"

"Under the prince's feet, he is like a dead dog!"

"Ha ha!"

"Li Hao, you really look like a dead dog now!"

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